
Terms for subject Criminal law containing the Union | all forms
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the United Mexican States, the Kingdom of Morocco, New Zealand, the Republic of Singapore, the Swiss Confederation and the United Stateshandelsaftale vedrørende bekæmpelse af forfalskning
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the United Mexican States, the Kingdom of Morocco, New Zealand, the Republic of Singapore, the Swiss Confederation and the United StatesHandelsaftale om bekæmpelse af forfalskning mellem Den Europæiske Union og dens medlemsstater, Australien, Canada, Japan, Republikken Korea, Kongeriget Marokko, De Forenede Mexicanske Stater, New Zealand, Det Schweiziske Forbund, RepublikkenSingapore og Amerikas Forenede Stater
Convention drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on simplified extradition procedure between the Member States of the European Unionkonvention, udarbejdet på grundlag af artikel K.3 i traktaten om Den Europæiske Union, om forenklet udleveringsprocedure mellem medlemsstaterne i Den Europæiske Union
Convention established by the Council in accordance with Article 34 of the Treaty on European Union, on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Unionkonvention om gensidig retshjælp i straffesager mellem Den Europæiske Unions medlemsstater
Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Unionkonvention om gensidig retshjælp i straffesager mellem Den Europæiske Unions medlemsstater
Convention on simplified extradition procedure between the Member States of the European Unionkonvention, udarbejdet på grundlag af artikel K.3 i traktaten om Den Europæiske Union, om forenklet udleveringsprocedure mellem medlemsstaterne i Den Europæiske Union
European Union action plan on common action for the Russian Federation on combating organised crimeDen Europaeiske Unions handlingsplan for en fælles aktion over for den Russiske Føderation om bekæmpelse af organiseret kriminalitet
Green paper on the approximation, mutual recognition and enforcement of criminal sanctions in the European Uniongrønbog om tilnærmelse, gensidig anerkendelse og fuldbyrdelse af strafferetlige sanktioner i EU
Protocol, established by the Council in accordance with Article 34 of the Treaty on the European Union, to the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Unionprotokol udarbejdet af Rådet i overensstemmelse med artikel 34 i traktaten om Den Europæiske Union, til konventionen om gensidig retshjælp i straffesager mellem Den Europæiske Unions medlemsstater
Protocol to the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Unionprotokol udarbejdet af Rådet i overensstemmelse med artikel 34 i traktaten om Den Europæiske Union, til konventionen om gensidig retshjælp i straffesager mellem Den Europæiske Unions medlemsstater
Second Protocol, drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, to the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interestsanden protokol udarbejdet på grundlag af artikel K.3 i traktaten om Den Europæiske Union, til konventionen om beskyttelse af De Europæiske Fællesskabers finansielle interesser
The Prevention and Control of Organised Crime: A European Union Strategy for the beginning of the new MillenniumForebyggelse og bekæmpelse af organiseret kriminalitet: En EU-strategi for begyndelsen af det nye årtusind