
Terms for subject Microsoft containing hot | all forms | exact matches only
hot dockinginserimento a caldo nell'alloggiamento di espansione (The process of attaching a laptop computer to a docking station while the computer is running, and automatically activating the docking station's video display and other functions)
hot filefile ad accesso frequente (A file that is frequently accessed and frequently stored in memory)
hot lineriga critica (In a profiler performance report, a source code line that is marked as a code segment that performed the most work)
Hot Path viewvisualizzazione Percorso critico (The Profiler Performance Report view that helps to automate the process of locating a performance bottleneck)
hot pluggingcollegamento a caldo (A feature that allows equipment to be connected to an active device, such as a computer, while the device is powered on)
hot spotarea sensibile (The position in a mouse pointer, such as the position at the tip of an arrow or the intersection of the lines in a cross, that marks the exact location that will be affected by a mouse action, such as a button press)
hot standby serverserver hot standby (A standby server that can support rapid failover without a loss of data from committed transactions)
hot-swapeffettuare lo swapping a caldo (To replace an assembly file with a revised assembly file in a running system. In-progress sessions continue to access the original assembly from active memory)
hot swappingcollegamento a caldo (A feature that allows equipment to be connected to an active device, such as a computer, while the device is powered on)
hot-swappingswapping a caldo (The replacement of an assembly file with a revised assembly file in a running system. In-progress sessions continue to access the original assembly from active memory)