
Terms containing live | all forms | exact matches only
commun., ITaccess for live transmissionaccesso alle trasmissioni in diretta
nat.res., agric.Advisory Committee on the Common Organisation of the Agricultural Markets in Live Plants and floricultureComitato consultivo professionale concernente l'organizzazione comune dei mercati agricoli - piante vive e prodotti della floricoltura
health., agric., anim.husb.Agreement between the European Community and the United States of America on sanitary measures to protect public and animal health in trade in live animals and animal productsAccordo tra la Comunità europea e gli Stati Uniti d'America in merito a misure sanitarie applicabile agli scambi di animali vivi e di prodotti di origine animale
fin., agric.Agreement between the European Community and the United States of America on sanitary measures to protect public and animal health in trade in live animals and animal productsAccordo tra la Comunità europea e gli Stati Uniti d'America in merito a misure sanitarie di tutela della salute degli uomini e degli animali applicabili agli scambi di animali vivi e di prodotti di origine animale
agric.Agreement between the European Community and the United States of America on sanitary measures to protect public and animal health in trade in live animals and animal productsAccordo tra la Comunità europea e gli Stati Uniti d'America in merito a misure sanitarie applicabili agli scambi di animale vivi e di prodotti de origine animale
patents.agricultural, horticultural and forestry products, grains not included in other classes, living animals, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, live plants and natural flowers, animal foodstuffs and pet food, maltprodotti agricoli, orticoli, forestali e granaglie non compresi in altre classi, animali vivi, frutta e ortaggi freschi, sementi, piante e fiori naturali, alimenti per gli animali ed alimenti per gli animali da compagnia, malto
pharma.attenuated live vaccinevaccino vivo
pharma.attenuated live vaccinevaccino attenuato
interntl.trade., agric.bovine meat and live animalscarni bovine e animali vivi della specie bovina
comp., MSCalendar live tileriquadro animato del calendario (A tile that updates dynamically to show upcoming calendar items directly from the Calendar)
nucl.phys.disposal for long-lived wastesmaltimento dei rifiuti a vita lunga
gen.exchange of both live and recorded radio and television programmesscambio di programmi radiotelevisivi sia in diretta sia registrati
transp., el.exposed live partparte in tensione esposta
gen.firing range using live roundscampo di esercitazioni di tiro
gen.fish, livepesci vivi
agric.food and live animalsprodotti alimentari e animali vivi
nat.sc.fresh-water organisms live in a hypotonic environmentgli organismi dulciacquicoli vivono in un ambiente ipotonico
fish.farm.gatherer of live bivalve molluscsproduttore
el.mach.hazardous-live-partparte attiva pericolosa
agric.inspection of live animalsispezione delle animali vivi
health.isolated live culturecoltura viva isolata
tech.live ammunitionmunizioni cariche
gen.live ammunitionmunizioni attive
econ.live animalanimale vivo
med.live animalsanimali vivi
patents.live animals, birds and fishanimali vivi, uccelli e pesci
agric.live animals of the bovine speciesanimali vivi della specie bovina
agric.live animals other than animals of division 03animali vivi diversi da quelli della divisione 03
pharma.live attenuated vaccinevaccino vivo
pharma.live attenuated vaccinevaccino attenuato
med.live attenuated virusvirus vivo attenuato
pharma.live attenuated virus vaccinevaccino di virus vivi attenuati
agric.live baitesca vivente
agric.live baitesca viva
fish.farm.live bait fishingpesca con esche vive
fish.farm.live-bait fishingpesca con esche vive
fish.farm.live bait fishingpesca all'esca viva
fish.farm.live-bait gearpesca con esche vive
fish.farm.live-bait gearpesca all'esca viva
gen.live ballastzavorra mobile
patents.live band performancesspettacoli di gruppi musicali dal vivo
med.live bearingviviparo
environ.live bird used as a decoyuccello vivo usato come richiamo
econ.live birthnato vivo
med.live birthsnati vivi
stat.live-born childnato vivo
commun.live broadcastripresa diretta
radiolive broadcastprogramma in diretta
life.sc., construct.live-brush check damsoglia vivente
life.sc., construct.live brush gully pluggingrivestimento vegetale dei burroni torrentizi
agric., construct.live brush mattresscopertura diffusa con ramaglia viva
agric., construct.live brush mattresscopertura diffusa
agric.live burningdistruzione immediata col fuoco
agric.live burningabbruciamento immediato
market.live campaigncampagna di pubblicità diretta
earth.sc., construct.live capacitycapacità utile
life.sc.live carriervettore vivo
med.live cattleanimali vivi
mech.eng.live centrecontropunta girevole
mech.eng.live centrepunta girevole del mandrino
mech.eng.live centrepunta girevole
el., sec.sys.live cleaning equipmentapparecchiatura per lavaggio sotto tensione
agric., tech.live crown ratioprofondità relativa della chioma
agric., tech.live crown ratiolunghezza relativa della chioma
nat.res.live decoyesca vivente
comp., MSlive effecteffetto dinamico (" A filter that changes the appearance of objects (e.g. vectors, texts, or bitmapped objects) depending on the effect type chosen. It is referred to as "live" effect, because it does not degrade the original object, i.e. the effect settings can always be changed or the effect can be removed again.")
earth.sc.live endpannello di riflessione sonora
patents.live entertainment servicesservizi per eventi ricreativi dal vivo
gen.live exerciseesercitazione reale
comp., MSlive exportesportazione live (The process of exporting a virtual machine and its snapshots while the virtual machine is running)
agric.live fish transporternave per trasporto di pesce vivo
transp.live-fish wagoncarro-vivaio
comp., MSLive Iconicona dinamica (A scalable thumbnail used throughout Windows Vista that allows users to see the first page of documents, the actual image of a photo, or the album art for individual songs in a music collection)
nat.sc., agric.live knotnodo aderente
lab.law.live laborlavoro effettivo
lab.law.live laborlavoro attivo
lab.law.live labourlavoro effettivo
lab.law.live labourlavoro attivo
comp., MSlive layoutlayout dinamico (A layout that is updated in real time as an object on the page is moved, resized, or rotated, enabling the user to preview the end result before the action is completed)
earth.sc., tech.live line testerrivelatore di tensione
earth.sc., tech.live line testerindicatore di tensione
life.sc., construct.live loadcarico vivo
life.sc., construct.live loadcarico accidentale
tech.live loadcarico utile
transp., construct.live loadpeso mobile
construct.live loadsovraccarico
tech.live loadcarico dinamico
construct.live loadcarico mobile
construct.live loadportata per carichi mobili
construct.live loadcarico non permanente
construct.live load of a bridgecarico mobile di un ponte
construct.live load of a bridgesovraccarico di un ponte
construct.live load of a bridgecarico dinamico di un ponte
life.sc., construct.live loadingcarico accidentale
life.sc., construct.live loadingcarico vivo
commun.live mattercomposizione conservata
comp., MSLive Meeting administratoramministratore Live Meeting (A person who assigns user accounts and manages the Live Meeting service for an organization)
comp., MSLive Meeting consoleconsole Live Meeting (The array of windows and tools that display on each participant's web browser when a Live Meeting session is in progress)
comp., MSLive Meeting intranet portalportale Intranet Live Meeting (A site on an intranet for creating and joining Live Meetings and that can be used as an option to a Web-based Live Meeting conference center)
comp., MSLive Meeting ManagerGestione Live Meeting (A Web-based tool that is used to access and manage meetings and recordings, join meetings, and change Live Meeting user preferences)
comp., MSLive Meeting sessionsessione Live Meeting (A meeting that is conducted by using Live Meeting, whether a scheduled meeting or a Meet Now meeting)
comp., MSlive migrationmigrazione in tempo reale (The process of moving a running virtual machine from one physical computer to another without noticeable downtime)
pharma.live modified vaccinevaccino vivo modificato
forestr.live oakelcio (Quercus ilex, Quercus virginiana)
forestr.live oakleccio (Quercus ilex, Quercus virginiana)
forestr.live oakelce (Quercus ilex, Quercus virginiana)
agric., chem.live oilolio greggio
met.live oilolio ricco di gas
insur.to live on topbeneficiare di un regime pensionistico complementare
nat.sc.live organismorganismo vivo
transp., el., construct.live partparte attiva
mech.eng.live part of the batteryparte sotto tensione della batteria
arts.live performancespettacolo dal vivo
patents.live performancesspettacoli dal vivo
el.live pinspinotto attivo
nat.res., agric.live plantpianta viva
patents.live plantspiante naturali
patents.live plants and flowerspiante e fiori vivi
econ.live poultrypollame vivo
agric.live poultryvolatili vivi
agric.live poultry forwardingspedizione di pollame vivo
mech.eng.live power take-offpresa di potenza indipendente
mech.eng.live power take-offpresa di potenza continua
comp., MSLive PreviewAnteprima dinamica (A feature that allows you to preview the appearance of a formatting option or command before actually applying it to selected text or objects)
transp.live railrotaia d'alimentazione
transp., energ.ind.live railterza rotaia
transp., energ.ind.live railrotaia conduttrice
mech.eng.live rear axleponte posteriore
comp., MSlive regionarea dinamica (A perceivable region of a webpage that is typically updated as a result of an external event when user focus may be elsewhere)
met.live rollerrullo automotora
mater.sc.live roller rodsupporto a rulli mobile
mater.sc.live roller rodsupporto a rulli in movimento
mater.sc.live roller supportsupporto a rulli mobile
mater.sc.live roller supportsupporto a rulli in movimento
industr., construct., mech.eng.live rollersrulli di avanzamento
met.live rolling millpiano a rulli comandato
industr., construct., mech.eng.live rollsrulli di avanzamento
nat.sc., construct.live roomcamera a riflessione di suono
nat.sc., construct.live roomcamera riverberante
el., acoust.live roomcamera semiriverberante
agric., industr., construct.live-sawntangenziale
agric., industr., construct.live-sawnsegato sul lato
agric.live seedling plantpianta da trapiantare
comp., MSLive Servicesservizi Live (A portfolio of Microsoft products, specifically adCenter, Office Live, Windows Live)
comp., MSlive sessionsessione di condivisione (A session in which multiple users can work together and see each other's changes immediately)
comp., MSLive Sharing SessionSessione di condivisione attiva (A session in which multiple users can work together and see each other's changes immediately)
mech.eng.live-steam injectoriniettore a vapore vivo
mech.eng.live-steam reheatingRiscaldamento successivo con nuovo vapore
lawlive stock insuranceassicurazione contro la mortalità del bestiame
earth.sc., construct.live storagecapacità utile
construct.live storagevolume utile
med., health., anim.husb.live strain vaccinevaccino vivo con ceppo
commun.live studiostudio riverberante
agric.live swineanimali vivi della specie suina
transp., agric.live tankvivaio
PSPlive tank circuit-breakerinterruttore con involucro in tensione
agric.live terminalterminale di rete
agric.live terminal and fence wiremorsetto del cavo di recinzione
transp., tech.live testingprova al vero
lawto live together as man and wifeconcubinato
lawto live together as man and wifeconcubinaggio
commun.live traffictraffico reale
transp., mater.sc.live twistsvergolamento dinamico effettivo
pharma.live vaccinevaccino vivo
pharma.live vaccinevaccino attenuato
health., pharma., life.sc.live vaccinesvaccino vivo
gen.live virus vectorvettore del virus vivo
med.live voice testaudiometria vocale diretta
med.live voice testaudiometria vocale non registrata
med.live voice testaudiometria per via diretta
earth.sc., tech.live voltage detectorrivelatore di tensione
earth.sc., tech.live voltage detectorindicatore di tensione
comp., MSLive websito Web live (A web site that has been published to a Web server and can be browsed by site visitors. Editing a live web with FrontPage lets site visitors immediately see all page updates and changes every time the page is saved)
transp.live weightpeso utile
agric.live weightpeso vivo
anim.husb.live weight gainaumento del peso vivo
transp., agric.live wellvivaio
el.live wirefilo conduttore
el.live wireconduttore elettrico
lawto live with a womanconvivere con una donna
lawto live with a womancoabitare con una donna
el., sec.sys.live worklavoro sotto tensione
el.live workinglavoro sotto tensione
el., sec.sys.live working zonezona di lavoro sotto tensione
nucl.phys.long-lived alpha emitteremettitore alfa a lunga vita
fin.long-lived assetsattività con elevata durata finanziaria
econ., fin.long-lived capital goodsbeni strumentali di lunga durata
environ.long-lived catalyst supportsupporto catalitico di lunga durata
environ.long-lived effluenteffluente a lunga durata di vita
nucl.pow.long-lived elementelemento a vita lunga
nucl.phys.long-lived nuclear wasterifiuti radioattivi a vita lunga
nucl.phys.long-lived nuclear wasteresidui radioattivi a vita lunga
nucl.phys.long-lived radioactive wasterifiuti radioattivi a vita lunga
nat.sc.long-lived radioisotoperadioisotopo a lungo periodo radioattivo
gen.Management Committee for Live PlantsComitato di gestione per le piante vive e i prodotti della floricoltura
agric.Management Committee of the Common Organization of the Agricultural Market in Live Plants and floricultureComitato di gestione per l'organizzazione comune dei mercati agricoli - piante vive e floricoltura
met., construct.maximum deflection under the action of live loadsfreccia massima sotto l'azione dei sovvraccarichi
patents.meat, fish, poultry and game, none being livecarne, pesce, pollame e selvaggina, non vivi
comp., MSMicrosoft LivePortale di gestione dei servizi Microsoft Live
comp., MSMicrosoft Office LiveMicrosoft® Office Live (A Microsoft set of business productivity services that provides a secure online workspace for organizing and managing information and a complete set of tools that integrate with existing Microsoft Office programs)
comp., MSMicrosoft Office Outlook LiveMicrosoft® Office Outlook® Live (A family of Microsoft subscription e-mail services that integrate a Microsoft Office Outlook mail client with MSN Hotmail service)
pharma.modified live vaccinevaccino vivo modificato
med., health., anim.husb.modified live-virus vaccinevaccino a virus vivo modificato
life.sc.non-live carriervettore ucciso
patents.organization of live performancesorganizzazione di spettacoli al vivo
patents.organization, production and presentation of liveorganizzazione, produzione e rappresentazione di spettacoli dal vivo
comp., MSOutlook Live Management Agentagente di gestione di Outlook Live (The Microsoft Identity Lifecycle Manager (ILM) 2007 management agent provided by Microsoft to connect to Outlook Live. It is an ILM component that consists of properties, rules, and rules extensions that determine how an object is processed)
med.poliovirus vaccine live oralOPV
med.poliovirus vaccine live oralvaccino di Sabin
med.poliovirus vaccine live oralvaccino orale vivo di poliovirus
gen.poultry, livepollame animali vivi
comp., MSpowered by Windows LivePowered by Windows Live (Pertaining to a process, tool, etc. that is enabled by Windows Live)
gen.presentation of live performancesrappresentazione di spettacoli
patents.presentation of live performancesspettacoli dal vivo
fin.price which is "live weight excluding tax"prezzo "peso vivo, tasse escluse"
patents.production of films and live entertainment featuresproduzione di film e spettacoli d’intrattenimento dal vivo
patents.production of live entertainmentproduzione di eventi ricreativi dal vivo
patents.production of live entertainment featuresproduzione di spettacoli d’intrattenimento dal vivo
patents.provision of multimedia entertainment and/or live entertainment and showsservizi di divertimento multimediale e/o di divertimento e spettacoli dal vivo
nat.sc., agric.pure live seedseme puro vivo
earth.sc.radioisotopes with relatively long half-livesradioisotopi a semi-periodo piuttosto lungo
med.radionuclides with short mean livesradionuclidi a vita media breve
med., health., anim.husb.recombinant live vaccinevaccino vivo ricombinante
med., health., anim.husb.recombinant live vector vaccinevaccino vivo ricombinante
commun., ITright for live transmissiondiritto per la trasmissione in diretta
health., agric., anim.husb.sanitary measure applicable to trade in live animals and animal productsmisura sanitaria applicabile agli scambi di animali vivi e di prodotti di origine animale
load.equip.semi-live skidpiattaforma a ruote e pattini
patents.services relating to cinema and to television entertainment, and to live entertainment performances and showsservizi riguardanti il divertimento cinematografico, il divertimento televisivo e gli spettacoli di divertimento dal vivo
comp., MSSomeone on Windows LiveQualcuno in Windows Live (The display name UI label used when there isn't a display name value available, as when data can't be retrieved or someone hasn't completely filled out their profile)
forestr.southern live oakelce (Quercus ilex, Quercus virginiana)
forestr.southern live oakleccio (Quercus ilex, Quercus virginiana)
forestr.southern live oakelcio (Quercus ilex, Quercus virginiana)
tax., agric.specific levy in respect of live bovine animalsprelievo specifico per i bovini vivi
comp., MSStart Microsoft Office Live MeetingAvvia Microsoft Office Live Meeting (The button on the main Communicator window that starts the Microsoft Office Live Meeting program)
comp., MSStart Microsoft Office Live Meeting...Avvia Microsoft Office Live Meeting... (The item on the Actions menu that starts a Live Meeting session with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
gen.Subgroup on Live Game including birdsSottogruppo " Selvaggina viva inclusa la selvaggina da penna "
gen.Subgroup on Live Poultry including day-old chicks and Eggs for HatchingSottogruppo " Volatili vivi ivi compresi i pulcini di un giorno e uova da cova"
agric.system for transporting live chickenssistema di trasporto di polli vivi
agric.tapping of live conifersincisione delle conifere vive
comp., MSTest Mode/Live ModeModalità Test/Modalità attiva (The modes on the Accounts page for a custom spam filter policy rule to run in. A rule can be run in test mode to monitor what would happen if rule were deployed, or in live mode, where the rule is actually deployed)
el., meas.inst.transducer with live zerotrasduttore con lo zero traslato
transp.van equipped for the transport of live fishcarro vivaio
transp.van equipped for the transport of live poultry by railwaycarro a stia
comp., MSVOIP-enabled Live Meeting trial conference center sessionsessione di Live Meeting su VOIP tramite centro conferenze con account di prova (A Live Meeting session conducted using VoIP to transmit data and conducted on a Live Meeting conference center accessed with a trial account)
comp., MSWindows Live accountaccount Windows Live (Private information that a customer provides to establish their Windows Live ID. This information is separate from the customer's (outward-facing) profile and is never shared without explicit consent)
comp., MSWindows Live AgentsAgenti di Windows Live (The developer platform for building agents (helper bots) for Windows Live Messenger)
comp., MSWindows Live buttonpulsante Windows Live (A graphical navigational element that links to the user's Windows Live home page)
comp., MSWindows Live CalendarCalendario di Windows Live (The Windows Live service that lets people and groups add, manage, and share event information)
comp., MSWindows Live Contacts APIAPI Windows Live Contacts (The API that defines a set of web services which can programmatically access the Windows Live Contacts Address Book database)
comp., MSWindows Live DevicesWindows Live Dispositivi (The website where customers add computers (both PCs and Macs), mobile phones, and digital photo frames so they can access their synced folders and connect remotely to their devices)
comp., MSWindows Live EventsWindows Live Eventi (The Windows Live service for event planning and invitations)
comp., MSWindows Live for mobileWindows Live Mobile (The set of Windows Live services available for use on mobile devices)
comp., MSWindows Live for Windows MobileWindows Live per Windows Mobile (The set of Windows Live services optimized for use on mobile devices running Windows Mobile)
comp., MSWindows Live GroupsWindows Live Gruppi (The web service where users can share their thoughts, photographs, and interests with all members of a group. Members all contribute to a group profile, and can post blog entries, photos, and other items, just as they can to an individual profile)
comp., MSWindows Live OneCare for ServerLive OneCare per Server (The OneCare software designed to run on supported servers)
comp., MSWindows Live OneCare safety scannerWindows Live OneCare Safety scanner (The free online on-demand tool that conducts three types of scans: the protection scan checks for and removes things like viruses and malware; the clean-up scan checks the hard disk for unnecessary files and helps users decide which ones they can safely remove, and also clears the computer's registry of orphaned data; the tune-up scan helps improve the computer's performance by defragmenting the hard disk)
comp., MSWindows Live Photo GalleryRaccolta foto di Windows Live (A desktop app that enables users to view, manage, edit, and share photos and videos)
comp., MSWindows Live ProfileProfilo Windows Live (The descriptive information about a user that is shown to other users. This editable information is separate from the registration information they provide to establish their Windows Live account. This separation allows users to disclose or conceal personal information as they choose)
comp., MSWindows Live Sign-in AssistantAssistente per l'accesso a Windows Live (The helper program that can store sign-in information for multiple Windows Live IDs)
comp., MSWindows Live SMS servicesservizi SMS di Windows Live (An SMS-based service that lets users complete various Windows Live tasks by sending, receiving, and replying to SMS messages)