
Terms for subject Microsoft containing losses | all forms
Competitor Win LossAcquisizioni e perdite rispetto ai concorrenti (A report in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM user interface that provides a table showing each competitor, the number of open opportunities and closed opportunities against each competitor, and the percentage and ratio of won and lost opportunities)
data loss tolerancetolleranza alla perdita dei dati (The maximum amount of data loss, measured in time, that is acceptable to business requirements)
foreseeable lossperdita prevedibile (An expected loss on a project that is treated as an expense transaction because it is likely that the total project cost will exceed the total project revenue or capitalization limit)
profit and loss accountconto profitti e perdite (A revenue or expense account whose balance will be transferred to a retained earnings account at the end of a fiscal year. Balances in profit and loss accounts determine the net income or net loss for the year)
profit and loss statementrendiconto profitti e perdite, conto economico (A report that summarizes a company's costs, expenses, and revenues for a specific accounting period)
profit and loss transactiontransazione profitti e perdite (A posted ledger transaction that is associated with a profit and loss account, revenue account, or cost account)
realized lossperdita realizzata (The decrease in the value of an asset calculated as the difference in the value of the asset when two economic events occur and when the difference is recognized on the occurrence of the second event as a reduction in wealth)
unrealized lossperdita non realizzata (The anticipated decrease in the value of an asset calculated as the difference in the value of the asset when two economic events occur and when the difference is recognized on the occurrence of the second event as an anticipated reduction in wealth)