
Terms for subject Insurance containing system | all forms | exact matches only
agency systemassurandørnet
agricultural insurance systemlandbrugsforsikringsordning
bonus reserve systembonusreservesystem
co-optation systemselvsuppleringsprincip
co-optation systemkooptationsprincip
credit insurance systemkreditforsikringsordning
Creditor Reporting SystemCRS-systemet
European Home and Leisure Accident Surveillance Systemdet europæiske overvågningssystem for ulykker i hjemmet og i fritiden
funded systemkapitaliseringssystem
general agency systemgeneralagentsystem
gross systembruttosystem
interest rate systemrenteordning
Lloyd's agency systemLloyd's meddelelsessystem for dets assurandører
mixed electoral systemblandet valgsystem
numerical weighting systemnumerisk vægtningssystem
on-line information systemon-line information system
pay-as-you-go systemsamtidighedssystem
system of compulsory membershipsystem med tvingende medlemskab
three years'average systemgennemsnitssystem dækkende tre år
unemployment benefits systemsystem for arbejdsløshedsunderstøttelse