
Terms containing animation | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSActiveX Animationanimazione ActiveX (An animation that utilizes ActiveX technology)
fin.animation contractcontratto d'animazione
comp., MSanimation effecteffetto di animazione (A special visual or sound effect added to text or an object. For instance, a user can have the text bullet points fly in from the left, one word at a time, or hear the sounds of applause when a picture is uncovered)
comp., MSanimation interpolationinterpolazione di movimento (A kind of interpolation that animates the property values between successive key times)
comp., MSAnimation LibraryLibreria animazioni (A library that developers can use in their applications throughout the new Windows user interface)
comp., MSanimation managergestione animazione (A core component of an animation application and the central programmatic interface for managing (creating, scheduling, and controlling) animations.)
comp., MSAnimation PainterCopia animazione (A feature that replicates the animation associated with a source object to one or more target objects)
comp., MSanimation resourcerisorsa di animazione (An animation storyboard that is encapsulated in such a way that it can be reused elsewhere in your application)
comp., MSanimation schemecombinazione animazioni (Adds preset visual effects to text on slides. Ranging from subtle to exciting, each scheme usually includes an effect for the slide title and an effect that is applied to bullets or paragraphs on a slide)
comp., MSanimation stylestile di animazione (An abstract grouping of similar animation effects)
comp., MSanimation timertimer dell'animazione (A component to provide timing services used in conjunction with the animation manager. It dynamically throttles the frame rate based on application and system load or in low-power mode)
comp., MSanimation workspacearea di lavoro Animazione (A user interface area where animations are composed)
market.chain animationanimazione della rete
ITcomputer animationanimazione con computer
comp., MSCustom Animation listelenco animazioni personalizzate (The list of animation sequences for a slide. Items are listed in the order in which they are added, and include icons that indicate timing in relation to other animation events)
comp., MSdependent animationanimazione dipendente (An animation that changes the value of a property and runs on the UI thread)
cultur., commun.electronic animationgenerazione elettronica dell'immagine
radioelectronic animation benchbanco per la ripresa
comp., MSentry animation effecteffetto di animazione Entrata (An animation effect that is applied to text or pictures entering a PowerPoint presentation)
relig., commun.European Association of Animation FilmAssociazione europea del film d'animazione
comp., MSexit animation effecteffetto di animazione Uscita (An animation effect that is applied to text or pictures exiting a PowerPoint presentation)
construct.façade animationarredamento provvisorio della facciata
market.franchise chain animationanimazione della rete
comp., MSGIF animationimmagine GIF animata (A file containing a series of graphics that are displayed in rapid sequence in a Web browser)
comp., MShandoff animationcontinuità tra animazioni (A method of blending animation storyboards together so that the transition is smooth. For example, if one animation is running when interrupted by a second animation that modifies the same property, the second animation picks up at the current value of the animated property instead of jumping to a static starting point. This is achieved by not setting a keyframe at the 0-second mark of the second animation)
comp., MSindependent animationanimazione indipendente (An animation that changes the value of a property and runs on a separate, hardware-accelerated system thread)
comp., MSrecalculation animationanimazione del ricalcolo (An animation effect that plays when the value of a cell is recalculated. The old value slides out of the bottom as the new value slides in from the top)
comp., MSSketchFlow AnimationAnimazione SketchFlow (A feature that enables on-the-fly animations in prototypes to represent the behavior of the application when in use)
commun.video animation systemsistema di videoanimazione