
Terms containing registration | all forms | exact matches only
patents.a registration shall be cancelledregistrering slettes
lawaction for registrationtinglysningssag
gen.advance registrationforhåndstilmelding
gen.advance registrationforhåndsregistrering
transp.advance registration of baggageforudindskrivning af bagage
transp.advance registration of luggageforudindskrivning af bagage
transp., avia.aeroplane registrationflyvemaskinens registreringsnummer
lawAgreement concerning the international classification of goods and services for the purposes of registration of marksarrangementet vedrørende international klassificering af varer og tjenesteydelser til brug ved registrering af varemærker
lawAgreement concerning the international registration of marksarrangementet om international registrering af varemærker
transp.airframe registration markregistreringsmarke på flyvestel
life.sc.apparatus for registration of coolingafkølings-måleredskaber
lawapplication for cancellation of the registrationbegæring om udslettelse
lawapplication for cancellation of the registrationansøgning om slettelse
lawapplication for international registrationansøgning om international registrering
lawapplication for invalidation of the effects of a registrationbegæring om ugyldiggørelse af virkningerne af en registrering
patents.application for registrationindgivelse af ansøgningen
lawapplication for registration of a partial transferansøgning om registrering af en delvis overdragelse
lawapplication for registration of a utility modelbrugsmodelansøgning
lawapplication for registration of a utility modelansøgning om registrering af brugsmodel
commun.automatic location-registration of shipsautomatisk registrering af skibes positioner
tech.automatic registrationautomatisk registrering
transp.baggage registration officerejsegodsskranke
transp.baggage registration officerejsegodsekspedition
lawbasic registrationoprindelig registrering
lawbasic registrationbasisregistrering
patents.to be ineligible for registrationvære udelukket fra registrering
social.sc., health.Board of Registration of Doctors of Social Medicinekommissionen for læger med arbejdsmedicin som speciale
law, life.sc.cadastral registrationmatrikulering
mech.eng., construct.call registrationregistrering af kald
lawcancellation of the registrationslettelse af registreringen
lawcancellation of the registration of a licence or another rightslettelse i registret af en licens eller anden ret
patents.cancellation of the registration of licences and other rightsslettelse af registrering af licenser og andre rettigheder
transp.cargo registration officefragtkontor
agric.centralised national system for identification and registration of bovine animalscentraliseret, national ordning for identifikation og registrering af kvæg
ITCentre for the registration and revision of formsCentret for Registrering og Formularrevision
insur.certificate for the registration of members of the employed or self-employed person's family and the updating of listsblanket E109
insur.certificate for the registration of members of the employed or self-employed person's family and the updating of listsattest med henblik på registrering af arbejdstagerens eller den selvstændige erhvervsdrivendes familiemedlemmer samt førelse af fortegnelser
insur.certificate for the registration of pensioners and the updating of listsblanket E121
insur.certificate for the registration of pensioners and the updating of listsattest for registrering af pension-eller rentemodtagere samt førelse af fortegnelser
health., ed., school.sl.certificate of approval and registrationcertifikat om anerkendelse og indskrivning i registret for læger med arbejdsmedicin som speciale
health., ed., school.sl.certificate of recognition and registration in the Register of Specialistscertifikat om anerkendelse og indskrivning i specialregistret
transp., avia.Certificate of Registrationregistreringsbevis
transp., nautic.certificate of registrationnationalitetsbevis
transp., nautic.certificate of registrationregistrerings- og nationalitetsbevis
law, industr.certificate of registrationregistreringsbevis
transp., nautic.certificate of registration as a French vesselfransk nationalitetsbevis
proced.law.certificate of registration of birthfødselsattest
gen.certificate of registration on the register of electorsbevis på optagelse på valglisten
gen.certificate of registration with the courtbevis på registrering hos en domstol
lawchange in the ownership of a registrationændring i indehaverforholdet for en registrering
lawclaiming seniority after registration of the Community trade markpåberåbelse af anciennitet efter EF-varemærkets registrering
comp., MSclear registration attributeryd registreringsattribut (An attribute that clears the registration that is associated with a particular authentication workflow. For example, in a Question and Answer Challenge, answers are stored in ILM "2" in the form of registration data. When the clear registration box is checked and a workflow is saved, the registration data is deleted, requiring users to re-register)
gen.closing date for registrationtilmeldingsfrist
el.color registrationkonvergens
el.colour registrationkonvergens
health.Commission for the Registration of SpecialistsSpeciallægekommissionen
patents.Community trade mark applications which may be invoked against the registration of the Community trade markEF-varemærkeansøgninger, som kan gøres gældende imod registrering af EF-varemærket
health., R&D.Concerted project of the European Economic Community in the field of registration of congenital abnormalitiessamordnet aktion for Det Europæiske Økonomiske Fællesskab med hensyn til registrering af medfødte defekter
med.Concerted project of the European Economic Community in the field of registration of congenital abnormalitiesSamordnet aktion for Det Europæiske Økonomiske Fællesskab med hensyn til registrering af medfødte defektermedicinsk forskning og offentligt sundhedsvæsen
lawcondition for registration of trade markbetingelse for registrering af varemærket
transp.condition of registrationregistreringskrav
lawto consent expressly to the registrationudtrykkeligt give sit samtykke til registrering
immigr.consular registration cardid-kort udstedt af et konsulat
gen.Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Marriageskonvention om samtykke til ægteskab, mindstealder for ægteskab og registrering af ægteskaber
gen.Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Spacekonvention om registrering af genstande, der sendes ud i det ydre rum
gen.Convention on the Establishment of a Scheme of Registration of Willskonvention vedrørende oprettelse af et system for registrering af testamenter
gen.Convention on the Establishment of a Scheme of Registration of WillsKonvention vedrørende oprettelse af et system for registrering af testamenter
transp., nautic.country of registrationregistreringsland
lawdate of application for registration of the trade marktidspunkt for ansøgning om registrering som varemærke
agric.date of first registration in Member Statedato for første registrering i medlemsstaten
fin.date of registration of the T 1 declarationhvor T 1-angivelsen registreres
fin.date of registration of the T 1 declarationdato
lawdate on which the registration expiresregistreringsperiodens udløb
comp., MSdesktop registrationregistrering fra skrivebordet (The opportunity given to the end user to register with Microsoft and the OEM, if the user failed to register during Windows Welcome)
comp., MSdevice registrationenhedsregistrering (The process of verifying a user's credentials and the server certificate, as well as to register information about the device on the server)
patents.duplicate copies of the certificate of registrationgenparter af registreringsbeviset
lawduration of registrationregistreringsperiode
commun., ITelectronic message registrationelektronisk meddelelsesregistrering
health., pharma.European registration systemdet europæiske registreringssystem
comp., MSevent registrationhændelsesregistrering (An item that resides in a folder that uses an event sink. The item provides the store with information that includes what events will trigger the sink, the name of the sink, and options such as restrictions for when the event will fire)
comp., MSevent registration itemhændelsesregistreringselement (A hidden item that contains information about an event sink, information about what events will trigger the event sink, and options that tell when or under what conditions the event sink will be triggered. The event registration item is created in the same folder that is being monitored for events)
patents.expiry of the registrationregistreringsperiodens udløb
commun.facility registration and cancellation messagesfacilitetsregistrerings-og annulleringsmeddelelser
transp., industr., construct.fare registration equipmentbilletmaskine
chem., el.fast registrationplus-
chem., el.fast registrationplusvisning
chem., el.fast registrationmertælling
lawfee for the cancellation of the registration of a licencegebyr for slettelse af en licens
fin.flag of registrationindregistreringsflag
lawform covered by the registrationaf registreringen omfattede udformning
gen.formalities for the registration of aliensbestemmelser om tilmelding af udlændinge
gen.formalities for the registration of aliensbestemmelser om registrering af udlændinge
el.frequency registrationfrekvensregistrering
patents.Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement concerning the International Registration of Industrial DesignsGenèveaftalen under Haagarrangementet vedrørende international registrering af industrielle design
gen.Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement concerning the International Registration of Industrial DesignsGenèveaftalen
life.sc.geometric image registrationgeometrisk registrering af billeder
patents.to give notice of opposition to registration of the trade markrejse indsigelse mod varemærkets registrering
lawgrounds for refusal of registrationgrunde,der kan føre til nægtelse af registrering
patents.grounds for refusal of registration or grounds for revocation or invalidity apply to the Community trade mark application or Community trade markder foreligger en registreringshindring for det EF-varemærke, der søges registreret, eller en fortabelses- eller ugyldighedsgrund mod det registrerede EF-varemærke
lawHague Arrangement of 6 November 1925 for the international registration of industrial designs, revised at London on 2 June 1934Haagerarrangementet af 6. november 1925 om international deponering af mønstre og industrielle modeller, som revideret i London den 2. juni 1934
immigr.household registration documentbopælsregistreringsdokument
immigr.household registration documenthusstandsregistrering
immigr.household registration documenthukou
immigr.household registration documenthusstandsregistreringsdokument
immigr.household registration documentfamilieregistreringsdokument
immigr.household registration documentfamilieregistrering
immigr.household registration documentbopælsregistrering
agric., health., anim.husb.identification and registration of animalsidentifikation og registrering af dyr
environ.image registration The process of linking map coordinates to control points with known earth-surface coordinates. Related term: coordinate systemsbilledregistrering
environ.image registrationbilledregistrering
health., chem.International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Useden internationale konference om harmonisering af krav til registrering af lægemidler
med., pharma.International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human UseICH-styringsudvalg
health., pharma.International Cooperation on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Veterinary ProductsInternational konference om harmonisering af tekniske krav til registrering af lægemidler til dyr
obs., commun.International Frequency Registration BoardInternationale Frekvensregistreringsråd
law, fin.International Registration of Marksinternational registrering af varemærker
pharma.International Technical Co-ordination of Veterinary Drug Registration conference in Pragueden internationale konference om teknisk koordinering af registreringen af veterinærlægemidler i Prag
transp.international vehicle registrationnationalitetsmærke
comp., MSinventory registration policypolitik for lagerregistrering (A policy that controls when stock that is stored in a supermarket is registered as inventory)
lawissue of a copy of the certificate of registrationudstedelse af genparter af registreringsbeviset
social.sc., ITjoint centre for data-processing, insurance registration and collection of contributions of the social institutionsdatacentralen for registrering og opkrævning af bidrag for de sociale sikringsinstitutioner
chem.joint registrationfælles registrering
demogr., construct.land registrationsammenlægning af ejendomme
demogr., construct.land registrationudstykning af ejendomme
lawland registrationtinglysning
lawLand Registration CourtTinglysningsretten
lawlate payment of the registration feefor sen indbetaling af registreringsgebyret
chem.late pre-registrationsen præregistrering
gen.late registrationsen tilmelding
environ.legislation concerning the registration for sale and marketing of pesticideslovgivning med henblik på registrering og markedsføring af pesticider
econ.Lisbon Agreement for the protection of appellation of origin and their international registrationLissabontraktaten om beskyttelse af oprindelsesangivelser og disses internationale registrering
food.ind., patents.Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International RegistrationLissabonarrangementet om beskyttelse af oprindelsesbetegnelser og deres nationale registrering
comp., MSlocal registration authoritylokal registreringsautoritet (An intermediary between a software publisher and a certification authority (CA). The local registration authority can, for example, verify a publisher's credentials before sending them to the CA)
commun.location de-registrationområde-deregistrering
commun.location registrationområderegistrering
commun.location registration areaområde
transp.luggage-registration chargeindskrivningsgebyr
transp.luggage-registration chargebagageindskrivningsgebyr
transp.luggage registration officerejsegodsekspedition
lawMadrid Agreement concerning the International Registration of MarksMadrid-arrangementet om international registrering af varemærker
lawMadrid Agreement of 14 April 1891 concerning international registration of trade marks with subsequent revisionsMadridarrangementet af 14. april 1891 om international registrering af varemærker
patents.Madrid Arrangement for the International Registration of TrademarksMadridarrangementet om den internationale registrering af varemærker
patents.Madrid Union for the International Registration of MarksMadridunionen for international registrering af varemærker
el.mechanical registrationmekanisk registrering
med.medical registrationsygdomsregistreringssystem
tech., el.meter registrationmålerstilling
comp., MSMicrosoft CRM Mobile Device Registration ServiceMicrosoft CRM Mobile-enhedsregistreringstjeneste (A service that is installed and started on the Microsoft CRM server that registers devices)
commun.mobile location registrationlokaliseringsregistrering af mobil station
econ., market.multilateral system of notification and registration of geographical indicationsmultilateral ordning for meddelelse og registrering af geografiske betegnelser
comp., MSname registration requestanmodning om navneregistrering (A message sent to a NetBIOS name server when a TCP/IP host begins an attempt to register the domain name)
fin.National Firm Registration and Information Systemnationalt system for registrering og information af firmaer
gen.new registrationny tilmelding
transp.new registrationsindregistrering af nye køretøjer
patents.Nice Agreement concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of MarksNicearrangementet vedrørende international klassificering af varer og tjenesteydelser til brug ved registrering af varemærker
law, arts.Nice Agreement concerning the international classification of goods and services for the purposes of the registration of marksNice-arrangementet vedrørende international klassificering af varer og tjenesteydelser til registrering af varemærker
tech.notice of registrationindregistreringsattest
commun., social.sc.official registrationofficiel registrering
commun., social.sc.official registrationofficiel indskrivning
chem.one substance, one registrationét stof - én registrering
gen.on-site registrationtilmelding på stedet
law, patents.opposition to registration of the trade markindsigelse mod varemærkets registrering
el.optical registrationoptisk aligning
law, industr.Patent and Registration Officepatent og registreringskontor
gen.pending registrationforeløbig tilmelding
gen.pending registrationforeløbig registrering
patents.period of registrationregistreringsperiode
IT, transp., el.place of registrationhvor de er indregistreret
law, immigr.police registration formanmeldelseskort
law, h.rghts.act.Population Registration Act Repeal Actlovforslag om ophævelse af personregistrering efter racemæssigt tilhørsforhold
transp., nautic.port of registrationregistreringshavn
transp., nautic.port of registrationhjemstedshavn
chem.pre-registration periodpræregistreringsperiode
fin.pro memoria registrationpromemoriaregistrering
lawprocedure for registration of a national trade marksagshandling med henblik på registrering af et nationalt varemærke
law, patents.proceedings for registration of the trade markprocedure for registrering af et varemærke
lawproof of prior registrationføre bevis for forudgående registrering
patents.Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement concerning the International Registration of MarksProtokol til Madridarrangementet om den internationale registrering af varemærker
lawProtocol relating to the Madrid Agreement concerning the international registration of marksprotokol om international registrering af varemærker
lawprotocole relating to the Madrid Agreement concerning the International Registration of MarksProtokol til Madridarrangementet om international registrering af varemærker
lawto prove registration of the trade markbevis for varemærkets registrering
fin.provisional registrationpromemoriaregistrering
insur.provisional registrationforeløbig registrering
gen.provisional registrationforeløbig tilmelding
lawpublication of the registration of the alterationoffentliggørelsen af registreringen af en ændring
lawpublication of the registration of the trade markoffentliggøre varemærkets registrering
transp.pull-off registration armsideholder for træk
transp.push-off registration armsideholder for tryk
transp.re-registrationomfakturering af forsendinger
comp., MSre-registrationgenregistrering (" A procedure to update the registration for an authentication challenge in ILM "2".")
transp.re-registration of consignmentsomfakturering
transp.re-registration of consignmentsomfakturering af forsendinger
transp., industr.rear registration plate illuminating devicebagnummerpladelygte
transp., mil., grnd.forc., el.rear registration plate lampnummerpladelygte
transp., industr.rear registration plate lampbagnummerpladelygte
transp., mil., grnd.forc.rear registration plate lampbagnummerpladebelysning
lawrefusal of protection of a registrationafslag på beskyttelse af en registrering
patents.to refuse registrationudelukke fra registrering
lawregional registrationregional registrering
ed.registration and examination feesindskrivnings - og eksamensgebyrer
ed.registration and examination feesindskrivningsgebyrer og eksamensgebyrer
el.registration armsideholder
transp.registration authorityregistreringsjernbane
transp.registration cardnationalitetsbevis
transp.registration certificateregistreringsattest
law, industr.registration certificateregistreringsbevis
econ.registration charges associated with changes of ownershipregistreringsafgifter på overdragelse af ejendomsret
gen.registration confirmationtilmeldingsbevis
gen.registration confirmationtilmeldingsbekræftelse
law, transp.registration contractimmatrikulationskontrakt
health.registration costs for the approved establishmentudgifterne til registrering af godkendt slagteri
gen.registration deskregistreringsskranke
gen.registration desktilmeldingsskranke
gen.registration documentregistreringsdokument
chem.registration dossierregistreringsdossier
fin.registration dutiesregistreringsafgifter
fin.registration dutiesstempelafgifter
econ.registration dutyregistreringsafgift
health., environ., chem.Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicalsregistrering, vurdering og godkendelse af samt begrænsninger for kemikalier
fin.registration feestempelafgifter
fin.registration feeregistreringsafgifter
lawregistration feeregistreringsgebyr
tax.registration feetinglysningsafgift
gen.registration feetilmeldingsgebyr
med.registration feesindskrivningsgebyr
gen.registration fireindskydningsild
tax.registration for VATmomsregistrering
immigr.registration formanmeldelse
gen.registration formtilmeldingsblanket
commun.registration identificationREGID-variabel
nat.sc., agric.registration in the herd-bookstambogsoptagelse
nat.sc., agric.registration in the herd-bookoptagelse i stambog
nat.sc., agric.registration in the herd-bookregistrering
nat.sc., agric.registration in the herd-bookstambogsregistering
commer.registration levy payable to Chamber of Trade and Industryhandelsregistergebyr
ITregistration managementregistreringsstyring
transp., avia.registration markregistreringsmærke
econ., transp.registration markregistreringsnummer
transp.registration mark of a shipskibs registreringsmærke
transp., avia.registration markingregistreringsmærke
sec.sys., ITregistration numberforsikringsnummer
econ., transp.registration numberregistreringsnummer
agric.registration number of the producing establishmentproduktionsvirksomhedens registreringsnummer
law, transp.registration number platenummerplade
commun., transp.registration number surveynummerskrivningsanalyse
environ.registration obligation The duty to formally enroll with a government agency or an authority in order to be granted certain rights, particularly trademark or copyright privileges, or the permission to sell and distribute a productregistreringspligt
environ.registration obligationregistreringspligt
econ.registration of a companyselskabsregistrering
gen.registration of a documentindførslen i registret
commun.registration of a frequency assignmentregistrering af en frekvenstildeling
lawregistration of a licence or another right in respect of a Community trade markindførelse i registret af en licens eller anden ret vedrørende et EF-varemærke
lawregistration of a licence or another right in respect of an application for a Community trade markindførelse i registret af en licens eller anden ret vedrørende en EF-varemærkeansøgning
transp., nautic.registration of a shipregistrering af et skib
transp., nautic.registration of a shipskibsregistrering
transp.registration of a shipskibs registreringsmærke
lawregistration of application initiating proceedingsindførelse af stævningenDiv.:indførslen af stævningen
transp.registration of baggageindskrivning af bagage
proced.law.registration of birthfødselsregistrering
polit., lawregistration of documentindførsel i registret
polit., lawregistration of documentindførelse i registeret
polit., lawregistration of documentindførslen i registret
commun.registration of duty copiesregistrering af pligteksemplarer
insur.registration of insurance companiesregistrering af forsikringsselskaber
transp.registration of luggageindskrivning af bagage
demogr., construct.registration of propertysammenlægning af ejendomme
demogr., construct.registration of propertyudstykning af ejendomme
ed.registration of pupilsindmeldelse af elever
lawregistration of surrender of the trade markregistrering af afkald på varemærket
lawregistration of the applicationregistrering af ansøgningen
lawregistration of the transfer of a Community trade markindførelse i registret af overdragelse af et EF-varemærke
lawregistration of the transfer of a trade markindførelse i registret af overdragelse af et varemærke
lawregistration of the vesselregistrering af skibet
insur.registration of the workerregistrering af arbejdstageren
insur.registration of the workerindregistrering af arbejder
law, demogr.registration of title deed stinglysning
market.registration of verbal notesregistrering af mundtlige bemærkninger
econ.registration of votersoptagelse på valgliste
transp.registration officeskibsregisteret
law"registration" patent"registreringspatent"
transp.registration platenummerplade
gen.registration plates not of metal nummerplader, ikke af metal
gen.registration plates, of metalregistreringsplader af metal
gen.registration plates, of metalnummerplader af metal
gen.registration plates of metalnummerplader af metal
gen.registration plates of metalregistreringsplader af metal
gen.registration pointindskydningspunkt
law, transp., nautic.registration portregistreringshavn
lawregistration procedureregistreringsprocedure
environ.registration proceeding The course of action or record in which an individual, company or an organization formally enrolls with a government agency or an authority in order to be granted certain rights, particularly trademark or copyright privileges, or the permission to sell and distribute a productregistreringsprocedure
environ.registration proceedingregistreringsprocedure
chem.registration provisionregistreringsbestemmelse
transp.registration railwayregistreringsjernbane
lawregistration rights agreementaftale om registrering af rettigheder
gen.registration systemregistreringssystem
econ.registration taxregistreringsafgift
tax., transp., mil., grnd.forc.registration tax on motor vehiclesregistreringsafgift af motorkøretøjer
law, immigr.registration with the policeanmeldelse af indrejse
lawrelative ground for refusal of registrationrelativ registreringshindring
lawrenewal of registrationfornyelse af registrering
el.reporting registration as regards crude oil importssystem til registrering af indførsler af råolie
patents.request for registrationanmodning om registrering
patents.request for registration of the transferansøgning om registrering af overdragelsen af rettigheden
lawrequest for renewal of registrationansøgning om fornyelse af registreringen
lawrequest for the registration of a trade markanmodning om registrering af et varemærke
patents.to request registration in respect of goods or servicesansøge om registrering for varer eller tjenesteydelser
lawrequest to registration of the transferansøgning om registrering af overdragelsen
lawright arising from the registrationrettighed,som følger af registrering
law, busin., labor.org.rights subject to registrationrettighed, som kræves noteret i et offentligt register
patents.services consisting of the registration, transcription, composition, compilation or systematization of written communications and also the exploitation or compilation of mathematical, research or statistical datavirksomhed, der består i registrering, transskription, sammensætning, kompilering eller systematisering af skreven kommunikation samt udnyttelse eller kompilering af data vedrørende matematik, forskning eller statistik
fin.shelf registrationpermanent registrering
fin.shelf registrationpermanent autorisation
tax., transp.shipping registration ordinanceanordning om skibsregistre
fin.single registration formenhedsformular
chem., el.slow registrationminus-
chem., el.slow registrationminusvisning
chem., el.slow registrationsentælling
transp.state of registrationregistreringsstat
transp.State of registrationregistreringsstat
transp.State of registration of the air carrierstat,hvor det luftfartsselskab er registreret
commun.subscription registrationabonnentsregistrering
chem.substance subject to registrationregistreringspligtigt stof
agric.system of marking and registration of stockordning for mærkning og registrering af besætninger
tax.tax registration numberskatteregistreringsnummer
transp.temporary registration platemidlertidigt registrering
patents.The Hague Agreement concerning the International Registration of Industrial DesignsHaagarrangementet vedrørende international registrering af industrielle design
patents.The Hague Agreement concerning the International Registration of Industrial DesignsHaagarrangementet om international indlevering af ansøgninger for industrielt design
patents.the right whose registration is to be cancelledden rettighed som skal slettes af registret
transp.through registrationgennemgående indskrivning
transp.through registrationdirekte indskrivning
econ., lab.law.time registrationtidsregistrering
busin., labor.org., patents.Trademark Registration Treatytraktat om international registrering af varemærker
lawUnion for International Registration of Industrial Patternskonvention til international registrering af industrielle mønstre
lawUnion for the Interclassification of Goods and Services with a view to Trade-Mark RegistrationNicearrangementet for international klassificering af varer og tjenesteydelser med henblik på registrering af varemærker
fin.unique registration facilityfælles registreringssystem
transp., nautic., UNUnited Nations Conference on the Conditions for the Registration of ShipsDe Forenede Nationers konference om betingelserne for registrering af skibe
transp., nautic.United Nations Convention on Conditions for Registration of ShipsDe Forenede Nationers konvention om betingelser for registrering af skibe
pharma., R&D.Universal Trial Registration Numberuniverselt forsøgsregistreringsnummer
econ., market.use of the trademark for the purpose of maintaining the registrationanvendelse af varemærket i henseende til registreringens opretholdelse
tax.VAT registration numbermomsregistreringsnummer
tax.VAT registration numbermomsnummer
econ.vehicle registrationkøretøjsregistrering
gen.vehicle registration dataoplysninger fra køretøjsregistre
transp.vehicle registration documentregistreringspapir
econ.vehicle registration documentregistreringsattest
econ., transp.vehicle registration markregistreringsnummer
transp.vehicle registration numberregistreringsnummer
market.verbal note registrationregistrering af mundtlige bemærkninger
med.special veterinary registrationveterinærregister
agric., health., anim.husb.veterinary registration numberveterinærgodkendelsesnummer
ITvoice-controlled message registrationautomatisk telefonsvarer med talestyring
lab.law.voluntary unemployment registration schemefrivillig arbejdsløshedsregistreringsordning
comp., MSworkflow registrationarbejdsprocesregistrering (A registration process that occurs when you add a workflow definition to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM database)