
Terms for subject Communications containing shape | all forms | exact matches only
antenna adapted to the shape of flying objectsoverfladetilpasset antenne
atlas shapeatlasformat
carton with band shaperingæske med fast bund
effect of enclosing shapevirkning af den omgivende form
general shape of the spectrum envelopespektrum-indhyllingskurvens generelle form
handset shapeform på håndsæt
heart shape diagramkardioidekarakteristik
heart shape receptionmodtagning med kardioidekarakteristik
macroscopic shape of the spectrummakroskopisk spektrum-form
oblong shapetværformat
one-second pulse of constant shapeet-sekunds impuls med konstant form
pulse-shaping circuitimpulsformerkredsløb
shape analysisformanalyse
shape from textureform fra tekstur
shape-from-shading problemform-skygge problem
shaping stageshaping-trin
shaping stagekorrektionstrin
signal-shaping filtersignalformende filter
signal-shaping networksignalform korrektionskredsløb
waveform shapekurveform