
Terms for subject Environment containing acid | all forms | exact matches only
acid alkyl sludgefango acido da processo di alchilazione
acid alkyl sludgesfanghi acidi da processi di alchilazione
acid deposition A type of pollution which washes out of the atmosphere as dilute sulphuric and nitric acids. It tends to be a regional rather than a global phenomenon, linked to particular industrial activities and meteorological conditions. It includes rain, more than normally acidic snow, mist, sleet, fog, gas and dry particles. It upsets the balance of nature, disrupting ecosystems, and destroys forests and woodlands, plants and crops; kills aquatic life by altering the chemical balance of lakes and rivers and corrodes building materials and fabrics. The pollutants are caused principally by discharges from power station chimneys of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides released by burning fossil fuels, coal and oildeposizione acida
acid depositiondepositi acidi
acid depositionpioggia acida
acid dewpointpunto di rugiada acido
acid hydrolysisidrolisi acida
acid rain Rain having a pH less than 5.6. The acidity results from chemical reactions occurring when water, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides, generally released by industrial processes, are chemically transformed into sulphuric and nitric acidspioggia acida
acid rainpiogge acide
acid sludgecatrame acido
acid sludgefango acido
acid stagefermentazione acida
acid stagefase acida
acid tarcatrame acido
acid tarscatrami acidi
acids not otherwise specifiedacidi non specificati altrimenti
amino acid Organic compounds containing a carboxyl group (-COOH) and an amino group (-NH2). About 30 amino acids are known. They are fundamental constituents of living matter because protein molecules are made up of many amino acid molecules combined together. Amino acids are synthesized by green plants and some bacteria, but some (arginine, histidine, lysine. threonine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, valine, phenylalanine, tryptophane) cannot be synthesized by animals and therefore are essential constituents of their diet. Proteins from specific plants may lack certain amino acids, so a vegetarian diet must include a wide range of plant productsamminoacidi
Basal Acid Outputsecrezione acida basale
brown humic acidacido umico bruno
decrease in the activity of the dehydrase of aminolevulinic aciddiminuzione della deidrasi dell'acido aminolevulinico
2, 4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acidacido 2,4 diclorofenossiacetico
diluted acid A less concentrated acidacido diluito
dry acid depositiondeposizione acida per via secca
fulvic acidacido fulvico
grey humic acidacido umico grigio
herbicide in the phenoxyacetic acid grouperbicida del gruppo degli acidi fenossiacetici
humic acidacido umico
hydrochloric acid A solution of hydrogen chloride gas in water; a poisonous, pungent liquid forming a constant-boiling mixture at 20% concentration in water; widely used as a reagent, in organic synthesis, in acidizing oil wells, ore reduction, food processing, and metal cleaning and pickling. Also known as muriatic acid, HClacido cloridrico
increase in the content of aminolevulinic acid in the blood and urineaumumento del tasso di acido aminolevulinico nel sangue e nell'urina
mineral acidacido minerale
mixed-acid pickling bathbagno di decapaggio misto
mono-, di- and tri-, fatty acid esters of glycerolmono-, di- e tri-gliceridi
nitric acid and nitrous acidacido nitroso e nitrico
nitric acid scrubberscrubber ad acido nitrico
nucleic acid Any of several organic acids combined with proteins (DNA or RNA) which exist in the nucleus and protoplasm of all cellsacidi nucleici
nucleic acidacidi nucleici
phosphoric and phosphorous acidacido fosforoso e fosforico
pollution caused by acid picklinginquinamento nei bagni di decapaggio acidi
Royal Society Symposium on Acid RainSimposio sulle piogge acide dell'Accademia reale della chimica
strong acid wasterifiuti fortemente acidi
sulphuric acid A toxic, corrosive, strongly acid, colorless liquid that is miscible with water and dissolves most metals, and melts at 10C; used in industry in the manufacture of chemicals, fertilizers and explosives, and in petroleum refiningacido solforico
sulphuric acid and sulphurous acidacido solforoso e solforico
the glassware used for the analyses was washed in diluted nitric acidla vetreria utilizzata per le analisi è stata sciacquata con acido nitrico diluito
2, 4, 5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acidacido 2,4,5 triclorofenossiacetico
wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use MFSU of acidssoluzioni acide di scarto
weak acid wasterifiuti leggermente acidi
wet acid depositiondeposizione acida per via umida
winter concentration of nitrous acidconcentrazione invernale di acido nitroso