
Terms containing reporting | all forms | exact matches only
nucl.phys.Abnormal Occurrences Reporting System AssociationSammenslutningen for et Rapporteringssystem for Unormale Begivenheder
comp., MSActivity ReportingAktivitetsrapportering (An option on Windows Parental Control that, if selected, creates logs of all the actions performed by a user on the computer)
fin.actual reporting populationfaktisk rapporteringspopulation
comp., MSad hoc reportingad hoc-rapportering (A reporting system that enables end users to run queries and create custom reports without having to know the technicalities of the underlying database schema and query syntax)
gen.air raid reporting control shipflyvarslingsskib
astronaut., transp.air traffic service reporting officemeldekontor for lufttrafiktjeneste
el.alarm monitoring and reporting cardalarmovervågnings-og rapporteringsmodul
social.sc.annual reporting cycleårlig rapporteringscyklus
comp., MSApplication Virtualization reportingApplication Virtualization-rapportering (Virtual application information gathered for data analysis. Data is collected for assembly of custom views and interpretation)
econ.assets of the reporting country against the rest of the worldlandets fordringer på udlandet
commun., transp.automatic altitude reportingautomatisk højderapportering
commun.automatic position and status reportingautomatisk positions-og statusrapportering
fin.bank outside the BIS reporting areabank uden for BIS's rapporteringsområde
ITbug reportingfejlfinding
agric.catch reporting systemfangstrapporteringssystem
agric.catch reporting systembestemmelse om indberetning af fangsterne
transp., polit.coastal surveillance, notification and mandatory reporting systemsystem til overvågning af skibe langs kysterne og obligatorisk indberetning
econ., fin.Code of best practice on the compilation and reporting of data by Member States and the provision of data by the Commission within the context of the Excessive Deficit Procedureadfærdskodeks om udarbejdelse og indberetning af data som led i proceduren i forbindelse med uforholdsmæssigt store underskud
econ., fin.Code of best practice on the compilation and reporting of data in the context of the Excessive Deficit Procedureadfærdskodeks om udarbejdelse og indberetning af data som led i proceduren i forbindelse med uforholdsmæssigt store underskud
law, tax.Common Reporting Standardstandard for automatisk udveksling af oplysninger om finansielle konti
law, tax.Common Reporting Standardfælles rapporteringsstandard
law, tax.Common standard on reporting and due diligence for financial account informationstandard for automatisk udveksling af oplysninger om finansielle konti
law, tax.Common standard on reporting and due diligence for financial account informationfælles rapporteringsstandard
transp.compulsory reporting pointsobligatoriske rapporteringspunkter
transp.confidential reportingfortrolig indberetning
gen.control and reporting centrekontrol- og varslingscentral
gen.control and reporting systemkontrol-og varslingssystem
insur.Creditor Reporting SystemCRS-systemet
fin.debt reporting systemgældsrapporteringssystem
fin.debtor reporting systemgældsrapporteringssystem
lab.law.to dispense from reportingfritage for at møde op til kontrol
commun., fish.farm.electronic reporting systemelektronisk indberetningssystem
account., environ.environmental reportingmiljøregnskaber
transp., avia.European Coordination Centre for Aircraft Incident Reporting SystemsDet Europæiske Koordinationscenter for Systemer for Indberetning af Flyhændelser
transp., avia.European Coordination Centre for Aircraft Incident Reporting Systemseuropæisk center til koordination af systemer til indberetning om flyuheld
account., tech., lawEuropean Financial Reporting Advisory GroupDen Europæiske Rådgivende Regnskabsgruppe
transp.European vessel reporting systemEuropæisk system for skibes indberetning
transp.European vessel reporting system in the maritime zones of Community Member Stateset europæisk inberetningssystem for skibe i EF-medlemsstaternes havområder
commun., ITexception reportingundtagelsesrapportering
gen.Expert Group on International Standards of Accounting and ReportingMellemstatslig Arbejdsgruppe af Eksperter i Internationale Standarder for Regnskab og Indberetning
fin.to extend the reporting areaudvide registrenes anvendelsesområde
busin., labor.org., account.Extensible Business Reporting LanguageExtensible Business Reporting Language
ITfault reportingfejlmelding
ITfault reporting techniquesystem til signalering af fejler
ITflexible reporting systemfleksibelt rapporteringssystem
econ., social.sc., environ.Global Reporting InitiativeGlobal Reporting Initiative
ITglobal reporting mechanism on illicit small arms and light weapons and other illicit conventional weapons and ammunitioniTrace
ITglobal reporting mechanism on illicit small arms and light weapons and other illicit conventional weapons and ammunitionglobal rapporteringsmekanisme vedrørende ulovlige håndvåben og lette våben og andre ulovlige konventionelle våben og ammunition hertil
gen.Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and ReportingMellemstatslig Arbejdsgruppe af Eksperter i Internationale Standarder for Regnskab og Indberetning
transp., avia.handling, notifying and reporting of accidentshåndtering, anmeldelse og indberetning af havarier
stat., lab.law.high reporting levelhøjt indberetningsniveau
transp., avia.incident reportingindberetning af hændelser
transp., avia.incident reportingindberetning af begivenheder
transp., avia.incident reportinghændelsesrapportering
transp., avia.incident reportinghændelsesindberetning
commun.information and problem reportinginformations-og problemrapportering
h.rghts.act., commun.Institute for War and Peace ReportingDet Internationale Institut for Krigs- og Fredsreportage
fin.institution's reporting currencyinstituttets indberetningsvaluta
gen.Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and ReportingMellemstatslig Arbejdsgruppe af Eksperter i Internationale Standarder for Regnskab og Indberetning
fin., tech., lawInternational Financial Reporting Interpretations CommitteeInternational Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee
account., tech., lawInternational Financial Reporting StandardsInternational Financial Reporting Standards
gen.International Financial Reporting StandardsIFRS-standarder
comp., MSInternational Financial Reporting Standardsinternationale standarder for regnskabsaflæggelse (Accounting standards that must be used as of January 1, 2005 for European Union-based companies with publicly traded shares or debt, subsidiaries for which consolidated accounts must be prepared, or companies with subsidiary or associate companies of a European Union-listed company)
comp., MSJunk E-mail Reporting Toolværktøjet Rapportering af uønsket post (The plug-in for Microsoft Office Outlook that alerts a user to incoming junk e-mail and lets the user delete the mail and report it to Microsoft with a single mouse click)
busin., labor.org.line of reportingrapporteringsvej
busin., labor.org.line of reportingrapporteringslinje
stat., lab.law.low reporting levellavt indberetningsniveau
IT, industr.Major Accident Reporting Systeminformationssystem for større ulykker
comp., MSmalicious call reportingrapportering af uønskede opkald (A feature that enables phone users to report disturbing calls to the system administrator. When the user selects to report a malicious call, data from the last call received is captured and sent to the system administrator)
med.mandatory reportingobligatorisk indberetning
med.mandatory reportingindberetningspligt
stat., lab.law.medium reporting levelmiddel indberetningsniveau
cust.Members Reporting Matrixrapporteringsmodel for medlemmerne
commun., transp., nautic.merchant ship reporting and control message systemsystem til rapportering og kontrol af handelsskibsfarten
comp., MSMicrosoft Error ReportingMicrosoft Fejlrapportering (A client application for reporting crashes and errors to Microsoft. It is designed for use with applications running on operating systems earlier than Windows Vista)
fish.farm.Monthly Catch and Effort Reporting Systemmånedlig fangst-og indsatsrapporteringssystem
stat., lab.law.national reporting systemnationalt indberetningssystem
patents.news-reporting servicesnyhedsformidling
gen.nuclear detonation,detection and reporting systemsystem til detektion og rapportering af atomsprængninger
transp., avia.occurrence reportinghændelsesindberetning
transp., avia.occurrence reportinghændelsesrapportering
transp.occurrence reportingindberetning af hændelser
transp., avia.occurrence reportingindberetning af begivenheder
transp., avia.on-board reporting systemrapporteringssystem om bord
stat.paperless fax image reporting systempapirløst faxrapporteringssystem
patents.photographic reportingfotografisk reportage
commun., ITposition-reporting systempositions-rapporteringssystem
corp.gov.progress reportingrapportering af fremdrift
corp.gov.progress reportingfremdriftsrapportering
gen.records and reporting systemdokumentations- og rapporteringssystemer
fin.reference reporting populationreferencerapporteringspopulation
lawreport drawn up in accordance with jointly agreed reporting proceduresrapport, der udarbejdes efter procedurer fastlagt ved fælles overenskomst
fin.reporting agencyindberetningsorgan
fin.reporting agentrapporteringsenhed
fin.reporting agentindberetter
econ., market.reporting by segmentsrapportering pr.segment
commun., ITreporting circuitrapporteringskredsløb
commun., ITreporting circuitfjernovervågningskredsløb
lawreporting commitmentpligt til at aflægge beretninger
fin., industr.reporting companyrapporterende selskab
immigr.reporting Contracting Partyindberettende kontraherende part
stat.reporting countryindberettende land
comp., MSreporting currencyrapporteringsvaluta (The monetary unit of measure used to record the converted monetary value of economic transactions in ledger accounts for financial and management reporting purposes)
fin.reporting currencyindberetningsvaluta
comp., MSreporting currency unitrapporteringsvalutaenhed (A currency unit that is used to record the financial consequences of accounting events and to prepare and report ancillary financial statements)
fin., account.reporting datetidspunktet for regnskabsaflæggelse
account.reporting entityregnskabspligtig enhed
insur.reporting excess of loss treatytabsexcedentkontrakt
insur.reporting form basisbasis for indberetningsformular
transp., polit.reporting formalitymeldeformalitet
fin.reporting institutionindberettende institut
stat., lab.law.reporting levelindberetningsniveau
stat., lab.law.reporting level of accidentsindberetningsniveau
busin., labor.org.reporting linerapporteringslinje
commun., transp.reporting linerapportlinje
busin., labor.org.reporting linerapporteringsvej
fin., work.fl.reporting logindberetningslog
immigr.reporting Member Stateindberettende medlemsstat
commun.reporting obligationrapporteringsforpligtelse
gen.reporting obligationanmeldelsespligt
transp., avia.reporting of accidentsindberetning af havarier
fin.reporting of budgetary dataindberetning af budgetdata
interntl.trade., agric., food.ind.reporting of exports and importsindberetning om eksport og import
econ., food.ind.reporting of exports, imports and grindingsmeddelelse om eksport, import og formaling
fin.reporting of large exposuresindberetning om store engagementer
commun.reporting periodrapporteringsperiode
transp., avia.reporting pointrapportpunkt
comp., MSreporting pointrapporteringspunkt (An SMS/Configuration Manager site system that hosts the Report Viewer component for Web-based reporting functionality)
stat., fin.reporting populationrapporteringspopulation
gen.reporting postradarstation uden faciliteter til jagerkontrol
gen.reporting procedureindberetningsprocedure
environ.reporting processindberetningsproces
fin.reporting reference datereferencedato for indberetning
el.reporting registration as regards crude oil importssystem til registrering af indførsler af råolie
fin.reporting requirementsindberetningspligt
fin., econ.reporting requirementsanmeldelseskrav
lawreporting restrictionsnavneforbud
lawreporting restrictionsreferatforbud
lawreporting restrictionsdørlukning
law, immigr.reporting serviceanmeldetjeneste
comp., MSreporting servicerapporteringsservice (A service provided by an application or underlying database subsystem, for example, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), that enables rapid development of reports based on underlying data sources)
law, immigr.reporting serviceanmeldelsestjeneste
comp., MSreporting services pointrapporteringstjenestepunkt (A site system role that integrates with SQL Server Reporting Services to create and manage reports for Configuration Manager)
comp., MSReporting Services reportReporting Services-rapport (A report type that acts as a wrapper for a SQL Server Reporting Services report so that the Reporting Services report can be displayed in a PerformancePoint dashboard)
gen.reporting standardsrapporteringsstandard
market.reporting systemregnskabsinformationssystem
market.reporting systembogføringssystem
fin.reporting thresholdindberetningstærskel
fin.reporting timestamptidsstempel for indberetning
fin.reporting timestamptidsstempel
gen.Reporting to the Chief AdviserUnder den ledende konsulent
gen.reporting to the Director-Generaldirekte under generaldirektøren
fin.reporting to the IMFrapportering til IMF
law, immigr.reporting to the police/immigration officeranmeldelse af indrejse
comp., MSreporting treetrædiagram (A visual representation of an organization's structure, showing levels in the corporate hierarchy such as companies, divisions, departments, projects and tasks. One of the three Management Reporter building blocks)
stat., fin.reporting unitrapporterende enhed
stat.reporting unitundersøgelsesenhed
comp., MSreporting unitenhed i trædiagram (" Any unit or "box" within the reporting tree.")
stat.reporting unitstatistisk enhed
lab.law.requirement in reportingregler om at man skal gå til kontrol
fin.risk reportingrisikorapportering
fin.rules of reporting and transparencyregler om indberetning og gennemsigtighed
transp., avia.RVR reporting pointRVR-rapporteringspunkt
el.scheduled reporting signalplanlagt meldesignal
comp., MSScorecard Viewer for Reporting ServicesScorecardfremviser til Reporting Services (An interface that is used for deploying dashboards to SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. With this interface, you can view dashboard scorecards in Report Definition Language (RDL) format)
econ., market.segmental reportingrapportering pr.segment
comp., MSself-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technology An industry-standard, reliability-prediction indicator for both IDE/ATA and SCSI hard disk drives. SMART provides early warning for some hard disk drive failures so that critical data can be protectedSMART (self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technology)
commun., transp.ship reporting systemrapporteringssystem for skibe
fin., polit.sighting and reportingobservation og indberetning
el.SINPO signal reporting codeSINPO signal reporting code
law, market.social reportingregnskab
law, market.social reportingårsberetning
stat., fin.statistical reportingstatistisk anmeldelse
comp., MSstatus reporting levelniveau for statusrapportering (The level at which client and server components report status messages to Status Manager and the Windows NT event log)
fin.statutory financial reportinglovpligtig indberetning
lawsubject to reporting requirementsundergivet anmeldelseskrav
environ.sustainability reportingrapportering om bæredygtighed
environ.sustainability reportingbæredygtighedsrapportering
IT, transp.train identification reporting systemtogmeldersystem
transp.train reporting pointtogmeldepost
comp., MSWindows Error ReportingWindows Fejlrapportering (The Windows technology that collects data on system crashes or hangs and sends it to Microsoft)
comp., MSWindows Problem ReportingWindows Problemrapportering (The Windows technology that manages information to help Microsoft create solutions to non-critical problems (problems that do not cause programs, services, or components to stop working))
transp., polit.world-wide reporting systemverdensomspændende indberetningssystem