
Terms for subject Microsoft containing list | all forms | exact matches only
access control listelenco di controllo di accesso (In Windows-based systems, a list of access control entries (ACE) that apply to an entire object, a set of the object's properties, or an individual property of an object, and that define the access granted to one or more security principals)
action listelenco di azioni (The list that appears when you click the arrow in the Action column of the Macro object tab)
Add to Contacts ListAggiungi all'elenco contatti (An item on the shortcut menu that adds a selected person to the user's Contacts list)
address listelenco indirizzi (A collection of recipient and other Active Directory objects. Each address list can contain one or more types of objects (for example, users, contacts, groups, public folders, conferencing, and other resources))
advanced listelenco avanzato (A type of list task page where the primary action is selecting an entity from the list. Users access the advanced list through the Advanced link on the dropdown list. If the user cannot find the information they need on the simple drop-down list, they may choose to view the more complete advanced list where they can view all the fields for a particular entity)
Allow listelenco Consenti, Contatti autorizzati, elenco indirizzi consentiti (A list of users, accounts, Web sites, etc. that are permitted to perform certain actions on a network)
allow listelenco Consenti, contatti autorizzati (A list of users, accounts, Web sites, etc. that are permitted to perform certain actions on a network)
alternate listelenco delle alternative (A list of alternate words that you can use to correct recognition errors on the writing pad)
Attendee/Recipient ListElenco partecipanti/destinatari (A special control that shows pictures, names and titles of people who are attending a meeting, or who are the recipients of an e-mail message)
Basic Block ListElenco a blocchi (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. Maximizes both horizontal and vertical display space for shapes)
Bending Picture Accent ListImmagini circolari in basso (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. The small circular shapes are designed to contain pictures. Works well for illustrating both Level 1 and Level 2 text. Maximizes both horizontal and vertical display space for shapes)
block listcontatti bloccati (A list of users, accounts, Web sites etc. that are prevented from performing certain actions on a network)
Block listContatti bloccati, elenco Blocca (A list of users, accounts, Web sites etc. that are prevented from performing certain actions on a network)
Block Programs ListElenco programmi bloccati (Tab on the User Settings tool used to block a given user from accessing listed programs)
Blocked Encodings Listelenco codifiche bloccate (A list that allows you to block a language encoding or character set in order to filter out unwanted international e-mail messages that display in a language you don't understand)
Blocked Senders Listelenco mittenti bloccati (A list of domain names and e-mail addresses that are treated as junk e-mail and are blocked unless the sender is on the Safe Senders List or the recipient is on the Safe Recipients List)
Blocked Top-Level Domain Listelenco domini di primo livello bloccati (A list that allows you to block top-level domain names. Blocking country/region top-level domains allows you to filter unwanted e-mail messages you receive from specific countries or regions)
buddy listBuddy List (A list of people, groups, or organizations with whom you communicate)
bulleted listelenco puntato (A list in which each item or block of text is preceded by a bullet)
certificate revocation listelenco di revoche di certificati (A document maintained and published by a certification authority that lists certificates that have been revoked)
certificate revocation list distribution pointpunto di distribuzione dell'elenco di revoche di certificati (A certificate extension that indicates where the certificate revocation list for a CA can be retrieved. It can contain none, one, or many HTTP, file, or LDAP URLs)
certificate trust listelenco scopi consentiti ai certificati (A signed list of root certification authority certificates that an administrator considers reputable for designated purposes, such as client authentication or secure e-mail)
Chevron ListElenco frecce (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show a progression through several processes that make up an overall workflow. Also works for illustrating contrasting processes. The Level 1 text corresponds to the first arrow shape on the left, while the Level 2 text corresponds to horizontal sub-steps for each shape that contains Level 1 text)
code listelenco codici (A set of abbreviation/explanation pairs that are used as a design-time aid to providing sets of XML Schema Definition language (XSD) enumeration values)
compression exclusion listelenco di esclusione dalla compressione (A list of files that are not compressed when capturing an image using ImageX. Some files do not shrink in size when compressed. When capturing an image, you can identify these files to ImageX to save time. These files will still be captured, but ImageX will not attempt to compress them)
contact listelenco contatti (A list of people, groups, or organizations with whom you communicate)
Contacts listelenco Contatti (A list of people, groups, or organizations with whom you communicate)
Continuous Picture ListElenco immagini continuo (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show groups of interconnected information. The circular shapes are designed to contain pictures)
Custom Animation listelenco animazioni personalizzate (The list of animation sequences for a slide. Items are listed in the order in which they are added, and include icons that indicate timing in relation to other animation events)
Daily Task ListElenco attività del giorno (" The name of a pane at the bottom of the Calendar module where tasks are displayed. Tasks that are completed on a particular day "stick" to the day and are shown as a record of what work was performed on that day. Tasks not completed roll over to the next day and accumulate until completed.")
discount listelenco sconti (A group of price reductions that can be applied to a product based on volume purchased)
discretionary access control listelenco di controllo di accesso discrezionale (An access control list that is controlled by the owner of an object and that specifies the access particular users or groups can have to the object)
distribution listelenco di distribuzione (A logical grouping of send ports. When a message is sent to a send port group, it is routed to all of the associated send ports)
distribution listlista di distribuzione (A collection of users, computers, contacts, and other groups that is used only for e-mail distribution, and addressed as a single recipient)
Do Listelenco azioni
-do listelenco attività
drop-down listelenco a discesa (A list that can be opened to reveal all choices for a given field)
drop-down list boxelenco a discesa (A control on a menu, toolbar, dialog box, or data access page that displays a list of options when you click the small arrow next to the list box)
Edit Field Value ListsModifica elenchi valori campi (A list, accessed on the Business Contact Manager menu, in which the user can manage the format and content of user-defined field values)
Error ListElenco errori (A window that helps you speed application development by displaying errors, warnings and messages produced as you edit and compile code)
EU sales listelenco vendite UE (A value-added tax (VAT) report required in EU member countries. The EU sales list reports the value of goods that were sold to VAT-registered customers in other EU member countries)
exclusion listelenco di esclusione (A set of files or processes that will be factored out from a certain command)
extended-selection list boxcasella di riepilogo a selezione estesa (A list box that supports multiple selection, but is optimized for a selection of a single object or single range. See also extended selection and list box)
External Data Related ListElenco di dati esterni correlati (A Web Part that displays a list of related external items from a business application)
External Data Related List Web PartWeb part Elenco di dati esterni correlati (A Web Part that displays a list of related external items from a business application)
external listelenco esterno (A Windows SharePoint Services or SharePoint Server list from an external content type)
external list deploymentdistribuzione di elenchi esterni (Automated deployment of a simple solution for BCS, using ClickOnce technology. An example would be taking an external list offline to Outlook or SharePoint Workspace)
Field List paneRiquadro Elenco campi (A pane that lists all the fields in the underlying record source or database object)
file listelenco file (The list of files in the current project, located in the file pane of Visual SourceSafe Explorer)
flat listelenco semplice (A result set in which any member hierarchies are ignored and all members are presented as equal. Regardless of how the members are presented however, hierarchical information is always maintained in the member metadata)
Folder ListElenco cartelle (A menu option that displays the folders available in your mailbox)
friends listelenco degli amici (A list of people, invited by the user, that includes the display picture, notes, and tags for each friend)
generic type parameter listelenco dei parametri di tipo generico (The list of generic type parameters of a generic type or method, specified as part of the definition of the generic type or generic method)
global address listelenco indirizzi globale (An Address Book that contains entries for every group, user, and contact within an organization's implementation of Exchange Server)
global address list synchronizationsincronizzazione elenco indirizzi globale (The process of synchronizing the global address list from one Exchange deployment with another)
Grouped ListElenco raggruppato (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show groups and sub-groups of information, or steps and sub-steps in a task, process, or workflow. Level 1 text corresponds to the top-level horizontal shapes, and Level 2 text corresponds to vertical sub-steps under each related top-level shape. Works well for emphasizing sub-groups or sub-steps, hierarchical information, or multiple lists of information)
Hierarchy ListGerarchico ad elenco (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show hierarchical relationships progressing across groups. Can also be used to group or list information)
History listelenco della cronologia (A list of the last 10 files you jumped to in the current program session using hyperlinks)
homework listelenco fonti senza restrizioni (A list of apps and websites of any type that a parent chooses which a child can use at any time and for as long as necessary outside of curfew hours)
Horizontal Bullet ListElenco punti orizzontale (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show non-sequential or grouped lists of information. Works well with large amounts of text. All text has the same level of emphasis, and direction is not implied)
Horizontal Picture ListElenco immagini orizzontale (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show non-sequential or grouped information with an emphasis on related pictures. The top shapes are designed to contain pictures)
IP allow listelenco IP consentiti (" A list of IP addresses that are considered "safe" by an authority. IP addresses in this list are allowed access to a given resource or web service and are thereby excluded from further processing of access control policies that would otherwise be used to determine the validity of that clients request for access. For example, an IP allow list can be used to exclude a trusted set of clients from needing to use a second-factor of authentication to sign in to a web service, while other clients that are not in the list would have no other choice but to provide a second-factor method to be successfully authenticated.")
IP Allow listelenco indirizzi IP consentiti (" A filtering list that is used by the Connection Filter agent in Exchange Server 2007. IP addresses on the IP Allow list are considered "safe" and are exempted from processing by other anti-spam agents.")
IP Allow List providerprovider elenco indirizzi IP consentiti (" In Exchange Server 2007, the feature that the Exchange administrator configures to enable functionality provided by IP Allow List Provider services that compile lists of IP addresses that are known not to have sent spam in the past. The Connection Filter agent queries the service to determine if a given IP address is "safe.")
IP Allow List provider configurationconfigurazione elenco indirizzi IP consentiti (Configuration that is used by the Connection Filter agent to query an IP Allow List provider)
IP Allow List provider serviceservizio elenco indirizzi IP consentiti (A business that compiles and distributes lists of IP addresses that are known not to have sent spam in the past)
IP Block listelenco indirizzi IP bloccati (A filtering list that is used by the Connection Filter agent in Exchange Server 2007. IP addresses on the IP Block list are considered spam. Messages originating from an IP address that is on the IP Block list are stopped from entering the Exchange organization)
IP Block List providerprovider elenco indirizzi IP bloccati (In Exchange Server 2007, the feature that the Exchange administrator configures to enable functionality provided by IP Block List Provider services that compile lists of IP addresses from which spam has originated in the past)
IP Block List provider configurationconfigurazione provider elenco indirizzi IP bloccati (The configuration that is used by the Connection Filter agent to query an IP Block List provider)
IP Block List provider serviceservizio provider elenco indirizzi IP bloccati (The business that compiles and distributes lists of IP addresses from which spam has originated in the past)
item identifier listelenco di identificatori di elementi (An ordered sequence of one or more item identifiers. Each item in the list corresponds to a namespace object)
Joint List ViewVista Elenchi combinati (A feature that allows a view to be created from multiple lists of stored data)
list boxcasella di riepilogo (A control in Windows that enables the user to choose one option from a list of possibilities)
List Builder Subscriberiscritto a List Builder (An individual who has indicated his or her desire to be on a mailing list)
list controlelenco (A control on a form, that repeats as needed, into which users can enter text. The control can be formatted as a bulleted, numbered, or plain list)
list framecornice dell'elenco (A border that outlines the list that is maintained by the List Manager)
list indexindice di elenco (The sequence of numbers for items in a list, starting with 0 for the first item, 1 for the second item, and so forth)
list itemelemento elenco (" An option that constrains the values that users can enter for a specific list. For example, "Redmond" might be a list item for "Location.")
list placearea elenco (A navigation place that contains a list in the content area and where the user can search, filter, select and perform actions on multiple entities)
List PublisherPubblicazione elenco (A module used to publish a Business Applications or Contact Manager list onto your public-facing Web site and to design its layout. Changes to the list are automatically displayed on the public Web page)
List RelationshipsElenco relazioni (A feature that supports referential integrity between two lists via the lookup field)
list separatorseparatore di elenco (A character that separates items in a list)
list-separator charactercarattere separatore di elenco (A character, usually a comma or semicolon, that separates elements in a list)
list sheetfoglio di elenco (A worksheet that is dedicated to a single list, which is maintained by the List Manager)
List viewVisualizzazione elenco (A UI element that enables a user to display Works tasks in list format)
mailing listlista di distribuzione (A list of names and e-mail addresses that are grouped under a single name. When a user places the name of the mailing list in a mail client's To: field, the client sends the message to the machine where the mailing list resides, and that machine automatically sends the message to all the addresses on the list (possibly allowing a moderator to edit it first))
Mailing List ManagerGestore liste di distribuzione (A feature that allows a user to organize and control mails from the mailing lists that they may have joined)
Managed Computers listelenco Computer gestiti (A list of computers matching the Managed Computer rule for an Agent Manager)
marketing listelenco marketing (A group of accounts contacts or leads who are identified through their demographics as people or businesses who might be the most receptive to a campaign. For example to introduce a new product you can create a marketing list of accounts that have previously purchased similar products and send them brochures about the new product)
Master Category ListElenco categorie principali (The list of categories that you can use to group items or to find items. This list contains general categories such as Business, Personal, and Phone Calls. You can add categories to and delete categories from this list)
message listelenco dei messaggi (The middle part of the main Outlook window that displays the contents of the selected folder)
MFU listElenco programmi di uso più frequente (A list of applications that the end user has recently used or uses frequently)
Most Frequently Used ListElenco programmi di uso più frequente (A list of applications that the end user has recently used or uses frequently)
multiple-selection list boxcasella di riepilogo a selezione multipla (A list box that is optimized for making multiple, independent selections)
numbered listelenco numerato (A list in which each item or block of text is preceded by a number)
opt-out listelenco di annullamento sottoscrizione (A list of users who have chosen to opt-out of a mailing list)
outline numbered liststruttura elenco numerato (A list created to apply a hierarchical structure to any list or document. A document can have up to nine levels, and Microsoft Office Word does not apply built-in heading styles to the items in the list)
participant listelenco partecipanti (In a conversation window, this is the list of people who are currently participating in the conversation)
percent of listpercentuale del prezzo di listino (A pricing method that determines the unit price of the product as a percent of the price that was entered in the List Price field on the Product form)
PerformancePoint Content ListElenco del contenuto di PerformancePoint (A list that stores the elements that are used to construct a PerformancePoint dashboard)
permissions listelenco delle autorizzazioni (A list in the Options dialog box, on the Privacy tab, that displays the people or domains for which the user has set permissions)
phrase listelenco frasi (" A list of possible values for a particular Input Scope to enhance voice/handwritten recognition. For example, if you're sure the textbox only has months represented numerically, you can include "6" or "12" in the phrase list, so that the handwritten numbers are not misinterpreted as "G" or "IZ", respectively.")
picking listlista prelievo (A list of the items, along with their quantities and locations, that are required to fill a manufacturing order or shipping order)
picking listdistinta di prelievo (A list of the items, along with their quantities and locations, that are required to fill a manufacturing order or shipping order)
Picture Accent ListElenco immagini in evidenza (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show grouped or related information. The small shapes on the upper corners are designed to contain pictures. Emphasizes Level 2 text over Level 1 text, and is a good choice for large amounts of Level 2 text)
Picture Caption ListElenco didascalie immagini (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. The top shapes are designed to contain pictures and pictures are emphasized over text. Works well for pictures with short text captions)
Pin this listAggiungi elemento (To fix a list in a given area of the UI, so it is always accessible in that area)
PivotTable listelenco tabella pivot (A Microsoft Office Web Component that allows you to create a structure similar to an Excel PivotTable report. Users can view the PivotTable list in a Web browser and change its layout in a manner similar to an Excel PivotTable report)
price listlistino prezzi (A compilation of the specific prices that can be charged for each unit in the unit group of a product)
price listlistino prezzi (A compilation of the specific prices that can be charged for each unit in the unit group of a product)
price list itemvoce di listino (The individual elements that represent the product and properties that compose a price list)
Process ListElenco processo (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show multiple groups of information or steps and sub-steps in a task, process, or workflow. Level 1 text corresponds to the top horizontal shapes, and Level 2 text corresponds to vertical sub-steps under each related top-level shape)
Product and Service Items listElenco prodotti/servizi (A tabulation of goods and services that one purchases or sells, or offers for purchase or sale)
publication access listelenco di accesso alla pubblicazione (The primary mechanism for securing the Publisher. It contains a list of logins, accounts, and groups that are granted access to the publication)
Pyramid ListElenco piramide (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show proportional, interconnected, or hierarchical relationships. Text appears in the rectangular shapes on top of the pyramid background)
Radial ListElenco radiale (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show relationships to a central idea in a cycle. The center shape can contain a picture. Level 1 text appears in the smaller circles and any related Level 2 text appears to the side of the smaller circles)
Reading ListElenco di lettura (The app where users can save links to content (such as articles or videos) and then quickly return to them later)
real-time block listelenco indirizzi bloccati in tempo reale (A dynamic list that is maintained inside an organization or by a remote third-party organization that contains a list of known unsolicited e-mail sources. The receiving mail server may refuse connections from addresses that are on a RBL)
real-time block list serviceservizio elenco indirizzi bloccati in tempo reale (The business that compiles and distributes lists of IP addresses from which spam has originated in the past)
Recipient Block listelenco destinatari bloccati (An administrator-defined list of recipients for which mail coming in from the Internet should never be accepted)
recipient listelenco destinatari (A file that contains the unique information for each data-merged document)
Remove from Contact ListRimuovi dall'elenco contatti (An item on a contact's context menu to remove a contact from the contact list)
resource listelenco delle risorse (The resources that are available for assignments to tasks. The resource list may be stored in a single project file or shared with a resource pool)
results listelenco risultati (The table or grid in the UI that displays the list of results from a work item query)
safe list collectionraccolta elenchi indirizzi attendibili (The combined data from an Office Outlook user's Safe Senders List, Safe Recipients List, Blocked Senders List, and external contacts, that is stored in Outlook and in the Exchange mailbox)
Safe Recipients Listelenco Destinatari attendibili (A list that includes the e-mail addresses of mailing lists for which you want to be a recipient. Messages sent to such a mailing list and received by you will not be treated as junk e-mail)
Safe Senders Listelenco Mittenti attendibili (A list of domain names and e-mail addresses that you want to receive messages from. E-mail addresses in Contacts and in the Global Address Book are included in this list by default. People you sent messages to will be added to the list)
scatter/gather listelenco scatter-gather (A list of one or more paired base addresses and lengths that describe the physical locations from which to transfer data in scatter/gather direct memory access)
SharePoint list indicatorindicatore di elenco SharePoint (The title of a dialog page that enables the user to set up a SharePoint list indicator by setting name, description, list URL, indicator value, indicator appearance, etc. The indicator value can be specified based on number or percentage of certain column values, or certain aggregate data)
single-selection list boxcasella di riepilogo a selezione singola (A list box that supports only selection of a single item in the list)
speed dial listelenco di composizione veloce (A list of single or double-digit numbers associated with telephone numbers, or e-mail or Web-addresses, that enables users to quickly access the numbers or addresses)
Stacked ListElenco in pila (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show groups of information or steps in a task, process, or workflow. Circular shapes contain Level 1 text, and the corresponding rectangles contain Level 2 text. Works well for numerous details and minimal Level 1 text)
supervision listelenco di supervisione (The list of e-mail addresses or users that are subject to or excepted from the actions of the closed campus supervision policy or anti-bullying supervision policy)
supervision list entryvoce dell'elenco di supervisione (" An individual item on the list of e-mail addresses or users that are subject to or excepted from the actions of the closed campus supervision policy or anti-bullying supervision policy. For example, a bully's e-mail address would be an entry on the supervision list of a "victim", and a parent's e-mail address might be added as an entry on the supervision list of their child, who is a student subject to the closed campus supervision policy. ")
system access control listelenco di controllo di accesso di sistema (An ACL that controls the generation of audit messages for attempts to access a securable object. The ability to get or set an object's SACL is controlled by a privilege typically held only by system administrators)
Table Listelenco tabella (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show grouped or related information of equal value. The first Level 1 line of text corresponds to the top shape and its Level 2 text is used for the subsequent lists)
Target ListPer obiettivo elenco (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show interrelated or overlapping information. Each of the first seven lines of Level 1 text appears in the rectangular shape. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. Works well with both Level 1 and Level 2 text)
task listelenco attività (A list of tasks that appears in the Tasks folder and in the TaskPad in Calendar)
Task ListElenco attività (A list of tasks that appears in the Tasks folder and in the TaskPad in Calendar)
Task Workspace Locator ListElenco localizzatore area di lavoro attività (A list that is used to look up the location of a task workspace, given the details of the task type)
test listelenco dei test (A list of tests that can be selected and managed from Test Manager)
Test List EditorEditor elenco dei test (The window in Visual Studio Team System that is used to manage, execute, and control large numbers of tests and test lists)
To Do Listelenco azioni (A list of To Do items associated with a particular project)
to-do listelenco attività (A list of tasks that are not associated with a project schedule)
Trapezoid ListElenco trapezi (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show grouped or related information of equal value. Works well with large amounts of text)
trust listelenco scopi consentiti (A signed list of root certification authority certificates that an administrator considers reputable for designated purposes, such as client authentication or secure e-mail)
UID listelenco UID (A list of Unique Identifier alphanumeric values)
unified work listelenco di lavoro unificato (A list of all tasks, approvals, and alerts assigned to the current user)
update listelenco aggiornamenti (A list that includes the name of the person who originally sent a task request plus the names of everyone who received the task request, reassigned the task to someone else, or chose to keep an updated copy of the task in their task list)
value listelenco dei valori (A list of values used by some application, such as a database, as a search string or as values for a filtered query)
Vertical Arrow ListElenco frecce verticale 2 (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow that move toward a common goal. Works well for bulleted lists of information)
Vertical Block ListElenco blocchi verticale (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show groups of information or steps in a task, process, or workflow. Works well with large amounts of Level 2 text. A good choice for text with a main point and multiple sub-points)
Vertical Box ListElenco caselle verticale (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show several groups of information, especially groups with large amounts of Level 2 text. A good choice for bulleted lists of information)
Vertical Bullet ListElenco punti verticale (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. Works well for lists with long headings or top-level information)
Vertical Chevron ListElenco frecce verticale (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow, or to emphasize movement or direction. Emphasizes Level 2 text over Level 1 text, and is a good choice for large amounts of Level 2 text)
Vertical Picture Accent ListImmagini circolari a sinistra (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. The small circles are designed to contain pictures)
Vertical Picture ListElenco immagini verticale (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. The small shapes on the left are designed to contain pictures)
watch listelenco di verifica (A list of connection attempts by federated partners that may require the administrator to take action to effectively monitor and control domain usage. Such attempts can include potentially suspicious activity or a higher volume of usage than the current trust relationship supports)
Windows Reading ListElenco di lettura Windows (The app where users can save links to content (such as articles or videos) and then quickly return to them later)
workflow list formmodulo di elenco di flussi di lavoro (A form that displays a list of workflows for a particular module, along with the versions of the workflow)