
Terms for subject Environment containing list | all forms | exact matches only
Amber list of wastesLista ambra di rifiuti
Corine-biotopes listinventario Corine-biotopi
green listlista verde
Green list of wastesLista verde di rifiuti
grey listlista grigia
list of accredited verifierselenco dei responsabili accreditati delle verifiche
mailing listindirizzario
mailing list A series of addresses or e-mail addresses to which solicited or unsolicited mass mailings can be sentindirizzario
National Federation for the Green ListFederazione nazionale per le liste verdi
OECD classification list of wastes destined for recovery operationslista OSCE dei rifiuti per le operazioni di recupero
priority listlista delle priorità
red list The series of publications produced by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). They provide an inventory on the threat to rare plants and animal species. Information includes status, geographical distribution, population size, habitat and breeding rate. The books also contain the conservation measures, if any, that have been taken to protect the species. There are five categories of rarity status: endangered species; vulnerable organisms, which are those unlikely to adapt to major environmental effects; rare organisms, which are those at risk because there are few of them in the world, such as plants which only grow on mountain peaks or on islands; out of danger species, which were formerly in the above categories, but have had the threat removed because of conservation actions; and indeterminate species, which are the plants and animals probably at risk, although not enough is known about them to assess their statuslista rossa
red listlista rossa
Red list of wastesLista rossa di rifiuti
wastes not otherwise specified in the listrifiuti non specificati altrimenti nel catalogo