
Terms for subject Microsoft containing CODE | all forms | exact matches only
ABC codecodice ABC (A classifier that names categories in an ABC classification)
ABC code for carrying cost classificationcodice ABC per la classificazione di costo (A classifier that names categories in an ABC classification that ranks discrete categories of items according to their carrying cost)
ABC code for contribution margincodice ABC per il margine di contribuzione (A classifier that names categories in an ABC classification that ranks discrete categories of items according to their contribution margin)
ABC code for revenuecodice ABC per i ricavi (A classifier that names categories in an ABC classification that ranks discrete categories of items according to their revenue)
ABC code valuevalore codice ABC (The categorization of an inventory item based on its value compared to the total inventory on hand)
access codecodice di accesso (A string of characters entered by a user to verify his or her identity to a network or to a local computer, device, or client, or to sign in to an account, app, and so on)
account codecodice conto (The unique identifier for a record that holds the balance relating to any single asset, liability, owner's equity, revenue, or expense of the business)
account code segmentsegmento di codice conto (A section of an account code that represents a type of entity for which you are accounting)
activation codecodice di attivazione (A unique 12-character code that is used in combination with a computer ID to activate Windows in licensing models where a product key is not used for activation)
area codeindicativo di località, prefisso (A number that identifies each telephone service area in a country/region and is used as a dialing prefix)
authorization codecodice di autorizzazione (A code that grants rights to an individual, for example to use a system or access stored data)
bank codecodice ABI (A unique bank registration number that a bank uses to identify itself)
bank sorting codecodice di classificazione bancaria (A 6-digit code used by the British and Irish banking industries to identify banks and route money transfers between banks)
bar codecodice a barre (The special identification code printed as a set of vertical bars of differing widths on books, grocery products, and other merchandise. Used for rapid, error-free input in such facilities as libraries, hospitals, and grocery stores, bar codes represent binary information that can be read by an optical scanner. The coding can include numbers, letters, or a combination of the two; some codes include built-in error checking and can be read in either direction)
bar code readerlettore di codice a barre (An optical device that uses a laser beam to read and interpret bar codes, such as the Universal Product Codes, found on grocery products and other retail items)
bar code scannerlettore di codice a barre (An optical device that uses a laser beam to read and interpret bar codes, such as the Universal Product Codes, found on grocery products and other retail items)
book codecodice registro (A predefined dimension that is used to differentiate between different modeling scenarios. For example, you can use this dimension to track values for budget, actual, and forecasted scenarios for any given period of time. It is automatically included with every model)
branch codecodice filiale (A numeric code used in combination with a bank code to identify a specific bank branch)
calculation codecodice calcolo (A code that represents a specific numerical calculation that returns a numeric amount)
campaign codecodice della campagna (An identifier, usually made up of numbers or letters, such as 1234 or Early Spring, for a marketing campaign. The campaign code is another way to identify a marketing campaign distinct from the name of the marketing campaign)
card validation codecodice di convalida della carta (A code that credit card companies use to authorize credit card charges. For example, American Express uses a four-digit number on the front of the credit card, and Visa, MasterCard, and Discover use a three-digit number on the back)
Central Bank MFO CodeCodice MFO della Banca Centrale (A 9-digit code used to identify banks for routing transactions in the Russian Federation)
central bank transaction codecodice di transazione della Banca Centrale (A statistical code defined by the Central Bank of Russia used to describe the subjects of payments denominated in Russian roubles for cross-border transactions)
character codecodice carattere (A numeric value that corresponds to a particular character in a set)
client code generationgenerazione del codice client (The action of generating code for the client project based on operations and entities exposed in the middle tier. A RIA Services link must exist between the client and server projects)
code access securitysicurezza dall'accesso di codice (A mechanism provided by the common language runtime whereby managed code is granted permissions by security policy and these permissions are enforced, helping to limit the operations that the code will be allowed to perform)
code access security CAS policycriteri di sicurezza dall'accesso di codice (A set of rules that defines security permissions for a collection of assemblies by associating attributes of those assemblies, such as location and signature, with a set of code access security permissions)
code analysisanalisi codice (The process of checking code for conformance to design guidelines. Code analysis goes beyond compilation to look for common coding and design errors determined by a set of guidelines)
code-behind classclasse code-behind (A class that is accessed by an .aspx file, but resides in a separate file (such as a .dll or .cs file). For example, you can write a code-behind class that creates an ASP.NET custom server control, contains code that is called from an .aspx file, but does not reside within the .aspx file)
code-behind filefile code-behind (A code file containing the page class that implements the program logic of a Web Forms or ASP.NET mobile Web Forms application)
code-behind pagepagina code-behind (A code file containing the page class that implements the program logic of a Web Forms or ASP.NET mobile Web Forms application)
code completecompletamento codice (A development milestone marking the point at which all features for the release are implemented and functionality has been verified against the functional specification)
Code Definition windowfinestra Definizione codice (A read-only editor view that displays the definition of a symbol in a code file stored in, or referenced by, the active project)
code elementelemento di codice (The minimum bit combination that can represent a unit of encoded text for processing or exchange)
code exampleesempio di codice (A block of sample code in documentation that is used to demonstrate a concept or process)
Code First MigrationsMigrazioni Code First (A feature that allows a database created by Code First to be incrementally changed as a developer's Code First model evolves)
code freezeblocco del codice (A point at which a technical project document (requirements specification, functional specification, etc) or developed component of the solution cannot change without significant justification and approval by key project stakeholders)
code groupgruppo di codice (A logical grouping of code that has a specified condition for membership)
code listelenco codici (A set of abbreviation/explanation pairs that are used as a design-time aid to providing sets of XML Schema Definition language (XSD) enumeration values)
code maskformato di codice (The format that you define for a work breakdown structure [WBS] code or a custom outline code. The mask specifies the sequence and number of letters or numbers required for each level and the symbol separating the levels)
code metricmetrica del codice (A software measure that provides developers better insight into the code they are developing. By taking advantage of code metrics, developers can understand which types and/or methods should be reworked or more thoroughly tested. Development teams can identify potential risks, understand the current state of a project, and track progress during software development)
code of conductcodice di comportamento (Rules that explain how someone should behave while using a service or product)
Code of ConductCodice di comportamento (The link to the code of conduct, which contains rules that explain how someone should behave while using a service or product)
code pagetabella codici (A table that relates the character codes (code point values) used by a program to keys on the keyboard or to characters on the display. This provides support for character sets and keyboard layouts for different countries or regions)
code paneriquadro del codice (In Visual Basic for Applications, the window that is used to display, edit, and write module-level and procedure code)
code pointpunto di codice (A numeric value that corresponds to a particular character in a set)
code pointelemento di codice (The minimum bit combination that can represent a unit of encoded text for processing or exchange)
code profilerCode Profiler (A software tool, implemented as a DLL, which is called by the runtime system during the execution of an image)
code reviewrevisione del codice (The process of assessing code to improve its quality and the capabilities of the development team. Types of code review include formal review, peer-based review, and third-party review)
code sampleesempio di codice (A set of program instructions that are provided as an example, typically for learning and re-use)
code segmentsegmento di codice (A memory segment containing program instructions)
code snippetframmento di codice (A small piece of programming code that is part of a larger program. Usually the code snippet performs a specific function or task)
code stubstub di codice (A segment of Visual Basic code that defines the beginning and end of a procedure)
Code viewvisualizzazione Codice (A window that shows the code that comprises a web page)
commodity code hierarchygerarchia di codici di voce doganale (A category hierarchy that orders categories that are created from commodity codes)
control codecodice di controllo (One or more nonprinting characters used by a computer program to control the actions of a device, used in printing, communications, and management of display screens. Control codes are mainly employed by programmers or by users to control a printer when an application program does not support the printer or one of its specialized features. In video, control codes are sent from a computer to a display unit to manipulate the appearance of text or a cursor on the screen. Popular video control code sets are ANSI and VT-100)
control codecodice di controllo (One or more nonprinting characters used by a computer program to control the actions of a device, used in printing, communications, and management of display screens. Control codes are mainly employed by programmers or by users to control a printer when an application program does not support the printer or one of its specialized features. In video, control codes are sent from a computer to a display unit to manipulate the appearance of text or a cursor on the screen. Popular video control code sets are ANSI and VT-100)
course codecodice del corso (A number or code that an educational institution uses to identify a particular class)
currency codecodice valuta (An alphanumeric identifier that represents a currency unit)
date period codecodice periodo date (A code that represents a period of time measured by starting and ending dates)
dead codecodice non utilizzato (Code that is not called during profiling)
department codecodice reparto (A unique alphanumeric name used to identify a department)
department organization codecodice organizzativo reparto (A code that represents the department in which an employee performs a job)
direction codecodice di direzione (A value in a fax or phone activity that indicates the direction of the message. Typically the values are incoming or outgoing)
disposition codecodice smaltimento (A code that indicates the method by which a returned item should be processed)
DSN codecodice DSN (A three-digit string of numbers, such as 5.1.2., that indicates the status of an attempt to deliver an e-mail message)
earning codecodice reddito (A code that represents the type of earnings paid to an employee)
embed codecodice di incorporamento (HTML code that adds an object, such as a video, to a Web site, blog, or HTML page)
emergency access codecodice di accesso di emergenza (An emergency access code is a set of letters and numbers that can be included on your emergency profile wallet card or sheet)
Entity Framework Code First MigrationsMigrazioni Code First di Entity Framework (A feature that allows a database created by Code First to be incrementally changed as a developer's Code First model evolves)
error codecodice errore (One of four fields of an SCODE. It is a unique number that is assigned to represent the error or warning)
exit codecodice di uscita (A value set by an executable upon exit or termination that conveys status information)
field codecodice di campo (Placeholder text that shows where specified information from your data source will appear; the elements in a field that generate a field's result. The field code includes the field characters, field type, and instructions)
four character codeFour Character Code (A 32-bit unsigned integer that is created by concatenating four ASCII characters to identify a data format)
FOURCC codecodice FOURCC (A 32-bit unsigned integer that is created by concatenating four ASCII characters to identify a data format)
generated codecodice generato (Code that is automatically generated for the client project based on operations and entities exposed in the middle tier when a RIA Services link exists between the server and client projects)
hash codecodice hash (A fixed-size result that is obtained by applying a one-way mathematical function (sometimes called a hash algorithm) to an arbitrary amount of data. If there is a change in the input data, the hash changes. The hash can be used in many operations, including authentication and digital signing)
HTML code fragmentframmento di codice HTML (HTML code that you add to your Web page to create features such as a script, a counter, or a scrolling marquee)
IFSC codecodice IFSC (A series of 11 alphanumeric characters used by the Indian Financial System to identify banks participating in the NEFT system and to route transactions between banks)
international access codeprefisso internazionale (The prefix that is used to direct a call internationally. The International Access Code is 011 in the United States and 00 in much of the rest of the world)
language code identifieridentificatore del codice della lingua (A 32-bit value which consists of the language ID in the low word (bits 0-15) and the sorting ID (bits 16-19) and a reserved value (bits 20-31) in the high word)
late-bound codecodice ad associazione tardiva (A code that defers the assignment of a meaning to an identifier (such as a variable) until runtime)
leader codecodice coordinatore (An access code that is needed in order for a user to join a conference as a leader. This string is entered in the Options dialog box, on the Accounts tab, under Conferencing Information)
license codecodice di licenza (An alphanumeric key that grants a party the right to use software or software components as prescribed in the terms of the license agreement, and that activates and inactivates software modules, software capabilities, and software functions)
line of coderiga di codice (An executable line of text that excludes white space, comments, type declarations, and namespace declarations)
location codecodice ubicazione (A code that represents the physical location where an employee works in the organization)
main account code segmentsegmento di codice conto principale (A segment of a general ledger account code that corresponds to the type of account (for example, cash, sales, or travel expense))
managed codecodice gestito (Code that is executed by the common language runtime environment rather than directly by the operating system. Managed code applications gain common language runtime services such as automatic garbage collection, runtime type checking and security support, and so on. These services help provide uniform platform- and language-independent behavior of managed-code applications)
managed code extensionestensione di codice gestito (An application-level add-in or document-level customization. Generally, an extension to Microsoft Office that is created by using Visual Studio Tools for Office)
master boot codecodice di avvio principale (A small amount of executable code contained in the master boot record that scans the partition table for the active partition, finds the starting sector of the active partition, loads a copy of the boot sector from the active partition into memory, and transfers control to the executable code in the boot sector)
Match Code UpdateAggiornamento matchcode (A system job that scans the system for records for which match codes are not updated and persist their corresponding matchcodes in the database (this wakes up every 5 mins))
miscellaneous charge codecodice spese varie (A code that represents miscellaneous charges on a transaction, such as invoice fees, freight, and insurance)
mobile codecodice mobile (Any code placed on a central server that is meant to be downloaded and run by multiple clients. Mobile code can be distributed using Web servers, FTP servers, file shares, and so on. Typically, users run mobile code from the intranet and Internet zones)
My CodeCodice (A debugging feature that hides non-user code so that it does not appear in the debugger windows)
native codecodice nativo (Code that has been compiled to processor-specific machine code)
natural account code segmentsegmento di codice conto naturale (A segment of a general ledger account code that corresponds to the type of account (for example, cash, sales, or travel expense))
occupation codecodice funzione (A code that represents the type of work performed by an employee within the organization)
order status codecodice di stato dell'ordine (A numerical data code that identifies the types of order status used on your Web site. For example, you may create order status codes to define saved orders, deleted orders, or unprocessed orders)
outline codecodice struttura (A custom tag that users define for tasks or resources to allow them to show a hierarchy of the tasks in their project that is different from WBS codes or outline numbers. You can create up to 10 sets of custom outline codes in your project)
outside line access codenumero di accesso alla linea esterna (The prefix that is used to access an outside line. In the United States, this prefix is typically 9)
participant codecodice partecipante (An access code that is required for a user to join a conference as a participant. This code is entered in the Options dialog box, on the Accounts tab, under Conferencing Information)
piece codecodice lavoro a cottimo (A code that indicates how many units of piecework an employee produces)
policy bar codecriteri per codice a barre (An image that encodes a unique identifier for a Windows SharePoint Services object, where the value of the unique identifier can also be represented textually)
polymorphic codecodice polimorfico (Malicious code that changes its code structure or method of infection to evade detection by virus scanners)
postal codecodice postale, CAP (An alphanumeric code assigned to all addresses in order to facilitate mail delivery)
prepaid card codecodice carta prepagata (The unique, 25-character code on a prepaid card that adds computer use time to your prepaid computer or that pays for your subscription)
program codecodice programma (A five-digit code that identifies which of the solution provider's program offerings the customer's computer belongs to)
promotion codecodice promozione (The identification string included with a campaign activity that relates an individual piece of marketing collateral with the corresponding campaign)
proxy codecodice proxy (Code generated by .NET that creates the infrastructure a client can use to call a Web service)
pure codecodice puro (Code that can contain both native and managed data types, but only managed functions)
QR codecodice a matrice (A specific two-dimensional bar code)
reason codecodice causale (The code that represents the cause for a certain action)
reason codecodice motivo (The code that represents the cause for a certain action)
responsibility account code segmentsegmento di codice conto di responsabilità (A segment of a general ledger account code that corresponds to a category within the overall structure of the organization, such as location, division, department, area, task, project, or product)
return codecodice restituito (In programming, a code that is used to report the outcome of a procedure or to influence subsequent events when a routine or process terminates (returns) and passes control of the system to another routine. Return codes can, for example, indicate whether an operation was successful or not and can thus be used to determine what is to be done next)
rule group codecodice gruppo regole (A code that represents a common group of employees whose pay is processed using the same calculations)
safe codecodice sicuro (Code that is executed by the common language runtime environment rather than directly by the operating system. Managed code applications gain common language runtime services such as automatic garbage collection, runtime type checking and security support, and so on. These services help provide uniform platform- and language-independent behavior of managed-code applications)
sales tax codecodice IVA (A user-defined code that uniquely identifies a specific sales tax and defines its characteristics, such as the percentage or amount, tax authority, terms of payment, and ledger accounts used for posting)
sample codecodice di esempio (A set of program instructions that are provided as an example, typically for learning and re-use)
scan codecodice tasto (A code generated by the keyboard software to identify the key pressed in a unique manner)
self-modifying codecodice automodificante (Program code, usually object code generated by a compiler or an assembler, that modifies itself during instruction by writing new operation codes, addresses, or data values over existing instructions)
serial shipping container codeSerial Shipping Container Code (A standardized 18-digit label that uniquely identifies each unit to be transported or stored)
shared codecodice condiviso (Code that is specifically designated to exist without modification in the server project and the client project)
shift codecodice turno (A code that represents the timeframe that an employee will be associated to when working on a particular day. The shift code determines the starting time, the hours, the length, and the earning code to be paid)
SIC codecodice NACE (A four-digit number assigned by the U.S. government to designate the economic activity of businesses)
SIC codecodice SIC (A four-digit number assigned by the U.S. government to designate the economic activity of businesses)
Single Payment Classification Codecodice classificazione pagamento singolo (A Standard Entry Class ACH code that describes a type of financial transaction)
single-use codecodice monouso (A code, which can be used only once, that can be used in place of a password to sign in)
site codecodice del sito (A three-character code that SMS/Configuration Manager uses to uniquely identify an SMS/Configuration Manager site. The site code is specified during the site installation and cannot be changed after installation. The valid characters for site codes are A through Z and 0 through 9)
skill codecodice di competenza (A type of enterprise outline code that allows you to specify the skills that a resource has)
sort codecodice bancario (A 6-digit code used by the British and Irish banking industries to identify banks and route money transfers between banks)
source code controlcontrollo del codice sorgente (A set of features that include a mechanism for checking source code in and out of a central repository. It also implies a version control system that can manage files through the development lifecycle, keeping track of which changes were made, who made them, when they were made, and why)
South African National Clearing Codecodice di compensazione nazionale del Sud Africa (A series of numbers used to identify banks and transaction routing information for South African financial institutes)
Standard Industrial Classification codecodice Standard Industrial Classification (A four-digit number assigned by the U.S. government to designate the economic activity of businesses)
success codecodice di riuscita (An exit code value returned by an executable program that indicates that an operation completed successfully)
SWIFT codecodice SWIFT (An international identification code used to identify financial institutions for international money transfers)
tracking codecodice di monitoraggio (A piece of HTML code in a Web site that places a cookie on visitors' systems to keep track of their actions and movements within a site)
Trojan codetrojan horse (A program that appears to be useful or harmless but that contains hidden code designed to exploit or damage the system on which it is run)
unblock codecodice di sblocco (An operator-provided code to unblock a SIM card)
unlock codecodice di sblocco (A code needed to use a phone with a SIM card on another cellular network)
unmanaged codecodice non gestito (Code that is executed directly by the operating system, outside the .NET Framework common language runtime. Unmanaged code must provide its own memory management, type checking, and security support, unlike managed code, which receives these services from the common language runtime)
virtual key codecodice tasto virtuale (A symbolic constant name, hexadecimal value, or mouse or keyboard equivalent that provides a hardware and language-independent method of identifying keyboard keys. Each virtual key code represents a unique keyboard key and also identifies the purpose of that key. The keyboard driver must provide one or more keyboard layouts that maps keyboard scan codes to the appropriate virtual key codes)
ZIP code In the United States, the postal code assigned to all addressescodice postale ZIP (Stati Uniti)
Zip/Postal CodeCAP (The label for the text box where the user types the postal code for outgoing correspondence)