
Terms containing MASTER | all forms | exact matches only
ITactive master itemarticolo attivo dell'archivio principale
environ.Adriatic Sea Environmental Master PlanPiano generale ambientale del Mare Adriatico
agric.agricultural master planpiano pilota agricolo
transp., mech.eng.air conditioning master valvevalvola generale del condizionamento d'aria
el.artwork masterdisegno originale
comp., MSASP.NET Master Pagepagina master ASP.NET (An ASP.NET-based templating feature available in ASP.NET 2.0 and later)
meas.inst.assay masterassaggiatore
transp.assistant depot mastercapo deposito non titolare
transp.assistant depot mastercapo deposito
lab.law.assistant property masteraiuto-attrezzista
market., industr., construct.Association of Swiss Master HairdressersAssociazione Svizzera dei Maestri Parrucchieri
transp., avia.ATM Master Planpiano generale della gestione del traffico aereo in Europa
gen.ATM Master Planpiano generale ATM
meas.inst.automated master switchingcommutazione automatizzata di un programma
transp., mil., grnd.forc., mech.eng.brake master cylinderpompa idraulica di comando
transp., mil., grnd.forc., mech.eng.brake master cylindercilindro maestro
transp.brake servo unit, master cylinderdispositivo servofreno,cilindro principale
IT, el.bus masterpiastra di controllo bus
IT, el.bus masterpiastra di bus
tech.cam-controlled master switchinterruttore principale comandato per camme
fin., UNcapital master planpiano di ristrutturazione
fin., UNcapital master planpiano generale di ristrutturazione
fin., UNcapital master planCapital Master Plan
agric.cellar mastercapocantiniere
commun., ITcesium atomic master clockorologio atomico al cesio
mech.eng.circular mastermodello campione
mech.eng.circular mastercopia tipo
transp.coaster masterpadrone omarinaio autorizzato
transp.Community master planschema direttivo comunitario
cultur.compact disc CD mastermatrice di compact disc
comp., MScontent masterschema contenuto (A slide template that defines default formatting or the position of placeholders for one or more slides in a presentation)
transp.decision support system for mastersistema di supporto decisionale per il comandante
ed.Degree of Master of Advanced European Studiesdiploma di alti studi europei
comp., MSDesign MasterReplica master (The only member of the replica set in which you can make changes to the database structure that can be propagated to other replicas)
commun.direct metal masteringincisione diretta su metallo
comp., MSdomain naming mastermaster per la denominazione dei domini (A domain controller that holds the domain naming operations master role in Active Directory. The domain naming master controls the addition or removal of domains in the forest. At any time, the domain naming master role can be assigned to only one domain controller in the forest)
cultur.duplicator masterlastra incisa
cultur.duplicator mastercliché
cultur.duplicator masterforma stampante
earth.sc., el.electrical master boxcentralina elettrica
ed.Erasmus Mundus Masters CourseMaster Erasmus Mundus
transp., avia.European Air Traffic Management Master Planpiano generale della gestione del traffico aereo in Europa
gen.European Air Traffic Management Master Planpiano generale ATM
transp.European Infrastructure Master PlanPiano Direttivo Europeo delle Infrastrutture
tel.european master reference for telephone transmissionsistema campione europeo di riferimento per la trasmissione telefonica
health., ed., school.sl.European Master's Degree in Public HealthMaster europeo in salute pubblica
ed.European Master's in Human Rights and Democratisationmaster europeo sui diritti dell'uomo e la democratizzazione
ed., ITEuropean Master's in TranslationMaster europeo in traduzione
ed., school.sl.examination for Master's Diplomaesame per il MA
agric.female "master" farmermaestra-agricoltrice
agric.female "master" farmerpadrona
agric.female "master" farmeristruttrice
agric.female "master" of house-keepingprofessoressa di economia domestica
agric.female "master" of house-keepingesperta di economia domestica
tech.film mastermaster di stampa
IT, dat.proc.font mastermatrice per polizze di caratteri
IT, dat.proc.font mastermatrice per font
social.sc.Grand MasterGran Maestro
lawGrand'Master of the Legion of HonourGran Maestro della Legion d'Onore
econ.harbour master's officecapitaneria di porto
cultur., commun.hectography masterclichée per duplicazione
cultur., commun.hectography masterclichée duplicatore
cultur., commun.hectography master sheetclichée duplicatore
cultur., commun.hectography master sheetclichée per duplicazione
ed.industrial master schoolscuola tecnica industriale
comp., MSinfrastructure mastermaster infrastrutture (A domain controller that holds the infrastructure operations master role in Active Directory. The infrastructure master updates the group-to-user reference whenever group memberships change and replicates these changes across the domain. At any time, the infrastructure master role can be assigned to only one domain controller in each domain)
transp.Infrastructure Master PlanPiano direttore per le infrastrutture
comp., MSInitial mastermaster iniziale (A shared folder whose existing files and folders are replicated to other shared folders when replication is initially configured. After replication is complete, there is no initial master, since any of the replicas can accept changes and propagate them to the other replicas. The initial master then becomes another replica)
comp., MSintercompany master planpiano generale interaziendale (A master plan that is used for intercompany master scheduling)
comp., MSintercompany master schedulingprogrammazione generale interaziendale (The process for generating a timetable for two or more legal entities that are part the same organization)
cultur., commun.intermediate mastercopia intermedia
fin.internal master scalescala tipo interna
comp., MSKey MasterMaster chiavi (A DNS server role that is responsible for all DNSSEC key management for a specific DNSSEC-signed DNS zone. Different DNS zones can have different Key Masters. The Key Master role can be moved from one DNS server to a different DNS server, but a DNS zone can have only one Key Master at a given time. To be a Key Master, the DNS server must be authoritative for the DNS zone, the zone must be signed with DNSSEC, and the DNS server must be selected to be the Key Master for the DNS zone)
ed., agric.licensed master farmpodere-scuola
agric.licensed "master" farmeristruttore
ed., agric.licensed master farmerpadrone
agric.licensed "master" farmermaestro-agricoltore
agric.licensed "master" farmerpadrone
mech.eng.lock-out master switchinterruttore generale di arresto
tech., el.mandatory minimum requirements for certification of mastersrequisiti minimi obbligatori per l'abilitazione dei comandanti
gen.mandatory minimum requirements for certification of mastersrequisiti minimi obbligatori per l'abilitazione di comandanti
stat., ITmaster address fileregistro principale degli indirizzi
fin.master agreementcontratto standard
fin.master agreementaccordo quadro
transp., mater.sc.master allocation scheduletabella delle necessità
met.master alloylega-madre
met.master alloylega madre
tech., met.master alloy powderpolvere di lega madre
transp.master and articulated assemblybiella madre e gruppo articolato
radiomaster broadcasting antennaMATV impianto d'antenna collettiva
commun.master antenna television MATVantenna TV centralizzata
gen.master antenna televisionMaster Antenna Television
gen.master antenna televisionantenna TV centralizzata
commun.master antenna television systemsistema televisivo ad antenna centralizzata
mech.eng.master ballscrew actuatorattuatore principale di scarico
industr., construct.master batchmescola montata
chem.master batchmescola madre
el.master bistablebistabile principale
automat.master black controlregolatore del nero
met.master blockportastampo
comp., MSmaster boot codecodice di avvio principale (A small amount of executable code contained in the master boot record that scans the partition table for the active partition, finds the starting sector of the active partition, loads a copy of the boot sector from the active partition into memory, and transfers control to the executable code in the boot sector)
comp., MSmaster boot recordrecord di avvio principale (The first sector on a hard disk, which begins the process of starting the computer. The MBR contains the partition table for the disk and a small amount of executable code called the master boot code)
met.master borercapo trivellatore
transp., mech.eng.master brake cylinderdistributore quadruplo dell'impianto freni
transp., mech.eng.master brake cylinderestensore quadruplo
automat.master brightness controlregolatore collettivo della luminosità
school.sl., industr.master builder/planning and technical calculationcostruttore edile
IT, earth.sc.master busbus principale
mech.eng.master bushingbussola fissa
met.master bushingcunei della tavola rotary
ITmaster cardscheda matrice
work.fl., commun.master catalogcatalogo generale
work.fl., commun.master cataloguecatalogo generale
comp., MSMaster Category ListElenco categorie principali (The list of categories that you can use to group items or to find items. This list contains general categories such as Business, Personal, and Phone Calls. You can add categories to and delete categories from this list)
agric., forestr., patents.master certificatecertificato principale
el.master-chip integrated circuitcircuito integrato con componenti addizionali
nat.sc.master chronologycronologia madre
gen.master chronologycronologia campione
ed.master classcorso professionale
ITmaster clocktemporizzatore principale
el.master clockgeneratore di sincronizzazione principale
commun., mater.sc.master clockregolatore di distribuzione dei tempi orario
commun., mater.sc.master clockorologio-madre
el.master clockorologio principale
el.master clockorologio pilota
meas.inst.master clockorologio maestro
mech.eng.master clutchinnesto a doppio effetto
transp., construct.master clutch leverleva d'innesto principale
meas.inst.master coilbobina principale
meas.inst.master compassbussola principale
transp.master compassbussola madre
meas.inst.master compassbussola normale
mech.eng.master componentcopia tipo
mech.eng.master componentmodello campione
ITmaster computercalcolatore principale
commun., ITmaster consolebanco di comando
gen.master consoleconsole principale
pack.master containerimballaggio esterno
el.master controlsala di regia
automat., meas.inst.master control automationcommutazione automatizzata di un programma
automat., meas.inst.master control deskbanco di regia centrale
ITmaster-control interruptinterruzione del controllo principale
mech.eng.master control panelquadro comandi principale
mech.eng.master control panelpannello di controllo principale
transp.master control programmacroprogramma
ITmaster-control programprogramma principale di controllo
commun.master control roomcentrale nodale
earth.sc., el.master control selectorselettore principale
mech.eng.master controllerregolatore principale
commun., transp.master controllercentrale di controllo
transp., el.master controllercontroller
commun., transp.master controllercentrale di comando e coordinamento
el.master controllermanipolatore
transp., el.master controllerbanco di manovra manipolatore
transp., el.master controllercombinatore manuale di comando
IT, transp.master controllerdispositivo di controllo principale
commun.master copycopia principale
lawmaster copytesto di riferimento
gen.master copyoriginale (An original document, recording, film, etc., from which copies can be made)
comp., MSmaster copycopia master (The most recently checked-in version of a file or project stored in a Visual SourceSafe database)
lawmaster copycopia di riferimento
commun.master copy of a textcopia tipo di un testo
gov.master craftsmancapo operaio
lab.law.master craftsmanmaestro
lab.law.master craftsmanmastro
gen.Master CraftsmanCapo operaio
health.master culturecoltura madre
transp., mil., grnd.forc., mech.eng.master cylinderpompa idraulica di comando
transp., mil., grnd.forc., mech.eng.master cylindercilindro maestro
transp., polit.master cylindercilindro principale
IT, engl.master datamaster data
comp., MSmaster datadati master, anagrafica (Entities that describe the parties, locations, products, and activities that are referenced by entities that document and record economic, resource flow, and accounting events)
IT, engl.Master Data ManagementMaster Data Management
comp., MSMaster Data ManagerGestione dati master (A component of the Master Data Services application for managing and accessing master data)
comp., MSMaster Data Services Configuration ManagerGestione configurazione Master Data Services (A SQL Server configuration manager used to create and configure Master Data Services databases, Web sites, and Web applications)
comp., MSmaster databasedatabase master (The system database that records all the system-level information for an instance of SQL Server)
comp., MSmaster design setset di schemi master (A design set that includes a broad collection of common business publications)
construct.Master Development and Town Planning Schemepiano regolatore generale
gen.master discdisco originale
IT, dat.proc.master documentdocumento principale
lawmaster document"bibbia"
comp., MSmaster documentdocumento master (" A "container" for a set of separate files (or subdocuments). You can use a master document to set up and manage a multipart document, such as a book with several chapters.")
lawmaster documentdocumento di riferimento
el.master drawingdisegno originale
comp., MSmaster elementelemento master (An element in a parent document to which a child document is attached. Examples of master elements are input, frame, iframe, or elements created by an element behavior)
comp., MSMaster ExplorerEsplora master (A window that shows a hierarchical view of the masters and styles)
ed., agric.master farmermaestro-agricoltore
fin., invest.master-feeder fundstruttura master-feeder
fin., invest.master-feeder fundschema master-feeder
fin., invest.master-feeder fund structureschema master-feeder
fin., invest.master-feeder fund structurestruttura master-feeder
fin., invest.master-feeder structureschema master-feeder
fin., invest.master-feeder structurestruttura master-feeder
IT, dat.proc.master filearchivio permanente
IT, dat.proc.master filearchivio base
IT, dat.proc.master filearchivio principale
comp., MSmaster filefile master (The file installed with earlier versions of SQL Server used to store the master, model, and tempdb system databases and transaction logs and the pubs sample database and transaction log)
market., ITmaster filesdati principali
environ., agric.master fire chronologyregistro cronologico degli incendi
gen.master fire chronologypirocronologia campione
fisherymaster fishermancapo pescatore
transp., avia.master flight clearance notenota di autorizzazione al volo
el.master flip-flopbistabile principale
industr., construct.master for office-type offset machinescarta per la riproduzione di testi o di disegni su macchine offset per ufficio
fin.Master Foreign Exchange Swap Agreementaccordo tipo per le operazioni di swap in valuta
chem.master formforma madre
pharma.master formulaformula di fabbricazione
law, commer.master franchise agreementaccordo di franchising principale
law, commer.master franchise contractcontratto di master franchising
commer.master franchise national development planpiano di sviluppo nazionale di un master-franchising
commer.master franchiseemaster franchisee
commer.master franchisee trial periodperiodo di prova del master-franchisee
el.master frequencyfrequenza pilota
industr., construct.master frequency control instrumentorologio controllore di frequenza
el., meas.inst.master frequency metercontatore integratore di periodi
meas.inst.master frequency meterfrequenzimetro totalizzatore
gen.master frequency registerregistro ufficiale delle frequenze
invest.master fundfondo master
invest.master fundfondo di destinazione
ed., agric.master gardenercapogiardiniere
met.master gate"preventer" a saracinesca
chem., el.master gatesaracinesca principale
met.master gaugemanometro campione
meas.inst.master gaugecalibro di riscontro
meas.inst., BrEmaster gaugecalibro campione
chem.master gaugecomparatore
mech.eng.master gearruota campione
transp.master greasercapo ingrassatore
el.master groupgruppo terziario
el.master groupgruppo a 300 canali
transp.master home/deck officer Class 3padrone marittimo
comp., MSmaster imageimmagine master (The hard disk image from which the manufacturer creates all other operating system images on the computers being manufactured. The master image is the final operating system image that contains all of the software, configuration settings and other customizations requested by the solution provider. It is installed on every computer in a particular offering during manufacturing)
school.sl., agric.master in agricultureagricoltore qualificato
school.sl., agric.master in agriculture warehousingmagazziniere agricolo qualificato
school.sl., agric.master in apicultureapicoltore qualificato
school.sl., agric.master in dairy farmingtecnico di produzione lattiero-casearia
school.sl., agric.master in fisheryesperto in economia della pesca
school.sl., agric.master in forestryesperto in economia forestale
school.sl., agric.master in forestry plantation and forest managementesperto in vivaismo e gestione forestale
school.sl., agric.master in forestry plantation and forest managementesperto in florovivaismo e gestione forestale
school.sl., agric.master in horse husbandryesperto in allevamento equino
school.sl., agric.master in horticultureorticoltore qualificato
school.sl., agric.master in market gardeningortofrutticoltore qualificato
school.sl., agric.master in pomology and fruit-processingesperto in pomologia e lavorazione della frutta
school.sl., agric.master in poultry farmingavicoltore qualificato
school.sl., agric.master in rural home economicsesperto in economia domestica rurale
school.sl., agric.master in vinculture and wine-productionviticoltore ed enologo qualificato
gen.Master in Your Own HomePartito democratico Saimnieks
IT, dat.proc.master index filefile di indice principale
comp., MSmaster installationinstallazione master (A customized installation of Windows that an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or corporation plans to duplicate onto one or more destination computers)
IT, dat.proc.master itemstesto costante
IT, dat.proc.master itemsmaschera
IT, dat.proc.master itemselementi costanti
gen.master keychiave primaria
mech.eng.master keychiave di sicurezza
comp., MSmaster keychiave master (The key used by the client and server for all session key generation. The master key is used to generate the client-read key, the client-write key, the server-read key, and the server-write key. Master keys can be exported as simple key BLOBs)
gen.master keychiave di codifica delle chiavi
transp.master lamp switchinterruttore della luce anabbagliante
IT, el.master layoutschema orginale
fin.master lending agreementcontratto quadro per le operazioni di prestito titoli
comp., MSmaster-level guideguida dello schema diapositiva (A guide that is created and edited in Slide Master view, and that applies to slides that use the master layout in which it was created)
comp., MSMaster Licensing AgreementContratto di licenza Master (A license agreement that is signed by OEMs who wish to preinstall Microsoft software on their customer systems and distribute and sublicense the preinstalled software to end users. It consists of core terms and various schedules)
automat.master lift controlregolatore principale del livello del nero
industr.master lightluce generale
el.master light switchinterruttore generale di illuminazione
met.master lodefilone principale
commun.master machinevideoregistratore primario
transp.master marinercapitano di nave mercantile
transp.master marinercomandante di nave
transp.master marinercapitano
transp.master marinercomandante di nave mercantile
chem., el.master masoncapomastro
transp.master mechaniccapo meccanico
comp., MSmaster mergeindice master (The process of combining shadow indexes with the current master index to form a new master index)
gen.master messagecomunicato guida
gen.Master Messagecomunicato guida
meas.inst.master metercontatore principale
chem., el.master metermisuratore generale
chem., el.master metermisuratore principale
transp., avia.Master Minimum Equipment Listlista degli equipaggiamenti minimi di riferimento
gen.master modemodo principale
transp., el.master mode switchcommutatore di selezione principale
meas.inst.master monitormonitore di trasmissione
chem.master mouldprimo stampo
el.master negativenegativo originale
gen.master negative filmfilm negativo originale (The first generation microform copy of a document from which subsequent copies can be made)
fin.master netting agreementaccordo-quadro di compensazione
fin.master netting agreementaccordo quadro di compensazione
commun., ITmaster number huntingricerca con numero di riferimento
lawmaster of a coasting vesselcapitano di piccolo cabotaggio
law, hobbymaster of ceremoniespresentatore
social.sc.Master of LabourMaestro del Lavoro
health., ed., school.sl.Master of Science in Pharmacylaurea in farmacia
transp.master on a shipcomandante di nave
transp.master on a shipcapitano di nave mercantile
transp.master on a shipcapitano
transp.master on a shipcomandante di nave mercantile
el.master originalregistrazione originale
el.master originalnegativo originale
el.master oscillatoroscillatore pilota
el.master oscillatoroscillatore di portante
IT, dat.proc.master pagepagina mastro
IT, dat.proc.master pagepagina tipo
comp., MSmaster pagepagina master (A page that defines the layout and common elements for a set of web pages. It is merged at run time with content pages that define page-specific content)
comp., MSMaster Page GalleryRaccolta pagine master (A collection of pages with the .master extension that define shared page elements and content place holders)
met.master patternmodello madre
met.master patternpremodello
automat.master picture monitormonitore principale d'immagine
mech.eng.master pinperno di unione
construct.master planschema direttore
construct.master planpiano direttore
transp., polit.Master Plan for a European road transport networkpiano generale di reti stradali transeuropee
comp., MSmaster planningpianificazione generale (A planning process that encompasses many manufacturing activities, such as demand management, production and resource planning, and master scheduling)
insur.master policypolizza generale
insur.master policypolizza convenzione
transp., mater.sc.master porteragestivatore giurato
transp., mater.sc.master porterageperito stivatore
cultur.master positivefine-grain masterprint
cultur.master positivepositiva lavanda
cultur.master positivemaster positive
cultur.master positivemasterprint
cultur.master positivecontrotipo positivo
cultur.master positiveduplicating positive
cultur.master positivepositiva marrone
IT, transp.master pressure indicatormanometro principale
commun.master printmatrice
commun., lab.law.master printertipografo
commun., lab.law.master printerstampatore
mech.eng.master profile templatesagoma di lamiera
mech.eng.master profile templatesagoma di tracciatura
commun., transp.master control programmacroprogramma
ITmaster programprogramma principale
IT, dat.proc.master projectprogetto principale
comp., MSmaster projectprogetto principale (A project containing one or more inserted projects. These can retain links to their source projects and may be linked to one another)
comp., MSmaster project planpiano di progetto master (A deliverable of the planning phase for a development project. It consolidates feature team and role plans. The master project plan includes a budget plan, capacity plan, communications plan, deployment plan, development plan, pilot plan, purchasing and facilities plan, security plan, test plan, and training plan)
comp., MSmaster project schedulepianificazione del progetto master (A schedule that identifies all the project's activities and milestones, consolidating all team and role schedules. The master project schedule is a deliverable of the planning phase)
transp., avia.Master Qualification Test Guideguida base per la prova di qualificazione
commun., ITmaster recordregistrazione originale
fin.Master Repurchase Agreementaccordo tipo per le operazioni di pronti contro termine
transp.master retarderfreno di binario principale
transp.master retarderfreno principale
mech.eng.master rodbiella madre
mech.eng.master rollcilindro finitore
transp., nautic.master's certificatepatente di capitano
ed.master's degreelaurea di secondo livello
ed.master's degreelaurea magistrale
ed., school.sl.Master's Degreelaurea
ed., school.sl.master's degree in public lawLaureato in diritto pubblico
stat., scient.master samplecampione master
math.master samplecampione fondamentale
econ.master scalescala tipo
econ., engl.master scalemaster scale
ITmaster schedulerpianificatore principale
gen.master schedulerprogramma incaricato della gestione dei messaggi
comp., MSmaster schedulingprogrammazione generale (The process for generating a timetable for matching supply with demand)
ed.master schoolscuola tecnica professionale
comp., MSmaster secret serverserver master secret (A protocol server that stores and can provide a master secret in response to a request from a protocol client)
pharma.master seedlotto di semenza primario
pharma.master seedlotto di semenza madre
pharma.master seedceppo madre
pharma.master seed lotceppo madre
pharma.master seed lotlotto di semenza madre
pharma.master seed lotlotto di semenza primario
comp., MSmaster serverserver master (A server that distributes jobs and receives events from multiple servers)
commun.master set-up unitunità di set-up principale
nat.sc.master set-up unitunità di controllo principale
comp., MSmaster shapeforma master (A shape on a stencil that you use repeatedly to create drawings. When you drag a shape from a stencil onto the drawing page, the shape becomes an instance of that master)
industr., construct.master sheetcarta stereotipa
industr., construct.master sheetcarta per cliché
ITmaster-slave configurationconfigurazione master-slave
IT, el.master-slave controlcontrollo master-slave
el.master-slave D flip-flopflip-flop principale-secondario di tipo D
ITmaster slave manipulatormanipolatore master-slave
gen.master-slave manipulatormanipolatore asservito
IT, dat.proc.master/slave modemodalità master/slave
el.master-slave storage flip-flopflip-flop principale-secondario d'immagazzinamento
el.master-slave T flip-flopflip-flop principale-secondario di tipo T
el.master slicecircuito mosaico
el.master-slice integrated circuitcircuito integrato con componenti addizionali
telegr.master stationstazione master
auto.ctrl.master stationposto di comando
IT, tech.master stationstazione principale
commun.master stationstazione primaria
commun.master stationstazione di telecontrollo
commun.master stationstazione pilota
auto.ctrl.master stationposto principale
commun., ITmaster station delayritardo della stazione principale
el.gen.master substationstazione pilota
el.master substationstazione con centro di telecomando
gen.master surveillance scheduleprogramma principale di sorveglianza
mech.eng.master switchinterruttore principale
gen.master switchinterruttore generale
astronaut., transp.master switch arrangementSistemazione dell'interruttore generale
relig., tech.master tapenastro tipo
ITmaster tapeoriginele band
relig., tech.master tapenastro campione
commun.master telephone transmission reference systems of the CCITTsistema di riferimento del CCITT
comp., MSmaster texttesto dello schema (The slide text on the slide master. The master text determines the format of text on all slides as well as the shape of text placeholders and their placement on slides)
commun., ITmaster time stationstazione oraria principale
fin.master UCITSOICVM master
ITmaster unitunità principale
ITmaster unitunità pilota
comp., MSmaster user domaindominio account (A Windows NT domain that holds user account data)
mech.eng.master valvevalvola principale
mech.eng.master valvevalvola maestra
mech.eng.master vanepaletta principale di riferimento
school.sl., industr.master woodbuilder/planning and technical calculationcarpentiere qualificato
mech.eng.master workpiecemodello campione
mech.eng.master workpiecesagoma
mech.eng.master workpiecesagoma campione
mech.eng.master workpiececopia tipo
nat.res.master wortimperatoria (Imperatoria ostruthium, Peucedanum ostruthium)
mater.sc.mechanical master slave manipulatormanipolatore meccanico pilota asservito
earth.sc., el.metal masterdisco maschio
comp., MSMicrosoft OEM Master Licensing AgreementContratto di licenza Master OEM Microsoft (A license agreement that is signed by OEMs who wish to preinstall Microsoft software on their customer systems and distribute and sublicense the preinstalled software to end users. It consists of core terms and various schedules)
gen.minimum knowledge for certification of masters and chief matesconoscenza minima per l'abilitazione di comandanti e primi ufficiali di coperta
gen.minimum knowledge for certification of officers in charge of a navigational watch and of mastersconoscenza minima per l'abilitazione di ufficiali responsabili di una guardia e comandanti
fin.mint mastermaestro della zecca
fin.mint master markmarchio del direttore della zecca
comp., MSmultiple mastersschemi multipli (A feature that allows multiple design templates to be applied to a single presentation)
IT, el.multiple-image production masterfotomaschera ad immagine multipla
comp., MSnet change master schedulingprogrammazione generale del fabbisogno netto (A master scheduling principle in which net requirements are calculated only for items that have had a change in demand since the last master schedule was calculated)
commun.new master system for the determination of reference equivalentsnuovo sistema principale per la determinazione degli equivalenti di riferimento
comp., MSoperations mastermaster operazioni (A domain controller that has been assigned one or more special roles in an Active Directory domain)
earth.sc., el.original masterdisco maschio
transp., mater.sc.owner masterpadrone
pharma.pharmacovigilance system master filefascicolo permanente del sistema di farmacovigilanza
comp., MSprimary mastermaster primario (An authoritative DNS server for a zone that can be used as a point of update for the zone. Only primary masters have the ability to be updated directly to process zone updates, which include adding, removing, or modifying resource records that are stored as zone data. Primary masters are also used as the first sources for replicating the zone to other DNS servers)
comp., MSproduct masterrappresentazione generale prodotto (A standard or functional product representation that is the basis for configuring product variants)
lab.law.property masterarredatore di scena
ITproportional master-slave techniquetecnica proporzionale principale-secondario
comp., MSPurble MasterCampione Purble (Skill level in the Purble Place game. Once a Purble Place game is completed, a player gets a skill level rank assigned automatically by the game (based on number of guesses and hints during the game))
gen.Qi-Gong mastermaestro di Qigong
gen.Qigong mastermaestro di Qigong
commun.re-mastering processprocesso re-mastering
ITrearrangeable master-slave methodmetodo master-slave riconfigurabile
earth.sc.remote control master areaarea principale di controllo a distanza
gen.replica masterpupazzo
transp., tech., el.report of inspection to the masterrapporto dell'ispezione al comandante
hobby, agric.riding mastermaestro di equitazione
commun.Satellite Master Antenna TVantenna per satelliti centralizzata
gen.Satellite Master Antenna TVTelevisione satellitare con antenna condominiale
comp., MSschema mastermaster schema (A domain controller that holds the schema operations master role in Active Directory. The schema master performs write operations to the directory schema and replicates updates to all other domain controllers in the forest. At any time, the schema master role can be assigned to only one domain controller in the forest)
lab.law., transp., nautic.ship's mastercomandante di nave
fin.signature mark of the master of the mintmarchio del direttore della zecca
IT, el.single-image production masterfotomaschera ad immagine semplice
comp., MSslide masterschema diapositiva (The slide that stores information about the design template applied, including font styles, placeholder sizes and positions, background design, and color schemes)
transp.station mastercapostazione
transp.stations master's officeufficio del capostazione
fin.stock masterstock master
fin.supervisory master scalescala tipo di vigilanza
lab.law., agric.Swiss Master Bakers and Confectioners AssociationAssociazione svizzera mastri panettieri-pasticcieri
gen.The MasterPartito democratico Saimnieks
comp., MStitle masterschema titolo (The slide that stores information from the design template pertaining to styles on title slides, including placeholder sizes and positions, background design, and color schemes)
mech.eng.track master pinperno di unione
gen.violence masteringcontrollo della violenza
comp., MSvolume master keychiave master del volume (An advanced encryption standard (AES) 256-bit key that is used by BitLocker Drive Encryption to encrypt the full volume encryption key. There is only one volume master key per volume)
comp., MSWeb masterwebmaster (A person responsible for creating and maintaining a World Wide Web site. A webmaster is often responsible for responding to e-mail, ensuring the site is operating properly, creating and updating Web pages, and maintaining the overall structure and design of the site)
transp., tech.weigh masterpesatore