
Terms for subject Food industry containing the Union | all forms
European Union of Natural Mineral Water Sources of the Common MarketDen Europæiske Sammenslutning af Fællesmarkedets Fabrikanter af Mineralvand fra Naturlige Forekomster
European Union of Natural Mineral Water Springs of the Common Market-UNESEMDen europæiske union for fællesmarkedets naturlige forekomster af Mineralvand - UNESEM
Liaison Bureau of the European EEC Union of Aromatic ProductsForbindelseskontoret for de Europæiske Brancheforeninger for Aromastoffer
The General Principles of Food Law in the European Union: Commission Green Papergrønbog om de generelle principper for Den Europæiske Unions levnedsmiddellovgivning
Union of the Aerated Drinks Associations of the EEC CountriesUnionen af sammenslutningerne af kulsyreholdige drikkevarer i EØF-Landene - UNESDA