
Terms containing strings | all forms | exact matches only
ITalphabetic stringbogstavfølge
commun.asynchronous data stringasynkron datastrøm
commun.asynchronous data stringasynkron datastreng
nat.sc., agric.bean stringbønneribbe
IT, el.bit-stringbitstreng
IT, el.bit-stringbitfølge
ITbit string manipulationbitstrengmanipulation
IT, dat.proc.blank stringtom streng
IT, dat.proc.blank stringblank streng
IT, dat.proc.blanks before a stringmellemrum stillet foran en streng
IT, dat.proc.blanks before a stringmellemrum foranstillet en streng
IT, dat.proc.blanks behind a stringmellemrum stillet efter en streng
IT, dat.proc.blanks behind a stringmellemrum efterstillet en streng
IT, dat.proc.blanks following a stringmellemrum stillet efter en streng
IT, dat.proc.blanks following a stringmellemrum efterstillet en streng
construct.bow-string girderbuebro med brobanen som trækbånd
construct.bow-string girderbow-string
med.Brock's string testBrock's snoreprøve
IT, dat.proc.broken stringstrengdiskontinuitet
IT, dat.proc.broken stringstrengafbrydelse
commun.call stringopkaldskæde
comp., MScharacter stringtekststreng (A set of characters treated as a unit and interpreted by a computer as text rather than numbers. A character string can contain any sequence of elements from a given character set, such as letters, numbers, control characters, and extended ASCII characters)
IT, dat.proc.character string returnhentning af tegnstreng
comp., MSconnection stringforbindelsesstreng (A series of semicolon-delimited arguments that define the location of a resource and how to connect to it)
comp., MScontent revocation stringstreng til tilbagekaldelse af program (A string that is generated by the content owner or content packager and is based on their public and private signing keys. This string is shared with the license issuer, who includes it in all licenses. Computers that receive a license with this string are no longer able to play files packaged with that particular signing key pair)
med.Crane stringsCrane's string-sign
IT, dat.proc.date stringdatostreng
IT, dat.proc.date-to-string conversionkonvertering af dato til tekststreng
el.decorative stringilluminationskæde
IT, dat.proc.destination stringmålstreng
IT, dat.proc.destination stringdestinationsstreng
fish.farm.draw stringsnurpewire
fish.farm.draw stringsnurpeline
med.Einthoven string galvanometerEinthoven's strenggalvanometer
gen.electrode stringelektrodestreng
comp., MSe-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by themailadresse
comp., MSe-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by thee-mailadresse
comp., MSemail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by themailadresse
IT, dat.proc.emitting stringkildestreng
IT, dat.proc.equivalent reference stringækvivalent referencestreng
IT, dat.proc.equivalent reference stringtilsvarende referencestreng
industr., construct.fiddle stringtyk tråd
mus.fingered stringnedtrykt streng
cultur.harp stringharpestreng
gen.harp stringsharpestrenge
industr., construct.hemp stringhampesnor
IT, dat.proc.HEXA stringhexadecimal streng
IT, dat.proc.hexadecimal stringhexadecimal streng
IT, dat.proc.init-stringinitialiseringsstreng
IT, dat.proc.initialization stringinitialiseringsstreng
el.insulator stringisolatorkæde
el.insulator stringisolatorstreng
IT, dat.proc.inter-string spacestrengmellemrum
work.fl., ITkeyword indexing by character stringsIndeksering med bogstavrækker
agric., industr.leaf stringguirlande
comp., MSline stringlinje (A shape representing a single path in a coordinate system. It uses linear interpolation between control points for the definition of line which is appropriate to the coordinate system)
industr., construct.machine for polishing or glazing stringpoleremaskine for sejlgarn
comp., MSmulti-line stringmultilinje (A shape representing a union of all the positions in a set of line strings)
cultur.musical instrument stringmustikinstrumenter
social.sc.no strings attacheduden betingelser
IT, tech.null character stringnulfølge
IT, tech.null stringnulfølge
ITnumeric stringnumerisk følge
coal., el.oil stringproduktionsrør
mus.open stringløs streng
IT, dat.proc.original stringkildestreng
gen.packing stringemballagesnor
IT, dat.proc.partial string equivalencedelvis identiske strenge
med.pearl string comparisonperlekæde-sammenligning
el.photovoltaic stringsolcellestreng
gen.piano stringsklaverstrenge
earth.sc.plasma stringplasmastreng
cultur.plucked string instrumentknipseinstrument
cultur.plucked string instrumentharpeinstrument
coal., el.production stringproduktionsrør
mech.eng.pucker stringrynkebånd
IT, tech.pulse stringimpulstog
IT, tech.pulse stringimpulsstreng
IT, tech.pulse stringimpulsfølge
fish.farm.purse stringsnurpeline
fish.farm.purse stringsnurpewire
med.purse-string needleomstikningsnål
med.purse-string suturetobaksposesutur
transp.realignment by string line and versine offsetsporkurvekorrektion med lodsnor
IT, dat.proc.receiving stringdestinationsstreng
IT, dat.proc.receiving stringmålstreng
IT, dat.proc.replace stringerstatningsstreng
patents.ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings, tarpaulins, sails, sacks and bags not included in other classestovværk, reb, liner, snore, net, telte, markiser, presenninger, sejl, sække (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser)
ITsearch stringsøgestreng
IT, dat.proc.short reference stringkort referencestreng
IT, dat.proc.short reference stringkort henvisning
industr., construct.silly string aerosolspaghettispray
agric.soak time for a stringsættetid for en række
IT, dat.proc.source stringkildestreng
mun.plan., construct.Stairs with steel stringtrappe med vanger af stål
IT, dat.proc.start stringkildestreng
mus.steel-string acoustic guitarwesternguitar
lawstring contractrække kontrakter
comp., MSString data typedatatypen Streng (A fundamental data type that holds characters, one character per 2 bytes. A fixed-length string can contain 1 to 64K characters; a variable-length string can contain 1 to 2 billion)
mech.eng.string drive for involute motionsnoredrev
mun.plan.string for assembling beadssmykkegenstande
mus.string instrumentstrygeinstrument
el.string insulator unitkædeisolator
mus.string lengthmensur
construct.string of tiledrænstreng
med.string-of-bead phenomenonperlesnorsfænomen
med.string-of-bead testperlesnorsprøve
mus.string orchestrastrygeorkester
mus.string quartetstrygekvartet
mus.string quintetstrygekvintet
bot.string sedgegrenet star (Carex chordorrhiza L. f.)
med.string signstring sign
IT, dat.proc.string-to-date conversionstrengværdi-til-dato konvertering
IT, dat.proc.string-to-figure conversionstrengværdi-til-tal konvertering
IT, dat.proc.string-type variablestrengvariabel
IT, dat.proc.string valuestrengværdi
industr., construct.string warp machineskæremaskine til tylfremstilling
agric., industr.stringing machinetobakssymaskine
agric., industr.stringing machinemaskine til tobakssyning
chem., el.stringing piperørudlægning
gen.strings for musical instrumentsstrenge til musikinstrumenter
gen.strings for racketsstrenge til ketchere
commun.synchronous data stringsynkron streng
commun.synchronous data stringsynkron strøm
commun.synchronous data stringsynkron datarække
IT, dat.proc.target stringdestinationsstreng
IT, dat.proc.target stringmålstreng
chem., el.tarred stringtjæresnor
chem., el.tarred stringtjæregarn
commun.text stringtekststreng
comp., MStext stringtekststreng (A group of characters or character bytes representing text handled as a single entity)
mech.eng., construct.tool stringwireboreværktøj
comp., MStransmitting station ID string A string that specifies the transmitter subscriber ID sent by the fax machine when sending a fax to a receiving machine. This string is usually a combination of the fax or telephone number and the name of the business. It is often the same as the called subscriber IDTSID-streng (transmitting station ID)
IT, tech.unit stringenhedsfølge
comp., MSuser agent stringbrugeragentstreng (A string that identifies a user's web browser and provides details about the user's computer system to web servers hosting the websites that the user visits)
transp., tech.vibrating string accelerometervibrationsaccelerometer
IT, dat.proc.void stringtom streng
IT, dat.proc.void stringblank streng
comp., MSzero-length stringtom streng (A string that contains no characters)