
Terms for subject Microsoft containing test | all forms | exact matches only
alpha testalfatest (A type of post-pixel blending operation which allows applications to control when pixels are written to the render target)
checkerboard testskakbrættest (A memory test employed to detect catastrophic failures and wiring problems within the memory chip and on the data bus by writing an alternating pattern of 0's and 1's to the memory chip)
functional testfunktionel test (A test that verifies that all of the functions of a feature are correctly implemented)
Hardware Compatibility Test kitHardware Compatibility Test Kit (A collection of tests that verify hardware and device driver operations under a specific operating situation on Microsoft Windows operating systems. The tests exercise the combination of a device, a software driver, and an operating system under controlled conditions and verify that all components operate properly)
hit testhit-test (A comparison of the mouse position with on-screen geometry. Commonly used to detect whether the mouse has been clicked over on-screen geometry)
performance testperformancetest (A procedure used to assess performance)
stress teststresstest (A test designed to determine the response of a system under load)
Test Drivetestkørsel (A scaled-down version of a product where a user can try out different features before buying it)
test filetestfil (A file used as part of a testing process to check the validity or correctness of a program or procedure)
Test List EditorTestlisteeditor (The window in Visual Studio Team System that is used to manage, execute, and control large numbers of tests and test lists)
Test ResultsTestresultater (A window which displays the current status of every test in the test run)
test runtestkørsel (A set of pairings of test cases and test configurations to be run. The results of this set of pairings can be viewed together. Test runs are either automated or manual)
test scripttestscript (A defined requirement that is checked against a product and yields either a pass or a fail result. Pass indicates meeting the requirement and fail indicates not meeting the requirement)
unit testenhedstest (A test that confirms the functionality and peformance of specific modules and behaviors of code. Often a subset of unit tests are also used as check-in test to discover bugs before a build)