
Terms for subject Environment containing compound | all forms | exact matches only
absorbable halogen compoundcomposto da alogeni assorbibili
adding lead alkyl compounds to petrol as anti-knock devicessi aggiunge alla benzina piombo alchile come prodotto antidetonante
adsorbable organic halogen compoundcomposto organico alogenato adsorbibile
alicyclic compound Any substance composed of two or more unlike atoms held together by chemical bonds characterized by straight-chained, branched or cyclic propertiescomposto aliciclico
alicyclic compoundcomposto aliciclico
aliphatic compound Any organic compound of hydrogen and carbon characterized by a straight chain of the carbon atomscomposto alifatico
alkyl compoundcomposto alchilico
alkyl compound Compound containing one or more alkyl radicalscomposto alchilico
anti-drumming compoundvernice antirombo
anti-fouling compoundprodotto anti-fouling
aromatic compound Compounds characterized by the presence of at least one benzene ringcomposto aromatico
breakdown of organic compoundsdecomposizione della sostanza organica
breakdown of organic compoundsdecomposizione della materia organica
carbonyl compoundcomposto carbonilico
chemical compoundcomposto
chemical compound in detergentscomposto chimico dei detergenti
Committee for adaptation to technical progress and implementation of the Directive on the control of volatile organic compound VOC emissions resulting from the storage of petrol and its distribution from terminals to service stationsComitato per l'adeguamento al progresso tecnico e per l'attuazione della direttiva sul controllo delle emissioni di composti organici volatili COV derivanti dal deposito della benzina e dalla sua distribuzione dai terminali alle stazioni di servizio
compound of nitrogencomposto dell'azoto
ecotoxicity of chemical compoundsecotossicità dei composti chimici
extractable organic halogen compoundcomposto organico alogenato estraibile
extractable Organic Halogen CompoundsComposti organici alogenati estrabili
halogenated compoundcomposto alogenato
halogenated compound A substance containing halogen atomscomposto alogenato
heterocyclic compoundcomposti eterociclici
heterocyclic compound Compound in which the ring structure is a combination of more than one kind of atomcomposti eterociclici
inorganic compoundscomposti inorganici
iron compound filter-plantdispositivo di chiarificazione tramite composti di ferro
lead compound Lead compounds are present as gasoline additives, in paint, ceramic products, roofing, caulking, electrical applications, tubes, or containers. Lead exposure may be due to air, water, food, or soil. Lead in the air is primarily due to lead-based fuels and the combustion of solid waste, coal, oils, and emissions from alkyl lead manufacturers, wind blown dust volcanoes, the burning of lead-painted surfaces, and cigarette smoke. Lead in drinking water comes from leaching from lead pipes, connectors, and solder in both the distribution system and household plumbingcomposto del piombo
lead compoundcomposto del piombo
leaded anti-knock compound sludgesfanghi di composti antiurto al piombo
management of super-toxic compoundsgestione di sostanze ultratossiche
metallo-organic compoundscomposto organometallico
metalplastic compound structurestruttura metalloplastica
metalplastic compound structurestruttura composita metallo-plastica
nitro compound Any one of a class of usually organic compounds that contain the monovalent group, -NO2 (nitro group or radical) linked to a carbon atomnitrocomposti
nitro compoundnitrocomposti
nitrogen compoundcomposto dell'azoto
nitrometallic compoundcomposto nitrometallico
non-methane volatile organic compoundscomposti organici volatili diversi dal metano nmvoc
non-methane volatile organic compoundscomposti organici volatili non metanici
organic halogen compoundcomposti organoalogenati
organochlorine compound Organic compounds containing a C-Cl bondcomposto organoclorurato
organohalogen compoundcomposti organoalogenati
organohalogen compoundcomposti alogenati organici
organohalogen compound Organic compounds containing a C-halogen bondcomposti alogenati organici
organometallic compound Molecules containing carbon-metal linkage; a compound containing an alkyl or aryl radical bonded to a metalcomposti metallorganici
organometallic compoundcomposti metallorganici
organonitrogen compoundcomposti organici azotati
organonitrogen compound Organic compounds having a C-N bondcomposti organici azotati
organooxygen compoundcomposti organici ossigenati
organooxygen compound Compounds, both aliphatic and aromatic, which have a C-O bond, including alcohols, aldehydes, etc.composti organici ossigenati
organophosphorous compoundcomposti fosforo-organici
organophosphorous compound Pesticides that contain phosphorous; short-lived, but some can be toxic when first appliedcomposti fosforo-organici
organosilicon compound Any natural substance composed of two or more unlike atoms held together by chemical bonds and containing silicon, a non-metallic element often found in rocks or mineralscomposti organosiliconici
organosilicon compoundcomposti organosiliconici
organosulphur compoundcomposti organici solforati
organosulphur compound One of a group of substances which contain both carbon and sulfurcomposti organici solforati
organotin compound Chemical compounds used in anti-foulant paints to protect the hulls of boats and ships, buoys and pilings from marine organisms such as barnaclescomposti organici dello stagno
organotin compoundcomposti organici dello stagno
pathway of anthropogenic compoundspercorso dei composti antropogenici
permitted lead-compound contenttenore consentito di composti di piombo
persistent organic compound of siliconcomposto organosilicato persistente
pharmaceutical compoundcomposto farmaceutico
phenolic compoundsmescola fenolica
photographic film and paper containing silver or silver compoundscarta e pellicole per fotografia contenenti argento o composti dell'argento
photographic film and paper free of silver or silver compoundscarta e pellicole per fotografia non contenenti argento o composti dell'argento
Protocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds or their Transboundary FluxesProtocollo alla convenzione sull'inquinamento atmosferico transfrontaliero a lunga distanza concernente la lotta contro le emissioni di composti organici volatili o i loro flussi transfrontalieri
reduced nitrogen compoundcomposto ridotto dell'azoto
saline solutions containing nitrates and related compoundssoluzioni saline contenenti nitrati e composti collegati
salts and solutions containing organic compoundssali e soluzioni contenenti composti organici
substitution of halogenated compounds Halogenated compounds, because of their toxical and persistent character, should be substituted by environmental friendly compounds, like water-based fat solvents in metal processing industry or water-based coating agentssostituzione dei composti alogenati
substitution of halogenated compoundssostituzione dei composti alogenati
sulfur compoundcomposto solfato
sulphur compoundcomposto solfato
surface active compound Any soluble substance composed of two or more unlike atoms held together by chemical bonds that reduces interfacial tension between liquids or a liquid and a solid, often used as detergents, wetting agents and emulsifierscomposto tensioattivo
surface active compoundcomposto tensioattivo
trace compoundcomponente in traccia
volatile organic compoundcomposto organico volatile
volatile organic compound Organic compound readily passing off by evaporationcomposto organico volatile