
Terms containing tax authorities | all forms | in specified order only
tax.inspection of tax authoritiesskattemyndighedernes kontrol
market.other taxes due to other authoritiesandre skyldige skatter og afgifter til andre myndigheder
law, tax.tax authoritiesskattemyndighed
econ.tax authoritiesskattevæsen
law, tax.tax authoritiesskatteadministration
law, tax.tax authoritiesfiskal myndighed
comp., MStax authoritySKAT (The governmental agency that taxes are paid to)
law, tax.tax authorityskattevæsen
law, tax.tax authorityskattemyndighed
law, tax.tax authorityskatteadministration
tax.tax authoritystatskasse
law, tax.tax authorityfiskal myndighed
market.taxes based on payroll due to other authoritiesskyldige medarbejderskatter til andre myndigheder
tax., account.taxes based on payroll due to tax authoritiesskyldige medarbejderskatter til skattemyndighederne