
Terms for subject Communications containing programs | all forms
Action Programme for the European audiovisual media products industryFællesskabets handlingsprogram til udvikling af den audiovisuelle industri
Action Programme for the European audiovisual media products industryForanstaltninger til Fremme af Udviklingen i den Audiovisuelle Industri
Action programme to promote the development of the European audiovisual industryHandlingsprogram til fremme af udviklingen af den europæiske audiovisuelle industri
Action programme to promote the development of the European audiovisual industry 1991 to 1995Handlingsprogram til fremme af udviklingen af den europæiske audiovisuelle industri1991-1995
administrative programadministrativt program
advanced communication function/network control programACF/NCP-program
air pressurization analysis programkabellufttryksanalyseprogram
all or nothing assignment traffic routing programvejvalgsprogram
area control programområdesignalprogram
arts programmeskunst-programmer
automated program emissionautomatisk programudsendelse
automatic program correctionautomatisk programkorrektion
automatic trunk test programATTP-program
checking programmekontrolprogram
children's programmesbørneprogrammer
Committee for implementation of the training programme for professionals in the European audiovisual programme industry MEDIA-Training, 2001-2005Udvalget for Gennemførelse af Uddannelsesprogrammet for Branchefolk inden for den Europæiske Audiovisuelle Programindustri Media-uddannelse, 2001-2005
common application programming interfacefælles programmeringsinterface for applikationer
common application programming interfacefælles programmeringsgrænseflade for applikationer
common application programming interfaceprogrammeringsinterface for fælles applikationer
common application programming interfaceprogrammeringsgrænseflade for fælles applikationer
Community programme in the field of telecommunications technologies - research and development R&D in advanced communications technologies in EuropeFællesskabsprogram inden for telekommunikationsteknologi-forskning og udvikling inden for avanceret kommunikationsteknologi i Europa
Community programme to stimulate the development of a European multimedia content industry and to encourage the use of multimedia content in the emerging information societyflerårigt fællesskabsprogram til stimulering af udviklingen af en europæisk multimedieindholdsindustri og fremme af anvendelsen af multimedieindhold i det spirende informationssamfund
Community Research and Development Programme in the field of Telecommunications Technologies - RACEfællesskabsprogram inden for telekommunikationsteknologi - forskning og udvikling inden for avanceret kommunikationsteknologi i Europa Raceprogrammet
coordinated trials programkoordineret prøveprogram
effectively transmitted signals in sound-program transmissioneffektivt transmitterede signaler i lydprogram-transmission
electronic program guideelektronisk programoversigt
electronic program guideelektronisk programguide
electronic programme guideelektronisk programguide
Head of programmingprogramchef
Information programme for the European citizenPrinceprogrammet informationsprogram for europæiske borgere
international program lineinternational programlinje
international sound-program centerinternationalt radiofonicenter
international sound-program connectioninternational radiofoniforbindelse
international sound-program transmissioninternational radiofonitransmission
local control programlokalsignalprogram
macro control programområdesignalprogram
malicious programmalware
malicious programskadelig software
management programmanagement-program
master control programområdesignalprogram
messaging application programming interfaceMAPI-interface
micro control programlokalsignalprogram
multiannual Community Programme on promoting safer use of the Internet and new online technologiesflerårigt fællesskabsprogram til fremme af en sikrere brug af internettet og nye onlineteknologier
network control programnetstyringsprogram
off-the-air programmedirekte modtaget program
peak program meterprogramtopindikator
peak program meterniveauspidsmåler
peak programme metreniveauspidsmåler
PRINCE programmeinformationsprogram for europæiske borgere
priority access to the programmesprioritetsadgang til programmer
program control tableprogramkontroltabel
program management supportprogramadministration
program modification backup tapeprogrammodifikationsikkerhedskopibånd
program modification backup tapeprogrammodifikationsbackupbånd
program update tapeprogramopdateringsbånd
programme distribution by cablekabeldistribution
programme distribution by cablekabelfjernsyn
programme distribution by cablekabel-TV
programme distribution by cablefællesantenneanlæg
programme distribution by cablefællesantenne-TV
programme in the public interestprogram i offentlighedens interesse
Programme of research, technological development and demonstration of Information Society Technologiesprogram for forskning, teknologisk udvikling og demonstration af informationssamfundsteknologier
Programme of research, technological development and demonstration of Information Society Technologiesprogram for informationssamfundsteknologier
programme signalmoduleret signal
Programme to support cooperation between media institutions, organisations and companies in the Community and in the Mediterranean non-member countries MNCsprogram til støtte for samarbejdet mellem medieinstitutioner, -organisationer og -virksomheder i EF og i Middelhavslande uden for EF MNC
Programme to support cooperation between media institutions, organizations and companies in the Community and in the Mediterranean non-member countries MNCsProgram til støtte for samarbejdet mellem medieinstitutioner,-organisationer og-virksomheder i EF og i Middelhavslande uden for EFMNC
programming communications interfaceprogrammeringskommunikationsinterface
programming policypolitik vedrørende programlægningen
re-enterable programprogram med tilbagehop
re-entrant programprogram med tilbagehop
Research and development programme in advanced communications technologies in Europefællesskabsprogram inden for telekommunikationsteknologi - forskning og udvikling inden for avanceret kommunikationsteknologi i Europa
road safety programfærdselssikkerhedsprogram
shortest path programvejvalgsprogram
shortest route programvejvalgsprogram
sound programmelydprogram
2-sound programme systemsystem med to lydprogrammer
specific programme of research and technological development in the field of communication technologiessærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling inden for kommunikationsteknologi
Specific programme of research and technological development in the field of information technology 1990 to 1994særprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling inden for informationsteknologi 1990-1994
station program identificationstation programme identification
station programme identificationstation programme identification
stereophonic sound programstereolydprogram
stereophonic sound programstereofonisk lydprogram
stereophonic sound programmestereofonisk lydprogram
stock programmearkivprogram
stored program controlkontrol ved hjælp af lagret program
television program libraryTV-videotek
terminal radar programlufthavnsradarprogram
test routine programmerutine-test-program
traffic control programreguleringsplan for trafik
transaction software package programtransaktionsprogram
TV program buttonTV-programknap
Video Program System recordingVPS-optagelse