
Terms for subject Environment containing area | all forms | exact matches only
abort areazona di scarico
Advisory Committee on the Protection of the Environment in Areas under Serious ThreatComitato consultivo per la protezione dell'ambiente in zone particolarmente minacciate
allowable burned areasuperficie bruciata ammissible
area exposed to noisezona esposta al rumore
area gamma monitorMonitore di area per raggi gamma
area liable to desertificationzona soggetta alla desertificazione
area liable to droughtzona soggetta alla siccità
area liable to forest decayzona soggetta alla deforestazione
area monitoringcontrollo di radioattività d'area
area monitoringmonitoraggio ambientale delle radiazioni
area monitoringmonitoraggio ambientale
area monitoringcontrollo di radiazione ionizzante d'area
area monitoringcontrollo dell'ambiente
area of high seismic dangerzona altamente sismica
area of high urban atmospheric pollutionzona di elevato inquinamento atmosferico urbano
area of joint interestzona di interesse comune
area of outstanding natural beautyzona di elevato valore paesistico
area of outstanding natural beautyterritorio soggetto a vincolo paesistico
area of outstanding natural beautyriserva di luoghi naturali
area of potential pollutionarea di potenziale inquinamento
area of potential pollution Area which is supposedly causing dangers to human health and environmentarea di potenziale inquinamento
area of special planning controlriserva di luoghi naturali
area of special planning controlterritorio soggetto a vincolo paesistico
area prone to natural disasterszona soggetta a disastri naturali
area protectiondifesa delle aree
area protectiondifesa degli spazi
area susceptible to desertificationzona sensibile alla desertificazione
area under stress Areas that are flooded by rising number of tourists or other kinds of pressure and suffer from insufficient or inappropriate planning and management. Damage frequently arises from a lack of understanding or interest of the value of such sitesarea sotto stress
area under stressarea sotto stress
area with environmental constraintszona soggetta a vincoli ambientali
arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areaszone aride,semi-aride e subumide secche
bathing areazona di balneazione
Biogenic Emissions in the Mediterranean Areaemissioni biogeniche nella regione mediterranea
Biogenic Emissions in the Mediterranean Areaemissioni biogene nelle regioni mediterranee
building area Land and other places on, under, in or through which the temporary and permanent works are to be executed and any other lands or places needed for the purposes of constructionarea edificabile
built-up area Area which is full of houses, shops, offices and other buildings, with very little open spacearea edificata
burnt area mappingmappatura delle aree bruciate
Caribbean Area A geographical region bordered on the south by South America and Panama, and on the west by Central America, and consisting of the West Indian, and nearby, islands and the Caribbean Sea, a part of the western Atlantic OceanArea Caraibica
Caribbean AreaArea Caraibica
catchment areabacino imbrifero
catchment area 1. An area from which surface runoff is carried away by a single drainage system. 2. The area of land bounded by watersheds draining into a river, basin or reservoirarea di raccolta delle acque
catchment areaarea di raccolta delle acque
central park areazona centrale del parco
central park area The core area of a park or of a reserve where there can be no interference with the natural ecosystemzona centrale del parco
clean air areazona di aria non inquinata
clean air area Areas where significant reductions in ozone forming pollutants have been achieved through industrial initiatives to control and/or prevent pollution, through implementation of transportation improvement plans, national efforts to reduce automobile tailpipe emissions and lower the volatility (evaporation rate) of gasolinezona di aria non inquinata
coastal areazona costiera
coastal area The areas of land and sea bordering the shoreline and extending seaward through the breaker zonezona costiera
Community action to protect the environment in the coastal areas and coastal waters of the Irish Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea and North-East Atlantic Oceanazione comunitaria per la protezione dell'ambiente delle zone costiere e delle acque costiere del Mare d'Irlanda, del Mare del Nord, del Mar Baltico e della parte nord-est dell'Oceano Atlantico
Community action to protect the environment in the coastal areas and coastal waters of the Irish Sea, North Sea, English Channel, Baltic Sea and Northeast Atlantic OceanAzione per la protezione dell'ambiente delle zone costiere e delle acque costie re del Mare d'Irlanda, del Mare del Nord, del Mar Baltico e della parte nord- est dell'Oceano Atlantico
contaminated area Any site or region that is damaged, harmed or made unfit for use by the introduction of unwanted substances, particularly microorganisms, chemicals, toxic and radioactive materials and wasteszona contaminata
contaminated areazona contaminata
Convention on the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea AreaConvenzione di Helsinki per la protezione del mar Baltico
Convention on the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Areaconvenzione sull'ambiente marino dell'area del Mar Baltico
Convention on the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea AreaConvenzione sulla protezione dell'ambiente marino nella zona del mar Baltico
Convention on the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Areaconvenzione di Helsinki
Convention on the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Areaconvenzione sulla protezione dell'ambiente marino della zona del Mar Baltico
Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea AreaConvenzione di Helsinki per la protezione del mar Baltico
Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea AreaConvenzione sulla protezione dell'ambiente marino nella zona del mar Baltico
Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Areaconvenzione sulla protezione dell'ambiente marino della zona del Mar Baltico
Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Areaconvenzione sull'ambiente marino dell'area del Mar Baltico
Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Areaconvenzione di Helsinki
Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area, 1992Convenzione sulla protezione dell'ambiente marino della zona del Mar Baltico - 1992
Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea AreaConvenzione di Helsinki
deforestation of large areasdisboscamento di ampie superfici
development area Area which has been given special help from a government to encourage business and factories to be set up therearea in via di sviluppo
development areaarea in via di sviluppo
Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Areaconferenza diplomatica sulla protezione dell'ambiente marino della regione del Mar Baltico
disaster-prone areazona soggetta a disastri naturali
disposal areasarea a disposizione
distribution areaarea di diffusione
distribution areaareale di distribuzione
distribution area 1. The overall geographical distribution of a talon. 2. The range occupied by a community or other groupareale di distribuzione
drinking water protection area Area surrounding a water recovery plant in which certain forms of soil utilization are restricted or prohibited in order to protect the groundwaterarea di protezione delle acque potabile
drinking water protection areaarea di protezione delle acque potabile
drought-prone areazona soggetta alla siccità
drought-struck areazona colpita dalla siccità
dry sub-humid areazona subumida secca
dumping areaarea di affondamento
ecologically sensitive areazona sensibile sotto il profilo ecologico
ecologically sensitive area Area where it is likely that a change in some parts of the system will produce a recognizable responsearea sensibile dal punto di vista ecologico
ecologically sensitive areaarea sensibile dal punto di vista ecologico
efficient management of coastal areasgestione razionale delle zone costiere
electrification of rural areaselettrificazione rurale
environmentally sensitive areazona sensibile dal punto di vista dell'ambiente
Environmentally Sensitive Areazona critica sotto il profilo ambientale
Environmentally Sensitive Areaarea critica sotto il profilo ecologico
environmentally sensitive areaarea sensibile sotto il profilo ambientale
estuarine areazona di estuario
estuarine areaestuario
estuarine conservation area Estuarine area which has been reserved by legislation to protect part or all of the enclosed environment for conservation, scientific, educational and/or recreational purposesaree di conservazione degli estuari
estuarine conservation areaaree di conservazione degli estuari
European Diploma of Protected AreasDiploma europeo degli spazi tutelati
European Network of protection areasRete europea delle zone protette
fallow areaarea incolta
fallow area Land area normally used for crop production but left unsown for one or more growing seasonsarea incolta
fermentation areaarea di fermentazione
filter areasuperficie dil filtro
filter areaarea filtrante
fire danger rating areazona di pericolosità di incendio
fire hazardous areaszone predisposte agli incendi
fire management areazona di governo degli incendi
forest areaarea forestale
forested areasuperficie boscata
forested areazona boschiva
forested areazona boscosa
forested areaforesta
fragile rural areazona rurale fragile
hazard area Any site or region in which there is a physical or chemical agent capable of causing harm to property, persons, animals, plants or other natural resourcesarea a rischio
hazard areaarea a rischio
high-risk area in environmental termszona ad alto rischio ambientale
Important Bird Areazona importante per la conservazione degli uccelli
industrial area Areas allocated for industry within a town-planning scheme or environmental plan. The range of industries accommodated in a plan may include: light industry, service industry, general industry, hazardous, noxious or offensive industry, waterfront industry, extractive industry. Standards are usually defined for industrial areas relating to access and roads, drainage, car parking, aesthetics, landscaping, buffer zones, noise levels, and air and water pollutionarea industriale
industrial areaarea industriale
injecting new life into a shore line arearipristino di una zona costiera
integrated management plan for catchment areaspiano di gestione integrata dei bacini idrografici
investigation of the links between PHoto-oxidants, Aerosols and specific meteorological patterns through experimental and modelling studies in the Mediterranean Areaanalisi dei legami tra fotoossidanti, aerosol e modelli meteorologici specifici attraverso studi sperimentali e di modellazione nel bacino mediterraneo
keep polluting industries away from residential areasseparare le industrie, che sono d'inquinamento, dai settori urbani
land restoration in mountain areas Measures adopted to control erosion and degradation phenomena in the mountain regions caused by the loss of forest cover due to acid rain, uncontrolled forest cutting, winter skiing resorts construction, etc.ripristino di terreni montani
land restoration in mountain areasripristino di terreni montani
land value management in catchment areasgestione territoriale bacini idrografici
land-management intervention areazona d'intervento fondiario
landscape protection area Area where landscape is protected for its particular features in order to maintain its role in contributing to the wider enjoyment of the countrysidearea di protezione del paesaggio
landscape protection areaarea di protezione del paesaggio
leaf-area index LAIindice fogliare
manager of protected areagestore di zona protetta
marginal areasaree periferiche
marine conservation area Any section of a sea or ocean designated for special protection, often to prevent or reduce harm to its wildlife and ecosystemsriserve marine
marine conservation areariserve marine
marine protected areaarea protetta marina
marine protected areaarea marina protetta
maritime areazona marittima
Mediterranean Area The collective islands and countries of the inland sea between Europe, Africa and Asia that is linked to the Atlantic Ocean at its western end by the Strait of Gibraltar and includes the Tyrrhenian, Adriatic, Aegean and Ionian seasArea mediterranea
Mediterranean AreaArea mediterranea
mixed use area Use of land for more than one purpose; e.g. grazing of livestock, watershed and wildlife protection, recreation, and timber productionarea a destinazioni multiple
mixed use areaarea a destinazioni multiple
mountainous areaarea montuosa
mountainous area Area characterized by conspicuous peaks, ridges, or mountain rangesarea montuosa
multiple use management area 1. Coordinated management for the most judicious and harmonious use of the land on a long term basis under the concept of combining two or more uses and/or purposes with attention to sustainability and nonimpairment of the natural resources and land area. 2. Use of land for more than one purpose; e.g. grazing of livestock, watershed and wildlife protection, recreation, and timber productionarea gestita per uso multiplo
multiple use management areaarea gestita per uso multiplo
municipal refuse disposal areaarea di scarico dei rifiuti urbani
Natura 2000-coherent European ecological network of "special areas of conservation"Natura 2000-rete ecologica europea coerente di "zone speciali di conservazione"
Natura 2000 European network of protected areasrete europea di spazi protetti Natura 2000
natural areazona naturale protetta
natural area An area in which natural processes predominate, fluctuations in numbers of organisms are allowed free play and human intervention is minimalarea naturale
natural areaarea naturale protetta
natural areaarea naturale
natural area which is of particular interest in terms of ecology or wildlifezona naturale che presenta un interesse ecologico o relativo alla fauna o alla flora
natural areas protection Active management of nature areas in order to ensure that wildlife is protected and the quality of its environment is maintainedprotezione delle aree naturali
natural areas protectionprotezione delle aree naturali
nesting areaarea di nidificazione
nesting area A place where birds gather to lay eggsarea di nidificazione
noise areazona di propagazione dei rumori
noise control areazona del silenzio
non-attainment areaarea già inquinata
non-built-up areazona non edificata
non-built-up area Areas which are not intensely developed for housing, commerce, industry, etc.zona non edificata
open sea and tidal areasacque marine e ambienti a marea
organic farming areazona destinata ad agricoltura biologica
peripheral park area A zone of the park where scientific research is allowed. Beyond this there is a buffer zone which protects the whole reserve from agricultural, industrial and urban developmentzona periferica del parco
peripheral park areazona periferica del parco
Pilot projects in the field of environmental protection of areas prone to flash floodsProgetti pilota nel campo della protezione dell'ambiente in zone soggette a rischio di improvvise inondazioni
pollutant emissions management areazona di gestione delle emissioni inquinanti
potential recreation areapaesaggio che si presta a scopi ricreativi
primeval areaterritorio vergine
primeval areaarea vergine
priority areasettore prioritario
protected areaarea protetta (zona protecta)
protected area Portions of land protected by special restrictions and laws for the conservation of the natural environment. They include large tracts of land set aside for the protection of wildlife and its habitat; areas of great natural beauty or unique interest; areas containing rare forms of plant and animal life; areas representing unusual geologic formation; places of historic and prehistoric interest; areas containing ecosystems of special importance for scientific investigation and study; and areas which safeguard the needs of the biospherearea protetta
protected areazona protetta (zona protecta)
Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the MediterraneanProtocollo relativo alle zone particolarmente protette e alla diversità biologica nel Mediterraneo
provisions can be made for suitable screening or for establishing a control areasi può introdurre una schermatura o stabilire una zona controllata
quiet area in a conurbationzona silenziosa di un agglomerato
quiet area in an agglomerationzona silenziosa di un agglomerato
quiet area in open countryzona silenziosa in aperta campagna
recreational areazona per la ricreazione
recreational area A piece of publicly owned land, especially in a town, used for sports and gameszona per la ricreazione
refuge, resting and nesting areas for birdszone di rifugio, di riposo e di nidificazione degli uccelli
Regional activities centre for specially protected areasCentro di attività regionali per le zone particolarmente tutelate
regional development areazona di riassetto del territorio
research natural areariserva naturale
residential area Area that has only private houses, not offices and factoriesarea residenziale
residential area built on a toxic dumpquartiere costruito su una discarica di prodotti tossici
residential area with traffic calmings Residential zones where raised areas are built across roads so that vehicles are forced to move more slowly along itzona residenziale con dossi di rallentamento
residential area with traffic calmingszona residenziale con dossi di rallentamento
river catchment areabacino imbrifero
rotting areacampo di maturazione
rural area Area outside the limits of any incorporated or unincorporated city, town, village, or any other designated residential or commercial area such as a subdivision, a business or shopping center, or community developmentarea rurale
semi-arid areazona semiarida
sensitive area Areas of a country where special measures may be given to protect the natural habitats which present a high level of vulnerabilityarea sensibile
sensitive natural area Terrestrial or aquatic area or other fragile natural setting with unique or highly-valued environmental featuresarea naturale sensibile
sensitive natural areaarea naturale sensibile
service areaarea attrezzata
service area The area served by a particular public facility such as school, library, police station, park, etc.area attrezzata
Sile's Wet Areas Together Conserve Howprogetto per conservare l'insieme delle zone umide del Sile
smoke-sensitive areazona sensibile al fumo
SOx Emission Control Areazona di controllo delle emissioni di ossidi di zolfo
SOx Emission Control Areazona di controllo delle emissioni di zolfo
SOx Emission Control Areazona di controllo delle emissioni di SOx
spawning areazona di deposito delle uova
special action programme to clean up the coastal areasprogramma d'azione speciale di ripulitura delle zone costiere
special protection areazona di tutela speciale
special protection areazona di protezione speciale
specially protected areas of Mediterranean importancezona particolarmente protetta di rilevanza mediterranea
Specific action to protect the environment in coastal areas and coastal waters of the Irish Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea and North-East Atlantic Oceanazione per la protezione dell'ambiente delle zone costiere e delle acque costiere del Mare d'Irlanda, del Mare del Nord, del Mar Baltico e della parte nord-est dell'Oceano Atlantico
Specific action to protect the environment in the coastal areas and coastal waters of the Irish Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea and North-East Atlantic Ocean Nor th S ea special programme of actionAzione per la protezione dell'ambiente delle zone costiere e delle acque costiere del Mare d'Irlanda,del Mare del Nord,del Mar Baltico e della parte nord-est dell'Oceano Atlantico
sulphur oxides management areazone di gestione degli ossidi di zolfo
terrestrial area Subdivisions of the continental surfaces distinguished from one another on the basis of the form, roughness, and surface composition of the landarea terrestre
terrestrial areaarea terrestre
touchdown areaarea di atterraggio
tourist area in the coastal striparea turistica fascia costiera
tropospheric ozone management areazona di gestione dell'ozono troposferico
Tropospheric Ozone Management AreasZone designate per la gestione dell'ozono troposferico
urban area Areas within the legal boundaries of cities and towns; suburban areas developed for residential, industrial or recreational purposesarea urbana
virgin areaarea vergine
virgin areaterritorio vergine
volcanic areaarea vulcanica
volcanic area No definition neededarea vulcanica
water arealivello d'acqua
water arealivello del mare
water areapiano d'acqua
water catchment areabacino idrografico
water protection area Area surrounding a water recovery plant in which certain forms of soil utilization are restricted or prohibited in order to protect the groundwaterarea di protezione delle acque
water-deficiency areazona arida
water-shortage areazona arida
wide area network A system of interrelated computer and telecommunications devices linking two or more computers separated by a great distance for the exchange of electronic datarete su area geografica
wilderness areaarea naturale protetta
wilderness areazona naturale protetta
wooded areaforesta
wooded areazona boschiva
wooded areazona boscosa