
Terms for subject Medical containing right | all forms | exact matches only
anterior basal segment of inferior lobe of the right left lunganterobasale segment (segmentum basale anterius pulmonis)
anterior cusp of right atrioventricular valveforreste tricuspidalklap (cuspis anterior)
anterior segment of the right liver lobesegmentum anterius hepatis
anterior segment of the right liver lobeforreste leversegment
anterior segment of the superior lobe of the right lunghøjre anteriore segment (segmentum anterius pulmonis)
apical bronchus of lower lobe of right or left lungsuperiore underlapsbronchus
apical bronchus of lower lobe of right or left lungapicale underlapsbronchus
apical bronchus of upper lobe of right lung and apical bronchus of lower lobe of left or right lungapicale segmentbronchus
apical bronchus of upper lobe of right lung and apical bronchus of lower lobe of left or right lungapicale bronchus
branch of hyparterial bronchus to middle lobe of right lunghøjre mellemlapsbronchus
breadth of right wrist jointhøjre håndledsbredde
corpus cavernosum of clitoris right and leftcorpus cavernosum clitoridis
corpus cavernosum of clitoris right and leftklitoris'svulmelegeme
corpus cavernosum penis right and leftpenis'svulmelegeme
corpus cavernosum penis right and leftcorpus cavernosum penis
dilatation of the right ventriclehøjresidig hjertedilatation
dilatation of the right ventriclehøjresidig dilatation
double outlet right ventriclemedfødt misdannelse,hvor højre ventrikel har afløb til både aorta og pulmonalarterien,mens der fra venstre ventrikel kun er afløb til højre ventrikel (exitus duplex ventriculi dextri)
double outlet right ventricledobbelt udløb fra venstre ventrikel
double outlet right ventricledobbelt udløb fra højre ventrikel
dyspraxia of left or right handsympatisk dyspraxi
height of right wrist jointhåndledshøjde
horizontal fissure of right lungfissura accessoria pulmonis dextri
infralobar part of the posterior branch of the right pulmonary veinpars infralobaris
insufficiency of the right ventriclehøjresidig inkompensation
intralobar part of the posterior branch of the right superior pulmonary veinpars intralobaris rami posterioris venae pulmonalis superioris dextræ (pars intralobaris rami posterioris venae pulmonalis superioris dextrae)
lateral segment of middle lobe of the right lunglaterale segment (segmentum laterale pulmonis dextri)
length of right dorsum manus back of the handhåndrygslængde (dorsum manus)
lower right lobe bronchushøjre underlapsbronchus
medial cusp of right atrioventricular valvevenstre tricuspidalklap (cuspis septalis)
medial cusp of right atrioventricular valveseptale tricuspidalklap (cuspis septalis)
medial part of the branch of the right middle lobe of the pulmonary veinpars medialis rami lobi medii venae pulmonalis superioris dextræ (pars medialis rami lobi medii venae pulmonalis superioris dextrae)
medial segment of middle lobe of the right lungmediale segment (segmentum mediale pulmonis dextri)
middle lobe bronchus of right lunghøjre mellemlapsbronchus
myocard hypertrophy of the right ventriclehøjresidig hypertrofi
myocard hypertrophy of the right ventriclehøjresidig hjerte-hypertrofi
patient's right of decision on medical treatmentret til selvbestemmelse
patient's right of self-determinationpatientens ret til selvbestemmelse
pectoral bronchus of upper lobe of left or right lunganteriore segmentbronchus
pectoral bronchus of upper lobe of left or right lunganteriore bronchus
physician's or patient's right to refuse medical treatmentbehandlingsvægring
posterior basal segment of inferior lobe of the right left lungposterobasale segment (segmentum basale posterius pulmonis)
posterior cusp of right atrioventricular valvebageste tricuspidalklap (cuspis posterior)
posterior segment of superior lobe of the right lungsegmentum posterius hepatis
posterior segment of superior lobe of the right lungposteriore segment (segmentum posterius pulmonis)
preferential use of right or left legbenethed
right abdominal syndromehøjresidigt gastroabdominalt syndrom
right and left atrioventricular orificesatrioventrikulærostier
right and left gastro-epiploic lymph glandsnodi lymphatici gastroepiploici dextri et sinistri
right and left gastro-epiploic lymph glandslymphonodi gastroepiploici dextri et sinistri
right and left hepatic ducthøjre og venstre galdegang
right and left hepatic ductductus hepaticus dexter et sinister
right atrium and ventriclehøjre hjertehalvdel
right atrium and ventriclehøjre hjerte
right bronchushøjre hovedbronchus
right bundle-branch heart blockhøjresidigt grenblok
right crushøjre crus af diafragma
right crus of diaphragmhøjre crus af diafragma
right eyeo.d.
right eyehøjre øje
right face projectionrøntgenundersøgelse af højre side af kæbepartiet
right gastro-epiploic lymph glandslymphonodi gastrici dextri
right gastro-epiploic lymph glandsnodi lymphatici gastrici dextri
right gastro-epiploic lymph glandslymphonodi gastrici caudales
right hand lengthlængden af højre hånd
right/left preferencesidethed
right/left preferencesidedominans
right lymphatic ductductus lymphaticus dexter
right middlenodi lymphatici colici
right middlelymphonodi mesocolici
right middlemesocoliske lymfeknuder
right middlelymphonodi colici
right not to be subjected to mental harmret til ikke at blive udsat for psykisk belastning
right oblique diameterdiameter obliqua dextra
right of the unborn childrendet ufødte barns rettigheder
right of treatmentfuld lægeautorisation
right surface of liverhøjre del af leverens diafragmatiske overflade
right to be looked after by the parentsret til at blive passet af forældrene
right to consentsamtykkeret
right to inviolability of the personretten til personlig ukrænkelighed
right to own genetic identityretten til egen genetisk identitet
right-to-left shunthøjre-venstre-shunt
right ventricular extrasystolehøjresidig ventrikulær extrasystole
right ventricular failurehøjre ventrikel-insufficiens (insufficientia ventriculi dextri)
slowed impulse of the right bundle-branchinkomplet højresidigt grenblok
subapical bronchus of lower lobe of right or left lungsubapicale segmentbronchus
subapical bronchus of lower lobe of right or left lungsubapicale bronchus
subapical bronchus of upper lobe of right lunghøjre posteriore segmentbronchus
subapical bronchus of upper lobe of right lunghøjre posteriore bronchus
sulcus terminalis of the right atriumsulcus terminalis cordis
syndrome of hypoplasia of the right ventriclekongenit hypoplasi af højre hjertehalvdel
union rightsfagforeningsrettigheder