
Terms containing user system | all forms | in specified order only
ITend-user systemgenerationsprogrammel
ITend-user systemgenerationssprog
gen.Intelligent help for information systems usersIntelligent hjælp til brugere af informationssystemer
ITinterpersonal messaging system userIPMS-bruger
ITinterpersonal messaging system user agentIPMS-brugeragent
ITKnowledge-based User-friendly System for the Utilization of Information Basesvidenbaseret brugervenligt system til brug for informationsbaser
ITmulti-user systemflerbruger-system
lawrevenue from fees paid by the users of the systemprovenuet af de gebyrer,som brugerne af ordningen skal erlægge
ITsystem not programmable by the end-usersystem,der ikke kan programmeres af slutbrugeren
energ.ind.system usersystembruger
ITsystem with multi-user facilityflerbrugersystem
ITuser of an information systembruger af en database
ITuser of an information systembruger af et informationssystem
ITuser oriented HPCN systembruger-orienteret højperformant system
comp., MSusername (The name by which a user is identified to a computer system or network. During the logon process, the user must enter the username and the correct password. If the system or network is connected to the Internet, the username generally corresponds to the leftmost part of the user's e-mail address (the portion preceding thebrugernavn
commun., ITuser-system interactionbrugersystemsamspil
ITuser/system interfacemenneske-maskine grænseflade
work.fl., ITuser-system interfacebruger/system grænseflade