
Terms for subject Insurance containing accounting | all forms
account agentagente accreditato
accounts receivableconto debitori diversi
adjustment of accounts between institutionscompensazione fra istituzioni
amount of the cover or the part which the policyholder must pay from his own accountammontari di garanzia o di franchigia
annual trading accountsconti globali annui
certificate concerning the periods to be taken into account for the granting of unemployment benefitsformulario E301
certificate concerning the periods to be taken into account for the granting of unemployment benefitsattestato relativo ai periodi da prendere in considerazione per la concessione delle prestazioni di disoccupazione
certificate relating to members of the family of an unemployed person who must be taken into account for the calculation of benefitsformulario E302
certificate relating to members of the family of an unemployed person who must be taken into account for the calculation of benefitsattestato relativo ai familiari del lavoratore subordinato disoccupato da prendere in considerazione per il calcolo delle prestazioni
guarantee for the account of or with the support of the Stategarantire per conto o con l'appoggio dello Stato
income and expenditure for the insurer's own accountproventi e spese per proprio conto
reinsurance of common accountriassicurazione per conto comune
reinsurance of joint accountriassicurazione per conto comune
retrocession agreement for the common accountaccordo di retrocessione per conto comune
selected-account policypolizza di assicurazione di abbonamento
three-year accountingsistema triennale dei conti
whole account treatytrattato su un intero portafoglio