
Terms for subject Industry containing programs | all forms
bioethanol programmebioethanolprogram
Community action programme to strengthen the competitiveness of European industryEF-handlingsprogram til forbedring af den europæiske industris konkurrenceevne
ECSC programme of ergonomics research for the steel and coal industriesEKSF-program om ergonomisk forskning vedrørende kul- og stålindustrien
harmonisation work programmeharmoniseringsarbejdsprogram
Joint Baltic Sea Research and Development Programmefælles forsknings- og udviklingsprogram for Østersøen
Joint Baltic Sea Research and Development ProgrammeBonus
Programme for the modernization of the Portuguese textile and clothing industryprogram for modernisering af tekstil- og beklædningsindustrien i Portugal
Programme in the field of applied metrology and chemical analysisfællesskabsprogram inden for anvendt metrologi og kemiske analyser
specific programme for the modernization of the Portuguese textile and clothing industryspecifikt program til modernisering af tekstil- og beklædningssektoren