
Terms containing long- term investments | all forms | in specified order only
econ.European long-term investment fundfondo di investimento europeo a lungo termine
fin., tax.fiscal system offering incentives to long-term investmentsistema fiscale che incoraggia gli impieghi a lungo termine
account.gain on disposal of investment not held on a long-term basisplusvalenze su realizzo valori mobiliari di investimento
market.income from investment not held on a long-term basisproventi da valori mobiliari
econ.long-term financing by direct investmentfinanziamento a lungo termine tramite investimenti diretti
econ.long-term investmentinvestimento a lungo termine
econ.long-term investment fundfondo di investimento europeo a lungo termine
fin.long-term investmentsinvestimenti a lungo termine
fin.long-term investments in bondsobbligazioni a lungo termine
fin.long-term investments in stocksrimanenze a lungo termine
market.long-term loans and investmentsimmobilizzazioni finanziarie
fin.other long-term investmentspartecipazioni investimenti a lungo termine in altre imprese