
Terms for subject Environment containing Order | all forms | exact matches only
biotope order An ordinance or decree regarding an area of ecological habitat that is characterized by a high degree of uniformity in its environmental conditions and in its distribution of plants and animalsordinanza relativa a un biotopo
biotope orderordinanza relativa a un biotopo
Committee for the adaptation to technical and scientific progress of the directive on the quality of fresh water needing protection or improvement in order to support fish lifecomitato per l'adeguamento al progresso tecnico e scientifico: - acque dolci/pesci
environmental protection orderprovvedimento di protezione ambientale
executive order An order or regulation issued by the president or some administrative authority under his direction for the purpose of interpreting, implementing or giving administrative effect to a provision of the constitution or of some law or treatyprovvedimento esecutivo
executive orderprovvedimento esecutivo
general administrative order An administrative mandate outlining the process by which a concept, plan, decree or law is to be put into actual practice by a specific organization or government agencyregolamento di esecuzione
general administrative orderregolamento di esecuzione
peck ordergerarchia della beccata
pecking orderordine di beccata
pecking ordergerarchia della beccata
rank orderordinamento gerarchico
subsequent orderprovvedimento susseguente