
Terms containing syphilis | all forms
health.congenital syphilismedfødt syfilis (lues congenita, syphilis congenita)
health.congenital syphiliskongenit lues (lues congenita, syphilis congenita)
med.hard ulcer of primary syphilissyfilitisk primær-sår
med.hard ulcer of primary syphilisinitialsklerose
med.hard ulcer of primary syphilishård chanker
med.Hinton test for syphilisHintons flokkulationstest
med.malignant syphilissyphilis maligna præcox
med.masking of syphilismaskering af syfilis
med.nasal syphilisnæsesyfilis
med.non veneral syphilissyphilis insons
med.non veneral syphilissyphilis innocentium
med.occupational syphilissyphilis professionalis
med.occupational syphiliserhvervsbetinget syfilis
med.retarded syphilissensyfilis