
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Engine | all forms | exact matches only
Database Engine Tuning AdvisorOttimizzazione guidata motore di database (A tool for tuning the physical database design that helps users to select and create an optimal set of indexes, indexed views, and partitioning)
engine adapteradattatore del motore (An adapter that performs various core biometric operations: cleanup of sensor data, feature extraction, template generation, matching, and indexing. These functions can either be implemented by software in the engine adapter, or by the engine adapter making use of some piece of processing hardware)
Engine Input Filefile EIF (A compiled version of a document schema. The EIF is used to expedite translations for distribution among other users in a closed user group. The EIF is automatically compiled whenever an XML Schema Definition language (XSD) schema is generated or edited, using BizTalk Server)
Rules Engine Update serviceservizio di aggiornamento Motore regole di business (A service that performs dynamic policy updates)
search engine optimizationottimizzazione motore di ricerca (The act of modifying the pages of a Web site so that its content is more easily discoverable by Internet search engines)