
Terms for subject General containing trans-European network | all forms | in specified order only
Committee for implementation of the decision laying down a series of guidelines for trans-European energy networksUdvalget for Gennemførelse af Beslutningen om Opstilling af Retningslinjer for Transeuropæiske Net på Energiområdet
Committee on general rules for the granting of Community financial aid in the field of trans-European networks transport, telecommunications and energyUdvalget for Generelle Regler for Fællesskabets Finansielle Støtte inden for Transeuropæiske Net på Transportområdet, Telekommunikationsområdet og Energiområdet
Committee on the guidelines for trans-European telecommunications networksUdvalget for Retningslinjerne for Transeuropæiske Telenet
Community action programme for the creation of trans-European infrastructure networksHandlingsprogram med henblik på etablering af transeuropæiske infrastrukturnet
International relations and trans-European transport and infrastructure networkstranseuropæiske transportnet og infrastrukturer
International relations and trans-European transport and infrastructure networksInternationale forbindelser
Telecommunications, trans-European networks and services, and postal servicestranseuropæiske net og tjenesteydelser
Telecommunications, trans-European networks and services, and postal servicespostale anliggender
Telecommunications, trans-European networks and services, and postal servicesTelekommunikation
trans-European networks in the areas of transport, telecommunications and energy infrastructurestranseuropæiske net på transport-,telekommunikations-og energiområdet
trans-European networks in the areas of transport, telecommunications and energy infrastructurestranseuropæiske net inden for transport, telekommunikation og energi