
Terms for subject Environment containing Wind | all forms | exact matches only
beam windvento di traverso
Concerted action for offshore wind energy deploymentAzione concertata per lo sfruttamento dell'energia eolica offshore
Concerted Action on Offshore Wind Energy in EuropeAzione concertata sull'energia eolica offshore in Europa
cross windvento di traverso
wind-breakprotezione contro il vento
wind-breakbarriera frangivento
wind energyenergia del vento
wind energy productionproduzione di energia eolica
wind-energy sectoreolico
wind erosion The breakdown of solid rock into smaller particles and its removal by wind. It may occur on any soil whose surface is dry, unprotected by vegetation (to bind it at root level and shelter the surface) and consists of light particles. The mechanisms include straightforward picking up of dust and soil particles by the airflow and the dislodging or abrasion of surface material by the impact of particles already airborneerosione eolica
wind erosionerosione causata dal vento
wind erosionerosione eolica
wind induced erosionerosione causata dal vento
wind motormotore eolico
wind power Energy extracted from wind, traditionally in a windmill, but increasingly by more complicated designes including turbines, usually to produce electricity but also for water pumping. The power available from wind is proportional to the area swept by the rotating place and the cube of the wind velocity, but less than half the available power can be recoveredenergia eolica
wind powerenergia del vento
wind powerenergia eolica
wind power stationgeneratore eolico
wind power station Power station which uses wind to drive a turbine which creates electricitygeneratore eolico
wind-power systemsistema di energia eolica