
Terms for subject Environment containing test | all forms | exact matches only
a diagnostic test which enables the limits of collective security to be fixeden diagnostisk prøve, som tillader af fastlægge kollektive sikkerhedsgrænser
alga, growth inhibition testalgevæksthæmningsprøve
algal growth inhibition testalgevæksthæmningsprøve
algal inhibition testalgevæksthæmningsprøve
Ames test A bioassay developed by Bruce N. Ames in 1974, performed on bacteria to assess the capability of environmental chemicals to cause mutationsAmes' test
artifact of the test systemartefakt for testsystemet
artifacts of the test systemartefakter for testsystemet
biological testbiologisk prøve
biological testbiologisk test
biological test The laboratory determination of the effects of substances upon specific living organismsbiologisk test
carcinogenicity test Test for assessing if a chemical or physical agent increases the risk of cancer. The three major ways of testing for carcinogens are animals tests, epidemiological studies and bacterial testsundersøgelse for kræftfremkaldende egenskaber/virkning
carcinogenicity testundersøgelse for kræftfremkaldende egenskaber/virkning
comparative test Tests conducted to determine whether one procedure is better than anothersammenlignende undersøgelse
environmental testmiljøprøvning
laboratory test Tests, examinations or evaluations performed in a laboratorylaboratorietest
limnological testlimnologisk test
13-mode test cycle13-trins prøvecyklus
nuclear testkerneprøve
nuclear test Test performed to evaluate nuclear weaponskerneprøve
nuclear test explosionatomprøvesprængning
operation of source during testdrift af støjkilden under prøvningen
random teststikprøve
random test Tests which do not always yield the same result when repeated under the same conditionsstikprøve
range finding tests"range finding tests"
rapid testhurtigtest
rapid test Tests performed in the medical field whose results are available very quicklyhurtigtest
smear testgnidningsprøve
stability teststabilitetstest med tilsætning af methylenblåt
step teststep test
step testfysisk test
sustained pumping testlangtidspumpeprøve
test animal Animals on which experiments are conducted in order to provide evidence for or against a scientific hypothesis, or to prove the efficacy of drugs or the reaction to certain productsforsøgsdyr
test animalforsøgsdyr
test of resistance to detonationdetonérbarhedsprøve
test organismtestorganisme
test organism Any animal organism used for scientific researchtestorganisme
test under free accelerationafproevning ved fri acceleration
thirteen-mode test cycle13-trins prøvecyklus
toxicity testtoksicitetsprøve
toxicity testgiftighedsprøve
toxicity test with continuous renewaltoksicitetstest,kontinuert metode
toxicity test with continuous renewaltoksicitetstest,gennemstrømningsmetode
toxicity test with periodic renewaltoksicitetstest,semistatisk metode
toxicity test without renewaltoksicitetstest,statisk metode
transparency testsigtdybdemåling
trough testtrugprøve
vapour tightness testprøve med henblik på damptæthed
vitality test on vegetationvitalitetsprøve på vegetation
wipe testgnidningsprøve