
Terms containing invoice | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSaccounts payable three-way invoice matchingabbinamento fatture contabilità fornitori a tre livelli (A practice of matching vendor invoice prices and product quantities to purchase orders and product receipts)
market.accruals for goods and services for which invoices have not yet been received1)fornitori conto fatture da ricevere
gen.accruals for goods and services for which invoices have not yet been received2)fornitori c/ fatture da ricevere
market., transp.arrival-invoice registerregistro arrivi dei fogli di via
fin.bills, invoices or statementsnote di spesa,fatture o estratti conto
law, fin.bogus invoicefattura fittizia
law, fin.bogus invoicefattura falsa
market.bought invoice bookregistro fornitori
lawcommercial invoicefattura commerciale
lawconsignment invoicefattura di consegna
comp., MSconsolidated invoicefattura consolidata (A vendor invoice that documents a sum of product quantities and monetary amounts from more than one referenced vendor invoice)
lawconsular invoicefattura consolare
gen.contracts made against invoice or bill of costscontratti stipulati in base ad una semplice nota spese o fattura
industr., construct.correct invoice weightpeso esatto di fabricazione
commer., fin., polit.currency of invoicemoneta di fatturazione
comp., MScustomer invoicefattura cliente (A source document that documents a customer payment request. When a payment is received, it can be matched to the invoice)
gen.double invoicingdoppia fatturazione dei carichi
fin., ITe-invoicingfatturazione elettronica
fin., ITelectronic invoicingfatturazione elettronica
account.Expert Group on e-Invoicinggruppo d'esperti in materia di fatturazione elettronica
account.Expert Group on electronic invoicinggruppo d'esperti in materia di fatturazione elettronica
fin.ex-works invoice priceprezzo fatturato franco fabbrica
mech.eng., construct.final invoicefattura finale
account.incoming invoicefattura ricevuta
comp., MSintercompany customer invoicefattura cliente interaziendale (A customer invoice that documents a customer payment request from one legal entity to another legal entity that is part of the same organization that consolidates the accounts of both legal entities)
comp., MSintercompany purchase order invoicefattura di acquisto interaziendale (A purchase order invoice that is created from an intercompany purchase order and posted to an intercompany account)
comp., MSintercompany sales invoicefattura di vendita interaziendale (A sales invoice that is created from an intercompany sales order and posted to an intercompany account)
comp., MSintercompany vendor invoicefattura fornitore interaziendale (A vendor invoice that documents a vendor payment request from one legal entity to another legal entity that is part of the same organization that consolidates the accounts of both legal entities)
fin.invoice amountimporto dovuto
fin.invoice basismetodo di imposizione su fattura
comp., MSinvoice companysocietà di fatturazione (The company that is associated with an invoice transaction)
fin.invoice declarationdichiarazione su fattura
market.invoice discountsconto in fattura
transp.invoice duplicatesaldatura del foglio di via
transp.invoice for service trafficlettera di porto in servizio
comp., MSInvoice IDID fattura (A text field in the Invoice form. An auto-generated number)
comp., MSinvoice line net amountimporto netto della riga di fattura (The actual currency amount that is represented by an invoice line, calculated as follows: Purchase order quantity (Unit price/Price unit) - Trade agreement discount + Item miscellaneous charge)
comp., MSinvoice matchingabbinamento fatture (A practice of matching vendor invoice prices and product quantities to purchase orders and product receipts)
comp., MSinvoice net unit priceprezzo unitario netto in fattura (The actual currency amount per unit that is represented by the vendor invoice, calculated as follows: Invoice line net amount / Quantity on the invoice)
fin.invoice or document serving as an invoicefattura o documento che ne fa le veci
comp., MSinvoice POordine per la fattura (A commercial document or contract, or the number identifying a commercial document or contract, that is issued by a buyer to a seller that identifies agreed upon prices, goods, payments, and services)
fin.invoice priceprezzo di fattura
fin.invoice price free-at-frontierprezzo fatturato franco frontiera
comp., MSinvoice price variancescostamento prezzo in fattura (The difference between the price on a packing slip and the invoice line price. The invoice price variance is determined when purchase invoices are compared to purchase receipts)
comp., MSinvoice productprodotto fattura (A line item in an invoice containing detailed billing information)
comp., MSinvoice projectprogetto di fatturazione (A set of projects that are invoiced from the same invoice proposal)
comp., MSinvoice registerregistro fatture (A journal in which vendor invoices are entered as they arrive)
gen.to invoice separatelyfatturare a parte
fin.invoice systemmetodo delle deduzioni "tassa su tassa"
fin.invoice systemdetrazioni "imposta da imposta"
fin.invoice to be drawn upfattura da redigere (o predisporre)
fin.invoice to be receivedfattura da ricevere
fin.invoicing amountimporto dovuto
market., ITinvoicing machinefatturatrice
gen.invoicing machinesmacchine per fatturare
account.issued invoicefattura emessa
fin.to make contracts against invoice or bill of costsprocedere in base a semplice fattura o nota spese
gen.metering for invoicingmisura di contatori per la fatturazione
fin., tax.obligatory invoicingfatturazione obbligatoria
fin.off-invoice discountsconto fuori fattura
comp., MSoriginal sales invoicefattura di vendita originaria (A sales invoice that is created from an original sales order)
transp.preparation of the invoiceemissione del foglio di via
comp., MSprepayment invoicefattura pagamento anticipato (The invoice created for a customer for the amount to be prepaid on a sales order or the invoice received for the amount to be prepaid on a purchase order)
bank.pro forma invoicefattura proformo
comp., MSpro forma invoicefattura proforma (A business document that is a view of a customer invoice or vendor invoice that documents a payment request but is not an offer or a demand for payment)
commer., account.pro-forma invoicefattura simulata
commer., polit., interntl.trade.pro-forma invoicefattura pro forma
commer., account.pro-forma invoicefattura proforma
commer., account.pro-forma invoicefattura fittizia
comp., MSpurchase invoicefattura acquisto (The bill that an organization receives when a purchase is made)
comp., MSpurchase invoicefattura di acquisto (The bill that an organization receives when a purchase is made)
transp.re-invoicingricarteggio di una spedizione
gen.re-invoicingdoppia fatturazione dei carichi
transp.re-invoicing of consignmentsricarteggio di una spedizione
transp.re-invoicing stationstazione di ricarteggio
account.received invoicefattura ricevuta
market.recharge invoicefoglio di rivalsa
law, fin., polit.Recommendation of the Customs Cooperation Council of 16 May 1979 concerning Customs Requirements regarding Commercial InvoicesRaccomandazione del Consiglio di cooperazione doganale del 16 maggio 1979 relativa alle esigenze doganali in materia di fatture commerciali
comp., MSsales invoicefattura vendita (The bill that an organization gives a customer in connection with a sale)
comp., MSsales invoicefattura di vendita (The bill that an organization gives a customer in connection with a sale)
insur.settled invoicefattura saldata
fin.simplified invoicefattura semplificata
fin.such as consular invoices and certificatesper esempio
fin.such as consular invoices and certificatesquali
fin.such as consular invoices and certificatesle fatture e i certificati consolari
fin.such as consular invoices and certificatesformalità consolari
fin.summary invoicefattura periodica
transp.through invoicingregistrazione diretta
transp.through invoicingspedizione diretta
transp.through invoicingcarteggio diretto
comp., MSvendor invoicefattura fornitore (A source document that documents a vendor payment request. A vendor invoice can refer to one or more purchase orders. When the vendor invoice is authorized, a payment can be made to the vendor)