
Terms for subject Microsoft containing site | all forms | exact matches only
Associate a different Web site linktilknytte et andet hyperlink til et websted (An option that allows the user to replace the Web link attached to the To Do with a different web link)
Configuration Manager site databaseConfiguration Manager-webstedsdatabase (A Microsoft SQL Server database that stores Configuration Manager site data, such as discovery data, configuration data, and status messages and inventory data. Every primary site has a Configuration Manager site database. The server supporting the Configuration Manager site database is automatically assigned the site database server role)
cross-site publishingpublicering på tværs af websteder (A content publishing model in which multiple sites select and republish content that is authored and managed in a single source location)
cross-site request forgeryforfalskning af anmodning på tværs af websteder (An attack where a malicious website makes an HTTP request to a target website in such a way that the website thinks that the request is part of a legitimate user's session)
Internet-based site systemInternetbaseret webstedsystem (A site system role that allows connections from clients when they are managed over the Internet)
network inter-site policypolitik mellem netværksområder (Defines bandwidth limitations between sites that are directly linked within a call admission control (CAC) configuration)
Project Site SyncSynkronisering af Project-websted (A mechanism that synchronizes permissions from Project Server to project sites throughout a site collection)
Project Web App Site SyncSynkronisering af websted for Project-webapp (A mechanism that synchronizes permissions from Project Server to the Project Web App site)
RDF Site SummaryOversigt over RDF-websteder (An XML-based syndication technology that enables websites to distribute content, such as news headlines and blog posts, effeciently to readers)
Rich Site SummaryDetaljeret webstedsoversigt (An XML-based syndication technology that enables websites to distribute content, such as news headlines and blog posts, effeciently to readers)
site assignmentstedtildeling (The process of including selected resources in an SMS/Configuration Manager site)
site assignment rulesregler for stedtildeling (A group of boundaries that an SMS/Configuration Manager administrator defines for an SMS/Configuration Manager site. SMS/Configuration Manager uses these rules to determine which resources and clients are assigned to the site)
Site ClientWebstedsklient (A type of Groove workspace that is an offline, personal copy of a SharePoint site and is kept in sync with the corresponding SharePoint site providing a convenient way of working with SharePoint content, even when the SharePoint site is not available)
site codestedkode (A three-character code that SMS/Configuration Manager uses to uniquely identify an SMS/Configuration Manager site. The site code is specified during the site installation and cannot be changed after installation. The valid characters for site codes are A through Z and 0 through 9)
site collectiongruppe af websteder (A set of Web sites that have the same owner and share administration settings. Each site collection contains a top-level site, can contain one or more subsites, and may have a shared navigation structure)
Site Collection ImagesWebstedets billeder (A system library used to store images that are used throughout the site collection. Provides versioning, check-in/check-out, search and visual browse capabilities)
site control filestedkontrolfil (An ASCII text file (such as Sitectrl.ct0) that contains the settings of an SMS/Configuration Manager site)
site database serverserver til webstedsdatabase (An Configuration Manager site system role assigned to the computer that hosts the Configuration Manager site database (a SQL Server database). The computer might or might not be the site server)
Site DirectoryListe over websteder (The name of the central location from which to view and access all Web sites associated with a specific portal site)
site gategate til sted (A Message Queuing server that is configured to route messages between sites on behalf of other clients using Message Queuing servers)
site hophop mellem websteder (The act of following a link from one Web site to a site or page on another server when crawling for content)
site linklink til område (An Active Directory object that represents a set of sites that can communicate at uniform cost through some intersite transport. For Internet Protocol (IP) transport, a typical site link connects just two sites and corresponds to an actual wide area network (WAN) link. An IP site link connecting more than two sites might correspond to an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) backbone connecting more than two clusters of buildings on a large campus or several offices in a large metropolitan area connected via leased lines and IP routers)
site link bridgelinkbro til område (An Active Directory object that represents a set of site links, all of whose sites can communicate via some transport. Typically, a site link bridge corresponds to a router (or a set of routers) in an Internet Protocol (IP) network. By default, the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) may form a route through any and all site links in a transitive manner. If this behavior is turned off, each site link represents its own distinct and isolated network. Sets of site links that can be treated as a single route are expressed through a site link bridge. Each bridge represents an isolated communication environment for network traffic)
site mailboxgruppepostkasse (An Exchange mailbox that is associated with a SharePoint site, enabling users to access documents and email related to group projects through either Outlook or SharePoint)
site mapoversigt over websted (A file or other store that describes the logical layout of a Web site (as distinct from the physical layout of pages). Site maps are used by site navigation controls to display navigation using a menu, tree view, or SiteMapPath (breadcrumb) control)
site navigationwebstedsnavigation (In ASP.NET Web sites, the process of displaying controls such as menus, a tree view, or SiteMapPath (breadcrumb) controls that assist users in finding pages of interest. Site navigation is typically driven from a sitemap)
site path ruleregel for sti til websted (A rule for a specific part of a site that includes or excludes content from the content index)
site planområdeplan (A drawing used for residential and commercial landscape design, parks planning, yard layouts, plat maps, outdoor recreational facilities, and irrigation systems. Uses a scale of 1:200. A type of building plan)
site restrictionwebstedsbegrænsning (The main rule for a site that includes or excludes content from the content index)
site selectablestedbestemt valg (Pertaining to an element that can be selected as a whole element in the editor. Any element with a height or width attribute, either implicitly or explicitly defined, is site selectable)
site serverwebstedsserver (An Configuration Manager site sytem role assigned to the server on which SMS/Configuration Manager Setup has been run successfully. When Configuration Manager is installed on a computer, that computer is automatically assigned the site server role. Every SMS/Configuration Manager site has one site server)
site systemwebstedsystem (A server or share that provides SMS/Configuration Manager functionality to an SMS/Configuration Manager site. The functionality provided by a site system depends on the assigned role. A site system can perform one or more roles)