
Terms containing shape | all forms | exact matches only
immigr., tech.a round watermark in the shape of a ladderrundvirevandmærke i trin
met.angles, shapes and sectionsprofilstål
met.angles, shapes and sectionsprofiler
commun.antenna adapted to the shape of flying objectsoverfladetilpasset antenne
commun., industr., construct.atlas shapeatlasformat
mech.eng., el.blade shapebladudformning
mech.eng., el.blade shapevingegeometri
earth.sc., mech.eng.blade shapeskovlbladsform
nat.sc., agric.body shapekropsform
med.bomb-shape of skullbombeform
industr., construct.box shapeæske form
agric.butter shaping machinesmørformer
industr., construct.cake shapekageform
earth.sc., construct.canyon-shape factorcanyon faktor
agric.cart wheel shapestore oste
agric.cart wheel shapehjul
commun., industr., construct.carton with band shaperingæske med fast bund
IT, dat.proc.character shapeskriftform
comp., MSclosed shapelukket figur (A shape that is surrounded by a continuous outline, such as a rectangle or circle)
mech.eng.contour shaping machinefaconstikkemaskine
comp., MSConvert to ShapeKonverter til figur (A feature that enables Tablet PC users to convert an ink drawing to a standard OfficeArt shape, which can be formatted with colors and effects exactly as if it were inserted using "Insert Shape.")
life.sc., el.crack shapesprækkegeometri
met.cross-sectional shapetværsnittets form
met.cut to rectangular shapetilskåret i rektangulære former
tech., industr., construct.cutting knotted netting to shapefaconskæring/-klipning af knyttet filering
comp., MS2-D shape2D-figur (A shape that has four selection handles that you can use to resize the shape proportionally)
comp., MS1-D shape1D-figur (Either a straight line you draw or a shape that has a beginning point and ending point and can be glued between two shapes to connect them)
el.D-shape plasmaD-formet plasma
comp., MSdefault shapestandardform (A virtual shape that contains default formatting properties for new shapes. Each presentation contains one default shape)
med.dental wax in plates, horseshoe shapes, sticksdentalvoks i plader, hesteskoform, stænger
industr., construct.deviation from stated shapedeformation
gen.E-shape setupE-opstilling
dat.proc., life.sc.ear shape recognitionøreformsgenkendelse
dat.proc., life.sc.ear shape recognitionøreformsanalyse
commun., ITeffect of enclosing shapevirkning af den omgivende form
tech., industr., construct.equipment for shaping with saturated steam under pressureudstyr til formgivning med mættet vanddamp under tryk
tech., industr., construct.equipment for shaping with watervarmtvands-varmefiksering
tech., industr., construct.equipment for shaping with water under pressureudstyr til formgivning med vand under tryk
tech., industr., construct.equipment for shaping with water without pressureudstyr til formgivning med vand uden tryk
fin.essential shapeomtrentlige form eller kontur
IT, dat.proc.filled shapeudfyldt form
el.filter shapefilterform
el.firing-pulse wave shapekurveform af en tændpuls
earth.sc., el.flame shapeflammeform
earth.sc.flux shapefluksform
commun.general shape of the spectrum envelopespektrum-indhyllingskurvens generelle form
met.grain shapekornform
IT, dat.proc.graph shape-upajourføring af graf
el.groove shaperilleform
commun.handset shapeform på håndsæt
industr., construct.hat body blocked to shapeformpresset hattestump
industr., construct.hat-shapehatteemne
commun., el.heart shape diagramkardioidekarakteristik
commun., el.heart shape receptionmodtagning med kardioidekarakteristik
met.heavy shapetungere profiler
met.hot shapingvarmdeformation EURONORM 28-69 1
met.hot shaping by hammer forging or drop forgingvarmbearbejdning ved frismedning eller sænksmedning
tech., industr., construct.hot water post-shapingudstyr til formgivning med vand uden tryk
construct.hydraulic shapehydraulisk profil
fish.farm.hydrodynamic shapehydrodynamisk form
construct.hysteresis loop shapehystereseegenskaber
met.irregular punched shapeuregelmæssig udstansning
met.lamellar shapelamelagtig struktur
met.lamellar shapelamelagtig form
met.light shapelette profiler
earth.sc.low energy shapelav-energi-form
mech.eng.machine for making gears by changing the shape or form of metalmaskine til fremstilling af tandhjul ved formændring af metallet
industr.machine-tool for planing/shapinghøvlemaskine
met.machining tolerance and shape tolerancebearbejdningstolerancer og formtolerancer
commun., ITmacroscopic shape of the spectrummakroskopisk spektrum-form
comp., MSmaster shapemasterfigur (A shape on a stencil that you use repeatedly to create drawings. When you drag a shape from a stencil onto the drawing page, the shape becomes an instance of that master)
scient.mode shapebølgeform
mater.sc.near net shape formingnæsten ren formning
mater.sc.near net shapingnæsten netto formgivningsproces
mater.sc.near-net-shape manufacturing technologyteknik til fremstilling af næsten formfærdige emner
nat.sc.near-net-shape production"Near Net Shape"-produktion
mater.sc.net shape formingren formning
mater.sc.net shapingnetto formgivningsproces
fin., polit., agric.not cut to shapeikke tilskåret i form
commun.oblong shapetværformat
polygr., model.oblong shape formattværformat
commun., ITone-second pulse of constant shapeet-sekunds impuls med konstant form
comp., MSopen shapeåben figur (A shape such as a line, arc, or zigzag. You can format an open shape with line patterns and ends, such as by changing a solid line to a dashed line and adding an arrow to one end)
industr., construct., met.out of shapeurund
industr., construct., met.out of shapeude of facon
industr., construct., met.out of shapeoval
industr., construct., met.out of shapebulet
mech.eng.pallet for special shapesfaconpalle
industr., construct.particle shapespånform
agric.pelleting according to shapepelletering efter facon
med.pelvis shapebækkenform
gen.permanent EU Cell at SHAPEpermanent EU-celle ved SHAPE
comp., MSplaceable shapeplacerbar figur (A 2-D shape that is set to work with routable connectors and automatic layout. If a shape is set as placeable, a routable connector can detect and avoid crossing through it)
agric.plaited shapeflettet
lab.law.planing/shaping machine operatorhøvler
tech., industr., construct.pre-shaping autoclaveudstyr til formgivning med vand under tryk
gen.processing, conversion or shaping of oresbehandling,forarbejdning eller formning af malme
met.profile shapeprofileret
el.pulse shapeimpulsform
earth.sc., met.pulse shapepulsform
earth.sc.pulse shape discriminatorimpulsformdiskriminator
earth.sc.pulse shape selectorimpulsformselektor
el.pulse-shaping circuitimpulsformningskredsløb
commun., el.pulse-shaping circuitimpulsformerkredsløb
el.pulse-shaping circuitpulsformningskredsløb
el.pulse-shaping circuitimpulsformende kredsløb
mech.eng.punch forming and shaping machinestempel-høvlemaskine
met.punched shapeudstansning
met.quality suitable for cold shaping on rollerskvalitet egnet til koldprofilering i rullebukkemaskiner
el.rectangular pulse shaperektangulær impuls
mech.eng.refractory shapeildfast formsten
met.rolled shapes USAvalsede profiler
IT, dat.proc.screen shape-upskærmbilledlayout
comp., MSshape adaptationtegntilpasning (The process of training the recognizer to associate a specific shape with a given character. This "personalizes" a recognizer in that it learns to map a very specific shape to a character, rather than a whole set of shapes from various writers)
commun., ITshape analysisformanalyse
chem., el.shape blockformsten
met.shape by cuttingspåntage
met.shape by cuttingskærende bearbejde
met.shape by stock removalbearbejdning ved spåntagning
comp., MSShape ClientTegnklient (The recognizer specific part of the shape trainer. Typically every recognizer claiming to support shape personalization must supply a Shape Client DLL. All the Microsoft Latin recognizers will all use the same Shape Client)
earth.sc.shape coefficientformfaktor
el.shape correction factorformkorrektions-faktor
comp., MSshape dataFigurdata (The collection of custom properties for a shape)
earth.sc., el.shape dragformmodstand
met.shape factorformfaktor
earth.sc., mech.eng.shape factorvinkelfaktor formfaktor
commun., ITshape from textureform fra tekstur
commun., ITshape-from-shading problemform-skygge problem
comp., MSshape-level validationvalidering på figurniveau (The act of checking a visual workflow to ensure that the shapes and connections are valid)
comp., MSShape ManagerTegnstyring (The recognizer independent part of the shape trainer. It provides simple services to the Shape Client (EXE))
met.shape memorizing steelstål med formhukommelse
econ.shape-memory alloymemorylegering
gen.shape of a new Europeny ordning for kontinentet
agric.shape of cageburform
mater.sc., construct.shape of force trajectorieskraftliniernes forløb
lawshape of goodsvarens form
industr., construct.shape of particlespånform
industr., construct.shape of pressure barprofil af trykstang
construct.shape of reservoir basinreservoirform
med.shape of spectacle-lensbrilleglas-form
life.sc.shape of the earthjordens form
agric.shape of the seedfrøform
life.sc.shape of the skytilsyneladende himmelform
stat.shape parameterformparameter
industr., construct., chem.shape permanence to heatformbestandighed i varmen
agric.shape pruningformbeskæring
agric.shape pruningbeskæringsform
chem.shape-selective catalysisformselektiv katalyse
life.sc.shape stabilitydimensionsstabilitet
comp., MSshape-to-shape connectionfigur-til-figur-forbindelse (A method of connecting shapes. The actual point of connection might change when you move the connected shapes. You make shape-to-shape connections by dragging a connector from the center of one shape to the center of another shape)
comp., MSshape trainerTegntræning (A feature that helps improve the recognition of a user's handwriting by a process in which the user provides samples for shapes that are associated with given characters, in order to teach the recognizer which shapes should be recognized as which character)
gen.to shape up the slagafstivning af slagge
industr., construct.shaping and processing of flat glassforarbejdning af planglas
industr.shaping and processing of hollow glassforarbejdning af hulglas
industr., construct., met.shaping blockvulverklods
met.shaping by cuttingspåntagende bearbejdning
met.shaping by stock removalspåntagende bearbejdning
earth.sc., el.shaping dieform
met.shaping machineshaper
met.shaping machineshapingmaskine
industr., construct.shaping mould for glassmakers'lathesform til glasdrejelad
ITshaping networkkorrektionsnetværk
industr., construct.shaping paneltildannet plade
IT, el.shaping preamplifierudligner for forforstærker
commun., ITshaping stageshaping-trin
commun., ITshaping stagekorrektionstrin
mech.eng.shaping toolshapestål
industr., construct., met.shaping toolafretter
mech.eng.shaping widthbordets maksimale horisontalbevægelse
met., mech.eng.shaping with generating motionvalsefræsning
met., mech.eng.shaping with generating motionshaping
met.shaping without stock removalspånløs metalformgivning
construct.shell shape roofingtagdækning med skaller
commun., ITsignal-shaping filtersignalformende filter
commun., el.signal-shaping networksignalform korrektionskredsløb
el.skew-symmetrical sigmoidal shapeskew-symmetrical sigmoid shape
gen.Spanish flower shapeform som "spansk blomst"
chem., el.special brick shapeformsten
el.spectral shapespektral-form
construct.standard shapenormal sten
met., construct.steel structure of cold rolled shapesribber af koldvalsede stålprofiler
met.stone shaping blowpipeskærebrænder til stenbearbejdning
met.stone shaping by flameformgivning af sten med flamme
met.stone shaping torchskærebrænder til stenbearbejdning
met.suitability for cold shaping on rollersegnethed til koldprofilering i rullebuktemaskiner
gen.T-shape setupT-opstilling
mater.sc.technology for shaping componentsteknologi til formning af komponenter
met.the martensitic microstructure consists of needles of very different shape and sizeden martensitiske struktur er opbygget af nåle af meget forskellig form og størrelse
met.the shape of the surface can be ribbed, checkeredoverfladen kan være riflet eller furet
med.theory of shape conformityteori om formtilpasning af foster
met.these ferrite grains have an irregular shape and interpenetrate each otherdisse ferritkorn med tungede og kløftede former vokser ind i hinanden
mech.eng.tooth shapetandprofil
el.tube bent into shapebøjet glasrør
gen.U-shape setupU-opstilling
gen.V-shape setupsildebensopstilling
gen.V-shape setupV-opstilling
earth.sc., mech.eng.vane shapeskovlbladsform
met.vertical shaping machinestikkemaskine
environ.wastes from shaping including forging, welding, pressing, drawing, turning, cutting and filingaffald fra formning og tildannelsesmedning,svejsning,presning,trækning,drejning,boring,skæring,savning,filning
commun.waveform shapekurveform