
Terms containing cursor | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSAPI server cursorcursore API del server (A server cursor that is built to support the cursor functions of an API, such as ODBC, OLE DB, ADO, and DB-Library)
gen.bearing cursorcursore di rilevamento
IT, dat.proc.blinking cursorcursore lampeggiante
comp., MSblock cursorcursore rettangolare (A cursor with a rowset size greater than 1)
IT, dat.proc.cell cursorcursore di cella
comp., MSclient cursorcursore client (A cursor that is implemented on the client. The entire result set is first transferred to the client, and the client API software implements the cursor functionality from this cached result set)
IT, dat.proc.command cursorcursore di comandi
IT, dat.proc.cross-haired cursorcursore con lente a reticolo
IT, dat.proc.cross-haired cursorcursore a mirino
IT, dat.proc.cross-haired cursorcursore a collimatore
comp., MScursor blink ratevelocità di intermittenza del cursore (The rate at which the cursor indicating the active insertion point in a text window, or other display element, flashes on and off)
IT, dat.proc.cursor controlgestione del cursore
IT, dat.proc.cursor controlcontrollo del cursore
ITcursor control keytasto di comando del cursore
comp., MScursor data typetipo di dati cursore (A special data type used to reference a cursor)
comp., MScursor degradationdegradazione del cursore (The return of a different type of cursor than the user had declared)
comp., MScursor keytasto cursore (Any of four keys labeled with arrows pointing up, down, left, and right, used to move the cursor vertically or horizontally on the display screen or, in some programs, to extend the highlight)
comp., MScursor keytasto cursore (Any of four keys labeled with arrows pointing up, down, left, and right, used to move the cursor vertically or horizontally on the display screen or, in some programs, to extend the highlight)
IT, dat.proc.cursor keypadtastierino direzionale
IT, dat.proc.cursor keypadtastierino del cursore
comp., MScursor librarylibreria di cursori (A part of the ODBC and DB-Library application programming interfaces (APIs) that implements client cursors)
IT, dat.proc.cursor locationposizionamento del cursore
IT, dat.proc.cursor lockblocco del cursore
ITcursor movemovimento del cursore
ITcursor movement keytasto di movimento del cursore
ITcursor representationrappresentazione del cursore
ITcursor representationforma del cursore
ITcursor-specific helpfunzione di aiuto per l'uso del cursore
IT, dat.proc.cursor speedvelocità del cursore
IT, dat.proc.cursor trackinglocalizzazione del cursore
commun., ITcursored emphasisevidenza del cursore
comp., MSdynamic cursorcursore dinamico (A cursor that can reflect data modifications made to the underlying data while the cursor is open)
IT, dat.proc.expanded cursorcursore esteso
IT, dat.proc.expanded cursorcursore di selezione
IT, dat.proc.extended cursorcursore di selezione
IT, dat.proc.extended cursorcursore esteso
comp., MSforward-only cursorcursore forward-only (A cursor that cannot be scrolled; rows can be read only in sequence from the first row to the last row)
IT, earth.sc.generator for a user-definable cursorgeneratore di segnali per cursore,definibile dall'utilizzatore
comp., MSimplicit cursor conversionconversione implicita del cursore (The return of a different type of cursor than the user had declared)
comp., MSinsensitive cursorcursore di tipo insensitive (A cursor that does not reflect data modification made to the underlying data by other users while the cursor is open)
IT, dat.proc.keyboard cursorcursore testo
IT, dat.proc.keyboard cursorcursore tastiera
comp., MSkeyset-driven cursorcursore gestito da keyset (A cursor that shows the effects of updates made to its member rows by other users while the cursor is open, but does not show the effects of inserts or deletes)
IT, dat.proc.mouse cursorcursore di mouse
tech.movable cursor weightcontrappeso a cursore
IT, dat.proc.reversed cursorcursore invertito
commun., ITselection cursorcursore di scelta
IT, dat.proc.selection cursorcursore di selezione
IT, dat.proc.selection cursorcursore esteso
comp., MSsensitive cursorcursore di tipo sensitive (A cursor that can reflect data modifications made to underlying data by other users while the cursor is open)
comp., MSserver cursorcursore server (A cursor implemented on the server)
IT, dat.proc.speed control of the cursorcontrollo della velocità del cursore
comp., MSstatic cursorcursore statico (A cursor that shows the result set exactly as it was at the time the cursor was opened)
IT, dat.proc.stretched out cursorcursore di selezione
IT, dat.proc.stretched out cursorcursore esteso
comp., MStablet cursorcursore (" In reference to digitizing tablets, the stylus (pointer or "pen").")
IT, dat.proc.text cursorcursore tastiera
commun., ITtext cursorcursore del testo
IT, dat.proc.text cursorcursore testo