
Terms for subject Microsoft containing jobs | all forms | exact matches only
batch jobprocesso batch (A set of computer processes that can be run without user interaction)
data export jobprocesso di esportazione dati (The movement of data that is generated in Planning Business Modeler to a specified external database)
job cardscheda commessa (A mechanism to provide feedback about the production process. A job card lists the individual job numbers of a specific operation, along with actual consumption statistics)
job cardscheda processo (A mechanism to provide feedback about the production process. A job card lists the individual job numbers of a specific operation, along with actual consumption statistics)
job definitiondefinizione del processo (A persistent container that defines and stores instructions for a job to be run on a server, server farm, or server cluster. To run, a job must have an associated job definition, and a definition must be associated with a service or a Web application)
job descriptiondescrizione mansione (A statement of the essential responsibilities, duties, job functions, and requirements of a job)
job functionfunzione lavorativa (One or more tasks, duties, and responsibilities that are assigned to a job)
job groupgruppo di processi (A series of jobs that perform a complex action in Virtual Machine Manager, such as performing a physical-to-virtual machine conversion)
job historycronologia processo (Log that keeps a historical record of jobs)
job IDID lavoro (A unique identifier that is associated to an employee's job)
job instanceistanza del processo (The occurrence of a job)
job instanceistanza di processo (A job that is running or is queued to run through the Windows Assessment Console or Windows Assessment Services)
job managergestore di processi (A service that creates, submits, monitors, and manages jobs)
job manifestmanifesto del processo (An XML-formatted file that contains Resource Description Framework (RDF) metadata that describes the job for the tasks in a workflow)
job market pricingdeterminazione del prezzo di mercato della posizione lavorativa (A method of determining compensation by comparing individual jobs to market benchmark data for similar jobs in order to identify a value-relative basis. With this method, a specific pay range is associated with an individual job, but not with a compensation level (grade or band). Job market pricing is a feature of broad-banding compensation structures, but not of grades or steps)
job objectoggetto processo (A system-level structure that allows processes to be grouped together and managed as a single unit)
job order costingdeterminazione costi per commessa (A costing method that uses production orders to assign incurred production costs to specific jobs)
job roleruolo (The tasks and activities of an individual in a certain professional position)
job scheduleprogrammazione processi (The optimal dates and times for performing jobs at a work center)
job schedulerpianificatore di processi (A system service that queues jobs and tasks, allocates resources, dispatches tasks to nodes in a computer cluster, and monitors the status of the job, tasks, and nodes)
Job Status Tracking windowfinestra Monitoraggio stato processi (A window, opened by using the My Jobs command, that enables administrators to monitor detailed status of their current jobs while working in any view)
job templatemodello di processo (A template that is used to define and store instructions for a job. A job template can be used to run a job more than once)
job typetipo di processo (A classification of jobs based on the sequence in which they occur, from the time a job enters the work center to the time it leaves the work center)
Jobs viewvisualizzazione Processi (The view in the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console in which the administrator views status, details, and results of jobs. The view can be filtered by job status, owner, and start date)
kanban jobprocesso kanban (A process or transfer activity in a production flow that is triggered by a kanban)
kanban job consumptionavanzamento processo kanban (The withdrawal of product components from inventory in order to complete the kanban production jobs)
print jobprocesso di stampa (All of the information and the command that the printer needs from the computer to print. For example, the information about the layout, font, and spacing of a file is contained in the print job)
Printer Job Languagelinguaggio PJL, Printer Job Language (The printer command language developed by Hewlett Packard that provides printer control at the print-job level. Using PJL commands, you can change default printer settings such as number of copies to print. PJL commands also permit switching printer languages between print jobs without action by the user. If bi-directional communication is supported, a PJL-compatible printer can send information such as printer model and job status to the print server)
route jobprocesso cicli di lavorazione (A detailed list of all the jobs for each operation, including setup, process, queue and transportation times)
salary survey reference jobposizione lavorativa di riferimento per indagine sulle retribuzioni (A benchmark job description provided by the administrator of a salary survey (usually a third party) that allows different companies to compare their internal jobs to a standard description found in the marketplace)
scan jobprocesso di digitalizzazione (A scan that has a unique ID associated with it for reporting and tracking purposes)
sync jobprocesso di sincronizzazione (A scheduled synchronization task)
synchronization jobprocesso di sincronizzazione (A scheduled synchronization task)
system jobprocesso di sistema (A process whose execution can proceed independently or in the background. Other processes may be started before the asynchronous process has finished)
workflow jobprocesso del flusso di lavoro (A job performed on entities or records, based on rules defined in a workflow)