
Terms for subject Finances containing progressive | all forms | exact matches only
progressive and reciprocal liberalisation of tradegradvis og gensidig handelsliberalisering
progressive elimination of residual customs dutiesgradvis afskaffelse af den resterende told
progressive GDP taxprogressiv BNP-skat
progressive indicator of taxable capacityprogressiv indikator for skatteevnen
progressive interest subordinated noteefterstillet obligation med progressiv forrentning
progressive quota increasegradvis forøgelse af kontingenterne
progressive rateprogressiv skattesats
progressive reduction of customs dutytrinvis fjernelse af told
progressive reduction of customs dutygradvis fjernelse af told
progressive taxationprogressiv skat
the progressive alignment of their customs duties with those in the Common Customs Tariffden gradvise tilnærmelse af deres toldsatser til den fælles toldtarifs satser
the progressive coordination of the exchange policiesden gradvise samordning af valutapolitikken
the progressive introduction of the common customs tariffden gradvise indførelse af den Fælles toldtarif
the progressive liberalisation of movement of capitalden gradvise liberalisering af kapitalbevægelserne
the setting up and progressive introduction of the Common Customs Tariffoprettelsen og den gradvise indførelse af den fælles toldtarif