
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Conditional | all forms | exact matches only
conditional branchdiramazione condizionale (An element of workflow logic that defines an alternative condition and action or additional steps, in cases when the criteria in a condition element are not met. A logical "else-if-then" statement in a workflow)
conditional expressionespressione condizionale (An expression that yields a Boolean value (true or false). Such expressions can involve comparisons (testing values for equality or, for non-Boolean values, the < [less than] or > [greater than] relation) and logical combination (using Boolean operators such as AND, OR, and XOR) of Boolean expressions)
conditional filterfiltro condizionale (A filter that allows Operations Manager to evaluate further rules but does not insert events into the database unless another rule match occurs)
conditional filteringfiltro condizionale (Filtering a field to show the top or bottom n items based on a total. For example, you could filter for the three cities that generated the most sales or the five products that are least profitable)
conditional formatformato condizionale (A format, such as cell shading or font color, that Excel automatically applies to cells if a specified condition is true)
conditional formattingformattazione condizionale (Formatting that is applied to cell contents, form controls, Outlook items or other data based on one or more logical conditions)
conditional primitive preprocessingpre-elaborazione condizionale (Altering of strings based on the requirements of individual script engines)
conditional reportreport condizionale (A report that displays or suppresses portions of the data according to whether specified conditions are met)
conditional sales taxIVA condizionata (A sales tax that is reported to the tax authority when the invoice is paid, in contrast to normal sales tax, which is reported when the invoice is created)
conditional splitsuddivisione condizionale (A restore of a full database backup, the most recent differential database backup (if any), and the log backups (if any) taken since the full database backup.)
conditional sum formulaformula di somma condizionale (A formula that will sum a set of values that meet specified conditions)
conditional visibilityvisibilità condizionale (A type of conditional formatting that allows you to specify when a control is visible on the form)