
Terms for subject Microsoft containing case | all forms | exact matches only
acronym casing guidelineconvezione per l'utilizzo di maiuscole e minuscole (A rule that clarifies whether an acronym is to be spelt with upper- or lowercase letter or a mix)
case keychiave del case (The element of a case by which the case is referenced within a case set)
Case No.Caso n. (The number given to a specific case for identification purposes)
case resolutionrisoluzione del caso (An activity that includes such information as the description of the resolution and the billable time of the case)
case-sensitiveMaiuscole/minuscole (Capable of distinguishing between uppercase and lowercase letters. A case-sensitive search finds only text that is an exact match of uppercase and lowercase letters)
Case Typetipo di caso (A sub-category of customer service issues that indicates whether an issue is a question, problem, or request)
CD jewel casecustodia del CD (The plastic case housing a CD)
sealed case PCPC con scatola sigillata (A chassis type that can be reported by the Win32_SystemEnclosure class in Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and that refers to a computer whose case is not meant to be opened by anyone but the original equipment manufacturer)
title caseTutte Iniziali Maiuscole (A case distinction in which every word's first chararacter is uppercase and the remaining letters are lower case)
use caseUse Case (In a use case diagram, a representation of a set of events that occurs when an actor uses a system to complete a process. Normally, a use case is a relatively large process, not an individual step or transaction)
use casecaso di utilizzo (A collection of scenarios which make up a behaviorally related sequence of interactions that a user performs in a dialog with a system)
use case diagramdiagramma Use Case (A diagram that shows the external actors who will interact with your system and how they will use it. The diagram consists of a system boundary, actors, use cases, and use case relationships (communicates, uses, and extends))