
Terms for subject Accounting containing the | all forms | exact matches only
accounts in the financial statementsregnskaber, som indgår i årsregnskabet
addition to the value of non-produced non-financial assetsforøgelse af værdien af ikke-finansielle ikke-producerede aktiver ,
adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserveskorrektion for ændringer i husholdningernes nettoformue i pensionskassereserver
adjustment to the annual declarationregulering af de årlige anmeldelser
Advisory Committee on the Accounts of Railway UndertakingsDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Jernbanevirksomhedernes Bogføring
asset carried in the balance-sheet at its original valuefastholdelse i balancen til den oprindelige værdi
book value in the accountsbogført værdi
certification of the accountsattestering af regnskaber
considering the work of internal auditvurdering af den interne revision
contact committee on the accountancy Directiveskontaktudvalget for regnskabsdirektiverne
financial assets and liabilities vis-à-vis the rest of the world,other than the official reservesfinansielle aktiver og passiver over for den øvrige verden med undtagelse af de officielle reserver
funds held with the State or other public bodiestilgodehavender hos offentlige myndigheder
Green Paper - The role, the position and the liability of the statutory auditor within the European Uniongrønbogen "Den lovpligtige revisors rolle, stilling og ansvar i Den Europæiske Union"
income from investment in and loans to undertaking in which the business has a participating interest or joint venturesindtægter af kapitalandele i tilknyttede eller associerede virksomheder
Institutions of the European UnionEU-institutionerne
Integrated Tariff of the European UnionDen Europæiske Unions integrerede toldtarif
interest rate on the Euromarketeuro-markedsrente
limitation on the scope of the auditbegrænsninger for revisionens gennemførelse
limitation on the scope of the auditbegrænsning af revisionens omfang
maintaining the confidentiality and safe custody of the working paperssikring af, at arbejdspapirer behandles fortroligt og opbevares omhyggeligt
manager of the Community fundsforvalter af fællesskabsmidler
Member States of the European UnionEU-medlemsstaterne
Official Journal of the European CommunitiesDe Europæiske Fællesskabers Tidende
opinion of the Court of AuditorsRevisionrettens udtalelse
own resources of the EUEU's egne indtægter
portion of the auditdele af revisionen
to put on the assets sideaktivere
qualification of the auditor's reportforbehold i revisionspåtegning
representative of the populationrepræsentativ for populationen
rest-of-the-world accounts accounts of external transactionskonti for udlandet konti for transaktioner med udlandet
rest-of-the-world accumulation accountsakkumulationskonti for udlandet
rest-of-the-world balance sheetsstatuskonti for udlandet
rest-of-the-world capital accountkapitalkonto for udlandet
rest-of-the-world current accountsløbende konti for udlandet
rest-of-the-world financial accountfinansiel konto for udlandet
satellite account of the environmentsatellitregnskab for miljøet
satellite account of the environmentmiljørelateret satellitregnskab
scope of the auditrevisionens omfang
statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member Statesstatistisk over udveksling af varer mellem Medlemsstater
stock of goods in the despatch process,on consignment or held on third parties premisesvarer under forsendelse,i konsignation eller i fremmed varetægt
tradable and over-the-counter OTC optionsomsættelige og over-the-counter OTC optioner