
Terms containing active | all forms | exact matches only
environ.action programme promoting non-governmental organisations primarily active in the field of environmental protectionprogramma di azione comunitaria per la promozione delle organizzazioni non governative attive principalmente nel campo della protezione ambientale
nat.sc.active absorptionassorbimento attivo
med.active abusersdrogati attivi
comp., MSactive/active modemodalità attivo/attivo (The mode in which Application Request Routing is deployed on two or more servers to achieve both high availability and scalability)
social.sc.active ageetà attiva
social.sc.active ageingvecchiaia attiva
social.sc.active ageinginvecchiamento attivo
social.sc.active ageing policypolitica di prolungamento della vita attiva
social.sc.active ageing policypolitica di invecchiamento attivo
med.active algolagniasadismo
med.active analysispsicanalisi attiva
med.active anaphylaxisanafilassi attiva
food.ind.active and intelligent food contact materialsmateriali attivi e intelligenti a contatto con gli alimenti
gen.active and passive neutron methodemetodo neutronico attivo e passivo
el.active antennaelemento radiante attivo
el.active antennaelemento attivo
el.active antennadipolo attivo
construct.active archarco attivo
gen.active areaArea attiva
comp., MSactive attract applicationapplicazione screen saver attiva (The attract application that is configured to show when users start new user sessions on a Surface unit. You can add many attract applications to a Surface unit, but only one can be the active attract application)
railw., sec.sys.active baliseboa attiva
el.active base regionregione attiva della base
railw., sec.sys.active beaconboa attiva
transp., polit.active beacon collision avoidance systemBCAS attivo
agric.active breeding lifecarriera di riproduzione
gen.active briberycorruzione attiva
earth.sc.active by-productsottoprodotto radioattivo
comp., MSActive CacheCache attiva (A client-side cache and caching service that enables Project Pro to interact directly with the local cache on the machine rather than with the server, for opens and saves, and then handles moving any changes to the project plan between the client and Project Server)
chem.active capcampanella attiva
earth.sc., construct.active capacitycapacità utile
chem.active carboncarbone attivo
food.ind., chem.active carboncarbone attivato
med.active cassettecassetta attiva
comp., MSactive cellcella attiva (The selected cell in which data is entered when you begin typing. Only one cell is active at a time. The active cell is bounded by a heavy border)
med.active centersito catalitico
med.active centersito attivo
chem.active charcoalcarbone attivo
chem.active charcoalcarbone attivato
chem.active chemical exchange groupgruppo attivo di scambio chimico
textileactive chlorinecloro attivo
earth.sc., el.active circuit elementelemento attivo di circuito
earth.sc., el.active circuit elementelemento attivo
comp., MSactive clientclient attivo (The client-side set of technologies in Microsoft's Active Platform for Web-oriented, cross-platform distributed computing. The chief features of the Active Client include support for HTML and dynamic HTML, language-independent scripting, Java applets, and ActiveX objects. Active Client is operating system independent, so it runs on multiple platforms, including Microsoft Windows, UNIX, and Apple Macintosh)
med.active coagulation factor VIIfattore Vila
med.active coagulation factor VIIfattore VII attivo
med.active coagulation factor VIIconvertina
earth.sc.active coatingrivestimento attivo
biotechn.active collectioncollezione attiva
comp., MSactive colorcolore attivo (The color displayed in the central square of the color box that appears in most workpanes. The active color is used when you create a new object and when you add fills and patterns to a selected object)
earth.sc.active componentComponente radioattiva
mater.sc.Active Componentcomponente attivo
gen.active component failureGuasto di un componente attivo
tech.active conductorconduttore attivo
med.active congestionafflusso di sangue
med.active congestioniperemia attiva
med.active congestionflussione
med.active congestioncongestione attiva
med.active congestion of the lungpleurocorticalite (peripnemonitis)
med.active congestion of the lungcongestione polmonare (peripnemonitis)
med.active congestion of the lungpleuropolmonite (peripnemonitis)
med.active congestion of the lungperipolmonite (peripnemonitis)
comp., MSactive contentcontenuto attivo (Interactive or animated content used on the Internet. Active content includes ActiveX controls and web browser add-ons)
comp., MSactive controlcontrollo attivo (In an environment capable of displaying multiple on-screen controls, the control that will be affected by current cursor movements, commands, and text entry)
lab.law., mater.sc.active control workcontrollo attivo del processo lavorativo
nat.sc.active coolingraffreddamento attivo
gen.active corespazio moltiplicatore
gen.active coreNocciolo attivo
gen.active core heightAltezza dello spazio moltiplicatore
gen.active core heightAltezza attiva del core
gen.active core volumevolume dello spazio moltiplicatore
gen.active core volumeVolume attivo del nocciolo
gen.active corps in the national policecorpo attivo della polizia nazionale
gen.active corruptioncorruzione attiva
lawactive debtdebito attivo
mech.eng.active delay tankVasca di ritardo attiva
earth.sc.active depositdeposito radioattivo
earth.sc.active depositdeposito attivo
gen.active deterrencedissuasione attiva
comp., MSActive Directory accountaccount Active Directory (The identity of a user, which can be used to grant access to resources or authority to perform certain tasks)
comp., MSActive Directory Administrative CenterCentro di amministrazione di Active Directory (A role service and feature that provides users and network administrators with an enhanced Active Directory data management experience and a rich graphical user interface (GUI) to perform common Active Directory object management tasks. Built on top of Windows PowerShell technology, Active Directory Administrative Center makes it possible for users and network administrators to administer directory service objects through both data-driven and task-oriented navigation)
comp., MSActive Directory Certificate ServicesServizi certificati Active Directory (A software service that issues certificates for a particular certification authority (CA). It provides customizable services for issuing and managing certificates for the enterprise. Certificates can be used to provide authentication support, including secure e-mail, Web-based authentication, and smart-card authentication)
comp., MSActive Directory contactcontatto di Active Directory (An Active Directory object that contains information about an individual such as name, address, and job title. It can include a foreign e-mail address)
comp., MSActive Directory containercontenitore Active Directory (The identity that Active Directory gives to a collection of objects, such as a group of users or a domain of computers)
comp., MSActive Directory data modelmodello di dati Active Directory (A model derived from the LDAP data model. The directory holds objects that represent entities of various sorts, described by attributes. The objects and classes of objects that can be stored in the directory are defined in the schema. For each class of objects, the schema defines the attributes an instance of the class must have, the additional attributes it can have, and the class that can be its parent)
comp., MSActive Directory Delta Discoveryindividuazione differenziale Active Directory (A discovery option that allows Configuration Manager to discover only new or changed resources in Active Directory independently of a full discovery cycle)
comp., MSActive Directory Domain ServicesServizi di dominio Active Directory (The Microsoft Windows based directory service. Active Directory Domain Services stores information about objects on a network and makes this information available to users and network administrators)
comp., MSActive Directory Domain Services Installation WizardInstallazione guidata di Servizi di dominio Active Directory (The tool that is used to install and remove Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS))
comp., MSActive Directory Forest Discovery methodmetodo di individuazione foresta Active Directory (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for Active Directory sites and subnets in Active Directory forests)
comp., MSActive Directory Group Discovery methodmetodo di individuazione gruppo Active Directory (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for the group memberships of computers and users by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
comp., MSActive Directory group validationconvalida gruppo Active Directory (A procedure that ensures the uniqueness of the account name of a group within a domain stored in Active Directory)
comp., MSActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services instanceistanza di Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (A single copy of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) directory service that includes its associated directory store and its application event log)
comp., MSActive Directory LookupRicerca con Active Directory (A feature that enables Client for NFS and Server for NFS to obtain user identifier (UID) and group identifier (GID) information directly from Active Directory)
comp., MSActive Directory objectoggetto Active Directory (An entity that can hold an identity in a Windows environment, such as computers, printers, mobile devices, users, groups, and so on)
comp., MSActive Directory schemaschema di Active Directory (The set of definitions of every object class that can be created in Active Directory, as well as the definitions of every attribute that can be assigned to that object class)
comp., MSActive Directory Security Group Discovery methodmetodo di individuazione gruppo di protezione Active Directory (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for security group resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
comp., MSActive Directory sitesito Active Directory (A collection of Internet Protocol subnets, usually used to connect a group of computers that are physically close to each other)
comp., MSActive Directory synchronizationsincronizzazione di Active Directory (The process of matching user accounts and mail-enabled contacts and groups from the local Active Directory directory service)
comp., MSActive Directory System Discovery methodmetodo di individuazione sistema Active Directory (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for system resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
comp., MSActive Directory System Group Discovery methodmetodo di individuazione gruppo di sistema Active Directory (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for system group resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
comp., MSActive Directory User Discovery methodmetodo di individuazione utente Active Directory (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for computer user resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
comp., MSActive Directory Users and ComputersUtenti e computer di Active Directory (An administrative tool used by an administrator to perform day-to-day Active Directory administration tasks. The tasks that can be performed with this tool include creating, deleting, modifying, moving, and setting permissions on objects stored in the directory. Examples of objects in Active Directory are organizational units, users, contacts, groups, computers, printers, and shared file objects)
comp., MSActive Directory-based activationattivazione basata su Active Directory (The activation of systems in an enterprise environment by using an established Active Directory implementation and the same key types)
comp., MSactive documentdocumento attivo (A document that contains ActiveX controls, Java applets, HTML pages, or document objects for display in Internet Explorer)
IT, dat.proc.active document typetipo di documento attivo
IT, dat.proc.active document type declarationtipo di documento attivo
chem.active drieressiccativo primario
med.active drug release devicedispositivo di rilascio controllato di sostanze attive
life.sc.active earth pressurespinta attiva del terreno
environ.active effluent drain hold-up tankSerbatoio di raccolta dei rifiuti radioattivi liquidi
nucl.phys.active effluent drain pipecondotto scaricatore d'acqua radioattiva
environ.active effluent drain pumpPompa di drenaggio dei rifiuti radioattivi liquidi
earth.sc., el.active electrodeelettrodo attivo
radiobiol.active electrodiagnosiselettrodiagnostica attiva
radiobiol.active electrodiagnosiselettrodiagnostica di stimolazione
chem.active elementelemento radioattivo
earth.sc.active elementelemento agente
comp., MSactive elementelemento attivo (The layout container element that is currently subject to special operations, such as adding child elements or defining columns and rows. The active element is identified by a yellow bounding box)
CNCactive elementelemento attivo
earth.sc., el.active element of a circuitelemento attivo di circuito
earth.sc., el.active element of a circuitelemento attivo
gen.active employmentattività di servizio
social.sc., empl.active employment policypolitica occupazionale attiva
social.sc., empl.active employment policypolitica attiva dell'occupazione
comp., MSactive endestremità attiva (The ending point for a selected range of objects. It is usually established at the object logically nearest the hot spot of the pointer when a user releases the primary mouse button)
gen.active end-of-line unitelemento terminale attivo
earth.sc., tech.active energy metercontatore di energia attiva
tech.active energy metervarorometro
tech.active energy metercontatore di energia reattiva
earth.sc., tech.active energy meterwattorometro
meas.inst.active-energy metercontatore d'energia attiva
h.rghts.act., health.active euthanasiaeutanasia attiva
med.active exerciseesercizio attivo
el.active factorfattore di potenza attiva
med.active factor VIIfattore Vila
med.active factor VIIfattore VII attivo
med.active factor VIIconvertina
reliabil.active failureguasto attivo
earth.sc.active faultfaglia attiva
auto.ctrl.active faultguasto attivo in apparecchio di controllo
auto.ctrl.active fault in control equipmentguasto attivo in apparecchio di controllo
life.sc.active fault systemsistema di faglia attivo
agric., industr.active fermentationfermentazione alta
agric.active fireincendio in corso
agric.active firefuoco da estinguere
agric.active fireincendio attivo
law, transp.active fleetparco veicoli disponibili
med.active focusfocus attivo
med.active focusfocolaio attivo
earth.sc.active fuel regionZona attiva del combustibile
gen.active glassvetro attivo
gen.active guidanceguida attiva
gen.active guidanceguida automatica attiva
gen.active guidanceautoguida attiva
nat.sc., el.Active Handling Experimentesperimento di trattamento attivo
gen.active hearing defenderotoprotettore
construct.active heat insulationisolamento termico attivo
earth.sc.active heat transfer surface areaSuperficie di trasferimento del calore radioattivo
gen.active homingguida automatica attiva
gen.active homingguida attiva
gen.active homing guidanceguida attiva
gen.active homing guidanceguida automatica attiva
gen.active homing guidanceautoguida attiva
chem.active hydrogenidrogeno attivo
med.active hyperaemiaiperemia arteriosa
med.active hyperaemiaiperemia attiva
med.active hyperaemiacongestione attiva
med.active hyperemiaafflusso di sangue
med.active hyperemiaflussione
med.active hyperemiaiperemia attiva
med.active hyperemiacongestione attiva
med.active hyperemiaiperemia di flusso
med.active hyperemiaiperemia arteriosa
comp., MSactive hyperlinkcollegamento ipertestuale attivo (A hyperlink that is currently selected in a Web browser. Some Web browsers indicate the active hyperlink by changing its color)
med.active immunityimmunità attiva
med., pharma.active immunizationimmunizzazione attiva
med.active implantable medical devicedispositivo medico impiantabile attivo
med.active implanted medical devicedispositivo medico impiantabile attivo
earth.sc.active impurity controlcontrollo attivo delle impurità
social.sc.active in civil societyattore della società civile
social.sc., lab.law.active inclusioninclusione attiva
earth.sc.active infrared cellcellula infrarossa attivata
agric.active ingredientsostanza attiva
agric.active ingredientprodotto attivo
agric.active ingredientprincipio attivo
med.active ingredients present in the form of compounds or derivativesprincipi attivi allo stato di composti o di derivati
met.active ironferro attivo
earth.sc.active laboratorylaboratorio attivo
chem.active laboratorylaboratorio radioattivo
chem.active laboratorylaboratorio caldo
chem.active laboratoryLaboratorio attivo
social.sc., empl., unions.active labour market policypolitica attiva del mercato del lavoro
social.sc., empl.active labour market programmeprogramma attivo in materia di mercato del lavoro
antenn., opt.active laser mediummezzo attivo laser
earth.sc.active latticeReticolo attivo
earth.sc.active layerstrato attivo
gen.active lengthlunghezza attiva
social.sc., unions.active lifevita attiva
radioactive lineriga attiva
IT, dat.proc.active link typetipo di associazione attiva
IT, dat.proc.active link typedichiarazione di tipo di associazione attiva
IT, dat.proc.active link type declarationtipo di associazione attiva
IT, dat.proc.active link type declarationdichiarazione di tipo di associazione attiva
gen.active loopcircuito attivo
earth.sc., industr., construct.active loudspeakeraltoparlante attivo
comp., MSactive mailbox migrationmigrazione delle cassette postali attive (The stage during the e-mail migration when the migration service is actively provisioning new cloud-based mailboxes)
stat., tech.active maintenance timetempo di manutenzione attiva
comp., MSActive Management Technology An Intel networking management technology that is supported by Configuration Manager out of band management, which enables a Configuration Manager administrator to manage desktop computers independently from the Configuration Manager client or the computer operating systemAMT (Active Management Technology)
agric.active marketmercato animato
earth.sc.active massmassa effettiva
earth.sc.active massmassa attiva
earth.sc., el.active mass factorfattore di massa effettiva
earth.sc., el.active mass factorfattore di massa attiva
chem.active materialmateriale attivo
accum.active material mixmistura di materiale attivo
med.active materialsmateriale attivo
earth.sc.active matrix liquid crystalcristallo liquido a matrice attivo
tech.active matrix liquid crystal displaysVisualizzazione a cristalli liquidi LCD a matrice attiva
construct.active measuremisura attiva di protezione
construct.active measuremisura attiva
med.active medical devicedispositivo medico collegato
med.active medical devicedispositivo medico attivo
med.active medicamentmedicamento attivo
therm.energ.active mediummezzo attivo
comp., MSActive Messaging ProtectionProtezione attiva messaggi (A process by which antivirus and anti-spam agents and filters are applied to e-mail messages for the purpose of stopping unsolicited or malicious e-mails from entering the organization)
pharma., chem.active moiety of the moleculefrazione attiva della molecola
comp., MSactive monitoringmonitoraggio attivo (Gives Lync system administrators the ability to monitor pools, servers, and networks across data centers through the public Internet)
met.active mudfango attivo
met.active mudfango in circolazione
lawactive nationality jurisdictioncompetenza determinata dalla cittadinanza del soggetto
tech.active neutron assay systemsistema di prova a neutroni attivi
gen.active neutron interrogation systemsistema attivo d'interrogazione neutronica
gen.active neutron monitoring systemsistema di sorveglianza a neutroni attivi
chem.active nitrogenazoto attivo
nat.sc.active noise cancellation systemsistema attivo di cancellazione del rumore
gen.active official or servantfunzionario o agente in attività di servizio
nat.sc., life.sc.active ombrogenous bogtorbiera ombrogena attiva
earth.sc.active operation with tritiumoperazione attiva con tritio
chem.active organic additiveadditivo organico attivo
chem.active oxygenossigeno attivo
comp., MSactive pagepagina attiva (The page that is currently available for editing in a document)
comp., MSactive partitionpartizione attiva (A partition from which a computer starts up. The active partition must be a primary partition on a basic disk. If you use Windows exclusively, the active partition can be the same as the system volume)
comp., MSactive/passive modemodalità attivo/passivo (The mode in which Application Request Routing is deployed on two ARR servers that process requests and that together act as a failover server. This configuration can achieve high availability, but is still limited by the maximum capacity of one ARR server)
comp., MSactive patterncriterio attivo (A pattern that enables you to define named partitions that subdivide input data, so that you can use these names in a pattern matching expression)
lawactive personality principleprincipio della personalità attiva
mech.eng.active portion of the path of contactparte attiva della linea di contatto
el.active powerpotenza attiva
pow.el.active power filterfiltro elettronico di potenza
el.active-power flowtransito attivo
earth.sc., tech.active power meterwattometro
earth.sc., tech.active power meterwattmetro misuratore di potenza attiva
earth.sc., tech.active power meterwattmetro
comp., MSactive power plancombinazione attiva per il risparmio di energia (The power plan that is currently selected in Power Options in Control Panel)
el., meas.inst.active power transducertrasduttore di potenza attiva
commun.active preventive maintenance timetempo di manutenzione preventiva attiva
agric.active principlesostanza attiva
agric.active principleprodotto attivo
astr.active prominenceprotuberanza attiva
construct.active protection measuremisura attiva di protezione
construct.active protection measuremisura attiva
med.active proteinproteina attiva
el.active RC filterfiltro RC attivo
med.active reabsorptionriassorbimento attivo
life.sc.active reachtratto di trasferimento
el.active regionregione non saturata
astr.active solar regionregione attiva
commun.active repair timedurata della riparazione
commun.active repair timetempo di riparazione attiva
gen.active repair timetempo di riparazione
law, crim.law.active repentanceravvedimento post delictum
law, crim.law.active repentancepentimento operoso
lawactive repentancepentimento attivo
med.active resistive exerciseesercizio con resistenza attiva
lawactive sale by an other licenseevendita attiva da parte di altri licenziatari
chem.active sampling equipmentimpianto di prelievo di campioni attivi
transp., construct.active scoop with sheavesganascia attiva della benna con taglie
comp., MSactive screeningscreening attivo (A screening method that prevents users from saving files that are members of blocked file groups, and generates notifications when users try to save blocked files)
comp., MSactive scriptingscripting (A Microsoft technology that uses COM to run third-party scripts in Microsoft Internet Explorer without regard to language and other elements of implementation)
med.active serine proteaseproteasi di serina attiva
comp., MSActive Server Pagespagine ASP (A Web-oriented technology developed by Microsoft that is designed to enable server-side scripting)
comp., MSActive Server Pages bufferingbuffering ASP (A functionality of Active Server Pages (ASP) that temporarily stores all output that is generated by a script until script execution is complete and then sends the output to a client)
agric.active shipnave in servizio
med.active sitesito attivo
med.active sitesito catalitico
mater.sc., construct.active solar heatingriscaldamento solare attivo
energ.ind.active solar housecasa solare attiva
nat.sc., energ.ind.active solar systemsolare attivo
energ.ind., construct.active solar systemsistema solare attivo
pack.active solventsolvente attivo
life.sc.active sonarsonar attivo
meas.inst.active sonarsonar supersonico
earth.sc.active sourcesorgente attiva
ITactive star optic LANLAN a stella attiva
ITactive star optic local area networkLAN a stella attiva
life.sc.active state of plastic equilibriumstato attivo di equilibrio plastico
comp., MSactive-state power managementActive State Power Management (A power-saving mode which reserves power by ensuring efficient execution of computing tasks and by reducing the number of components running unnecessarily when not actually in use)
earth.sc., construct.active storagecapacità utile
construct.active storage capacityvolume utile del serbatoio
agric.active substancesostanza attiva
pharma., environ., agric.active substanceprincipio attivo
agric.active substanceprodotto attivo
med.active substancesprincipi attivi
med.active substances in combinationassociazione di principi attivi
astr.active SunSole perturbato
astr.active SunSole attivo
astr.active sunspot prominenceprotuberanza attiva delle macchie
el.active surfacesuperficie attiva di un'antenna
met., el.active surface of an electrodesuperficie attiva di un elettrodo
nat.sc., energ.ind.active systemsolare attivo
energ.ind., construct.active systemsistema solare attivo
comp., MSActive Template Library serverserver ATL (A server that houses an Active Template Library)
comp., MSactive timetempo di attività (The entire duration of a timeline, including forward and backward iterations. For example, a timeline programmed to play forward and then backward, once, is active for twice the specified duration--once for the forward iteration and once again for the backward iteration)
med.active transporttrasporto attivo
mech.eng., el.active type heat exchangerscambiatore di calore attivo
med.active ulcerative colitiscolite ulcerosa attiva
insur.active underwritermembro dei Lloyd's
gen.active unit for continuous vitrificationunità attiva di vetrificazione continua
comp., MSactive upgradeaggiornamento attivo (An upgrade that is performed on a sequenced application package without shutting down the server that streams it)
ITactive valuevalore attivo
comp., MSActive ViewAnteprima file (A feature in Hotmail that's designed to help people get more done on the web without having to leave their inbox. Active View displays directly in the body of the e-mail message, showing either previews to other web content or interactive elements created by the sender that let the recipient complete core tasks. A preview message example might include a reference to a file on a photo-sharing or video-sharing website that the recipient can view in the message, or package-tracking information that's extracted from a shipping website. Interactive scenarios might include rating movies and updating wish lists on movie-rental websites or responding to invitations or comments on social networking websites)
gen.active vision techniquetecnica di visione attiva
gen.active voiceattivo
astr.active volcanovulcano attivo
earth.sc., el.active voltagetensione in fase
earth.sc., el.active voltagetensione efficace
el.active voltagetensione attiva
el., meas.inst.active volt-ampèrespotenza attiva
comp., MSactive volumevolume attivo (The volume from which the computer starts up. The active volume must be a simple volume on a dynamic disk. You cannot mark an existing dynamic volume as the active volume, but you can upgrade a basic disk containing the active partition to a dynamic disk. After the disk is upgraded to dynamic, the partition becomes a simple volume that is active)
comp., MSactive volumevolume attivo (The volume from which the computer starts up. The active volume must be a simple volume on a dynamic disk. You cannot mark an existing dynamic volume as the active volume, but you can upgrade a basic disk containing the active partition to a dynamic disk. After the disk is upgraded to dynamic, the partition becomes a simple volume that is active)
gen.active waste storage facilitiesStrutture per lo stoccaggio dei rifiuti radioattivi
social.sc.active welfare stateStato sociale attivo
tech.active well coincidence metercontatore di coincidenza a pozzo attivo
comp., MSactive windowfinestra attiva (The window in which a user is currently working or directing input. An active window is typically at the top of the Z order and is distinguished by the color of its title bar)
comp., MSactive windowfinestra attiva (The window in which a user is currently working or directing input. An active window is typically at the top of the Z order and is distinguished by the color of its title bar)
law, ITactive wire-tappingintercettazione attiva
gen.active workshopOfficina calda
agric., chem.active yeastlievito vivo
gen.active zonezona attiva
life.sc., construct.active zone of wellzona di influenza di un pozzo
med.agent used to produce active immunityagente impiegato per provocare un'immunità attiva
energ.ind.alternating current static watt-hour meter for active energycontatore statico di energia attiva per corrente alternata
chem.ampholytic surface active agenttensioattivo anfolita
chem.anionic surface-active agentagente di superficie anionico
stat., tech.assessed mean active maintenance timetempo tipico di manutenzione attiva
gen.auto-immune chronic active hepatitisepatite cronica autoimmune
chem.base of active ingredientsupporto di prodotto attivo
chem.base of active ingredientdiluente
med.bio-active nacremadreperla bioattiva
environ.biodegradable surface active agenttensioattivo biodegradabile
environ.biodegradable surface active agentagente tensioattivo biodegradabile
med.biologically activebioattivo
med.biologically active amin in the dietammina biologicamente attiva nell'alimentazione
med.biologically active medicinal productmedicinale biologicamente attivo
med.biologically active proteinproteina biologicamente attiva
hobby, commun.brochure to promote active holidaysopusculo sulle vacanze attive
commun.call activecall active
med.catalytically activecataliticamente attivo
chem.cationic surface-active agentprodotto tensioattivo cationico
chem.cationic surface active agenttensioattivo cationico
med.chronic active hepatitisepatite cronica auto immune
med.chronic active hepatitiscirrosi giovanile acuta
med.chronic active hepatitisepatite autoimmune
med.chronic active hepatitisepatite lupoide
med.chronic active hepatitisepatite subacuta
gen.chronic active hepatitisepatite cronica attiva
med.chronic active hepatitisCAH
med.chronic active hepatitisepatite plasmacellulare
med.chronic active hepatitisepatite cronica aggressiva
life.sc.coefficient of active earth pressurecoefficiente di spinta attiva del terreno
med.cold-active enzymeenzima attivo nel freddo
med.combination of active substancesassociazione di principi attivi
astr.common active prominenceprotuberanza attiva comune
gen.common active waste manifoldCollettore comune di rifiuti radioattivi
environ.Community action programme promoting non-governmental organisations primarily active in the field of environmental protectionProgramma di azione comunitario per la promozione delle organizzazioni non governative attive principalmente nel campo della protezione ambientale
agric.concentration of active ingredient in formulationtenore in prodotto attivo della specialità
agric.concentration of active ingredient in sprayconcentrazione di una poltiglia in prodotto attivo
stat.contributing family workers,% of economically active populationcollaboratori familiari non retribuiti, % della popolazione economicamente attiva
astr.coronal active prominenceprotuberanza attiva coronale
agric., chem.decolorization by active charcoaldecolorazione con carbone attivo
snd.rec.digital active lineriga attiva digitale
med.direct active transporttrasporto attivo diretto
gen.disposal of radio-active wasteimmersione di scorie radioattive
agric.dose per hectare of active ingredientdose per ettaro di prodotto attivo
lab.law.economically active populationforza di lavoro
demogr.economically active population in agriculturepopolazione attiva in agricoltura
met.effective mass of the specimen:that mass of the specimen which is magnetically activemassa utile del saggio:massa del saggio magneticamente attiva
el.chem.electrochemically active materialmateriale elettrochimicamente attivo
chem.electrode active surfacesuperficie attiva di un elettrodo
med.endocrine active compoundinterferente endocrino
med.endocrine active compounddisgregatore endocrino
med.enzymatically active moietycatena A delle tossine
gen.European Union Centre for the active prevention of crisescentro di analisi dell'Unione europea per la prevenzione attiva delle crisi
social.sc., sociol., sec.sys.European Year for Active AgeingAnno europeo dell'invecchiamento attivo e della solidarietà tra le generazioni
social.sc., sociol., sec.sys.European Year for Active AgeingAnno europeo dell'invecchiamento attivo
social.sc., sociol., sec.sys.European Year for Active Ageing and Intergenerational SolidarityAnno europeo dell'invecchiamento attivo e della solidarietà tra le generazioni
social.sc., sociol., sec.sys.European Year for Active Ageing and Intergenerational SolidarityAnno europeo dell'invecchiamento attivo
social.sc., sociol., sec.sys.European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between GenerationsAnno europeo dell'invecchiamento attivo e della solidarietà tra le generazioni
social.sc., sociol., sec.sys.European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between GenerationsAnno europeo dell'invecchiamento attivo
gen.European Year of Voluntary Activities Promoting Active CitizenshipAnno europeo delle attività di volontariato che promuovono la cittadinanza attiva
el., acoust.figure of merit of an active sonarfattore di merito di un sonar attivo
med.functional active poolriserva funzionalmente attiva
agric.herbicidal-type active substancesostanza attiva a effetto diserbante
gen.high-activeAltamente radioattivo
IT, transp.homing semi-active guidanceautoguida semiattiva
med.ice-nucleation-active bacteriabatterio nucleocondensante
med.immunotherapy active non specificimmunoterapia attiva non specifica
med.immunotherapy active-specificimmunoterapia attiva specifica
agric.indicator of active deforestationindice di disboscamento attivo
el.injection of active poweriniezione di potenza attiva
construct.integration procedure for active and passive solarprocedura di integrazione dell'energia solare attiva e passiva
comp., MSIntel Active Management Technologytecnologia Intel AMT (An Intel networking management technology that is supported by Configuration Manager out of band management, which enables a Configuration Manager administrator to manage desktop computers independently from the Configuration Manager client or the computer operating system)
obs., ITInter-Active Terminology for Europescambio terminologico tra agenzie
life.sc., phys.sc.irradiance of photosynthetically active radiationirraggiamento
life.sc., phys.sc.irradiance of photosynthetically active radiationintensità luminosa
life.sc., phys.sc.irradiance of photosynthetically active radiationintensità della luce
coal., mech.eng.level-of-cut detection by means of a radio-active detector headdeterminazione del livello di taglio mediante testa radioattiva cercatrice
telecom.locally activeattivo localmente
health., nat.res.Management Committee COST 812 - Cold Active Lines of Insect Parasitic NematodesComitato di gestione COST 812 "Ceppi attivi a bassa temperatura di nematodi parassiti degli insetti"
gen.mechanical remote-control manipulator for radio-active productsmanipolatore meccanico a distanza per prodotti radioattivi
gen.mechanical remote-control manipulator for radio-active productsmanipolatore a mano libera per prodotti radioattivi
gen.mechanical remote-control manipulator for radio-active productsbraccio di manipolazione
med.metabolically active coenzymecoenzima metabolicamente attivo
life.sc.metabolically active systemsistema metabolicamente attivo
med.metabolism of the active ingredients in the animalmetabolismo dei principi attivi nell'animale
el.metal-arc active-gas weldingsaldatura MAG
chem.methylene blue active substancesostanza attiva al blu di metilene
chem., el.monitor and active governingsistema a "monitor"
comp., MSmultiple active result setMultiple Active Result Set (A SQL Server 2005 feature that provides the ability to have more than one pending request per connection, in particular to have more than one default result set open per connection. SQL Server 2000 and earlier restricted the programming model such that at any point in time there would be at most one pending request on a given session, blocking the driver from sending requests to the server until the entire result set is consumed)
chem.naturally active earthterra attiva per natura
el.non-active currentcorrente non attiva
stat., social.sc., empl.non-active personinattivo
social.sc., empl.non-active populationpopolazione inattiva
el.non-active powerpotenza non attiva
el.non-active power factorfattore di potenza non attiva
gen.non-active statusdisponibilità
chem.non aqueous surface-active preparationpreparazione tensioattiva non acquosa
demogr.not economically active populationpopolazione inattiva
stat., tech.observed mean active maintenance timetempo osservato di manutenzione attiva
earth.sc.optically active amino-acidaminoacido otticamente attivo
commun., IToptically active materialmateriale otticamente attivo
industr., chem.organic surface-active agentagente organico di superficie
med.over-active thyroidipertiroidismo
gen.over-active thyroideccessiva attività della tiroide
social.sc.pension of the active spousepensione del coniuge attivo
med.pharmacologically active metabolitemetabolita farmacologicamente attivo
pharma.pharmacologically active substancesostanza attiva
pharma.pharmacologically active substanceprincipio attivo
tech.Phonid active neutron instrumentstrumento Phonid a neutroni attivi
el.3-pole active RC filterfiltro RC tripolare attivo
social.sc.policy for active ageingpolitica di prolungamento della vita attiva
social.sc.policy for active ageingpolitica di invecchiamento attivo
life.sc.potentially active faultfaglia potenzialmente attiva
med.preparation with gradual release of the active principlepreparato a liberazione progressiva del principo attivo
med.primary active transporttrasporto attivo primario
econ., social.sc.Pro-activeProattivo
environ.pro-active approachprincipio cautelativo
life.sc.purity of the active substancepurezza del principio attivo
earth.sc.radio-active bombbomba a carica radioattiva
earth.sc.radio-active tracertracciatore radioattivo
earth.sc.release of low-level active concreteriutilizzazione di calcestruzzo di bassa attività
med.release of the active componentcessione dell'ingrediente attivo
comp., MSremote Active Directory authenticationautenticazione di Active Directory remota (A feature that enables IT professionals to activate Windows-based computers based on user identities in the Active Directory, without requiring additional infrastructure)
accum.residual active massmassa attiva residua
med.secondary active transporttrasporto attivo secondario
el.secondary control of active power in a systemregolazione secondaria della potenza attiva
earth.sc.seismically active structurestruttura sismica attiva
gen.semi-active homing guidanceautoguida semiattiva
social.sc.separate pension granted to the non-active spousepensione autonoma liquidata al coniuge non attivo
gen.simulation on active and inactive blockssimulazione su blocchi attivi e inattivi
energ.ind., construct.solar building with a mixed active and passive systemedificio dotato di un sistema ad energia solare mista attiva e passiva
econ., transp., tech.staff on active dutypersonale in attività
life.sc., chem.surface-activesurfactante
industr., chem.surface-active agentsostanza tensioattiva
environ.surface-active agent A substance that, when used in small quantities, modifies the surface properties of liquids or solids. A surface-active agent reduces surface tension in a fluid or the interfacial tension between two immiscible fluids, such as oil and water. Surfactants are particularly useful in accomplishing the wetting or penetration of solids by aqueous liquids and serve in the manner of detergent, emulsifying, or dispersing agents. They are more effective than soap in certain situations and are used by conservators for such purposes as cleaning, wetting, and dispersingagente tensioattivo
med.surface-active agenttensioattivo
med.surface-active agentsurfactante
chem.surface active agentsostanze tensio-attive
industr., chem.surface-active agentagente di superficie
industr., chem.surface-active agentagente tensioattivo
chem.surface active agentagente tensioattivo
chem.surface active agentsostanza tensioattiva
chem.surface active agenttensioattivo
met.surface-active agentagente tensio-attivo
med.surface-active agentsurfattante
chem.surface-active agent with active anionsprodotto tensioattivo anionattivo
chem.surface active agentsagenti tensioattivi
environ.surface active compound Any soluble substance composed of two or more unlike atoms held together by chemical bonds that reduces interfacial tension between liquids or a liquid and a solid, often used as detergents, wetting agents and emulsifierscomposto tensioattivo
environ.surface active compoundcomposto tensioattivo
chem.surface active detergentdetersivo tensioattivo
chem.surface active detergentdetergente tensioattivo
chem.surface-active preparationpreparazione tensioattiva
life.sc.tectonically active areazona tettonicamente attiva
el.the peak of the anode curve corresponds to the maximum current in the active statela cresta della curva anodica corrisponde alla corrente massima allo stato attivo
gen.those active in local and regional developmentagente di sviluppo locale e regionale
gen.those active in the economy of a regionoperatori economici di una regione
el.three-pole active RC filterfiltro RC tripolare attivo
stat.unpaid family workers,% of economically active populationcollaboratori familiari non retribuiti, % della popolazione economicamente attiva
comp., MSWindows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShellModulo di Windows Azure Active Directory per Windows PowerShell (A group of cmdlets used to administer Windows Azure Active Directory. You can use these cmdlets to manage users, groups, domains, cloud service subscriptions, licenses, directory sync, single sign-on, and more)
comp., MSWindows Azure Active Directory Sync ToolStrumento di sincronizzazione di Windows Azure Active Directory (The application that provides one-way synchronization from a company's local Active Directory service to Windows Azure Active Directory)
gen.with the active participation of...con la cooperazione attiva di...
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