
Terms for subject General containing programs | all forms | exact matches only
accompanying persons'programmeprogram for ledsagere
Accompanying programme for the stabilisation of eastern Chad and of north-eastern Central African Republicledsageprogram for stabiliseringen af det østlige Tchad og den nordøstlige del af Den Centralafrikanske Republik
Action programme for administrative cooperation in the fields of external borders, visas, asylum and immigrationArgoprogrammet
action programme for customs in the CommunityTold 2013
action programme for customs in the European Union for the period 2014-2020Told 2020
action programme for the implementation of a European Community vocational training policyLeonardo da Vinci-programmet
Action Programme for the Implementation of the Territorial Agenda of the European Unionhandlingsprogram for gennemførelsen af Den Europæiske Unions territoriale dagsorden
Action programme for the promotion of youth exchanges in the CommunityUngdom for Europa-programmet
Ad hoc Group on Handicapped Persons - Long-term Action ProgrammeAd Hoc-Gruppen vedrørende Handicappede - Langsigtet Handlingsprogram
advance programmeforeløbigt program
Advisory Committee on Programme Management for High Flux ReactorsDet rådgivende Udvalg for Programforvaltning - Højfluxreaktorer
Advisory Committee on Programme Management for Materials Science and Basic Research on MaterialsDet rådgivende Udvalg for Programforvaltning - Materialevidenskab og grundlæggende Materialeforskning
Advisory Committee on Programme Management for Standards and Reference MaterialsDet rådgivende Udvalg for Programforvaltning - Normer og Referencestoffer
Advisory Committee on the International Programme on Chemical SafetyDen Rådgivende Komité for Det Internationale Program for Sikkerhed i forbindelse med Kemikalier
Afghanistan Programming BodyProgrammeringsorganet for Afghanistan
Amani ProgrammeAmaniprogrammet
Analysis and Programming Units CommitteeGeneraldirektoraternes analyse- og programmeringsgruppers Udvalg UDAP-udvalget
at-a-glance programmeoversigtsprogram
Belgian National Co-ordinating Committee for ECSC Programmes of Financial Assistance for the Housing of Miners and SteelworkersDet belgiske nationale Koordineringsudvalg for EKSF-programmer vedrørende finansiel støtte til boliger til Mine- og Stålværksarbejdere
Biological Equipment Development and Enhancement Programmeprogrammet for forbedring og udvikling af udstyr til bekæmpelse af biologiske stoffer
CARNOT programmeCarnotprogrammet
to carry out joint research and development programmes and projectsgennemførelse af fælles forsknings-og udviklingsprogrammer of projekter
Central Asia Drug Action Programmenarkotikahandlingsprogrammet for Centralasien
CIPS Programmesærprogrammet "Forebyggelse, beredskab og konsekvensstyring i forbindelse med terrorisme og andre sikkerhedsrelaterede risici"
Commission Work ProgrammeKommissionens arbejdsprogram
commissioning programmeindkøringsprogram
Committee for the Programme on Cooperation between Universities and Enterprises regarding Training in the Field of Technology COMETTUdvalget for Programmet for Samarbejde mellem Universiteter og Virksomheder om Uddannelse på Teknologiområdet Comett
Committee on the Community action programme in the field of civil protectionUdvalget for EF-handlingsprogrammet for Civilbeskyttelse
Committee on the Community action programme to combat discriminationUdvalget for EF-handlingsprogrammet for Bekæmpelse af Forskelsbehandling
Committee on the programme to encourage the development, distribution and promotion of European audiovisual works MEDIA Plus - Development, Distribution and PromotionUdvalget for Programmet til Fremme af Udvikling, Distribution og Markedsføring af Europæiske Audiovisuelle Produktioner Media Plus - Udvikling, distribution og markedsføring
Committee on the second phase of the Community action programme in the field of education Socrates IIUdvalget for Anden Fase af EF-handlingsprogrammet for Almen Uddannelse Socrates II
Community action programme for the creation of trans-European infrastructure networksHandlingsprogram med henblik på etablering af transeuropæiske infrastrukturnet
Community action programme to promote activities in the field of the protection of the Community's financial interestsHerculeprogrammet
Community action programme to promote the integration of refugeesEF-handlingsprogram til fremme af integrationen af flygtninge
Community aid programmingprogrammering af Fællesskabets støtte
Community energy efficiency labelling programme for office equipmentEnergy Star-programmet
Community programme in the field of strategic analysis, forecasting and evaluation in matters of research and technology 1988-92Fællesskabsprogram for strategiske analyser,fremtidsstudier og vurderinger inden for forskning og teknologi1988-1992
Community Programme of Policy and Action in relation to the Environment and Sustainable Development "Towards sustainability"program for EF's politik og virke inden for miljøet og bæredygtig udvikling
Community programme on the conservation, characterization, collection and utilization of genetic resources in agricultureEF-handlingsprogram for bevarelse,beskrivelse,indsamling og udnyttelse af genressourcer i landbruget
Community Programme to Assist the Conversion of Shipbuilding Areasfælleskabsprogram, der skal bidrage til omstillingen i skibsbygningsområder
Community's positive measures programmeFællesskabets program om positive foranstaltninger
computer operating programs, recordedoptagne programmer computer-
computer operating programs recordedoptagne programmer computer-
conference programmekonferenceprogram
control programstyreprogram
control programkontrolprogram
control rod actuation programdriftsprogram for kontrolstængerne
control rod programreguleringsprogram for kontrolstængerne
control rod programmingkontrolstangsprogrammering
control rod withdrawal programudtrækningsprogram for kontrolstængerne
Core Action Programmekernehandlingsprogram
Council exercise programming staffRådets Øvelsesprogrammeringsgruppe
Council exercise programming teamRådets Øvelsesprogrammeringsgruppe
Council's 18-month programmeRådets attenmånedersprogram
EDF Programming CommitteeEUF's planlægningsudvalg
emergency programmenødhjælpsprogram
entertainment programmeunderholdningsprogram
Erasmus programmeErasmus
ESPON 2013 Programmeeuropæisk observationsnetværk for territorial udvikling og samhørighed
EU Programme on the Prevention of Violent ConflictsGöteborgprogrammet
EU Programme on the Prevention of Violent ConflictsEU-program til forebyggelse af voldelige konflikter
Euromed Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-Made DisastersEuromedprogrammet for katastrofeforebyggelse, -beredskab og -indsats
European Community's Visitors' ProgrammeDet Europæiske Fællesskabs besøgsprogram
European Earth monitoring programmeeuropæisk jordovervågningsprogram
European Earth Observation Programmeeuropæisk jordovervågningsprogram
European Union assistance programme to support the Palestinian Authority in its efforts to counter terrorist activities emanating from the territories under its controlEU-bistandsprogram til støtte for Den Palæstinensiske Myndighed i dens bestræbelser på at bekæmpe terroristhandlinger, der har sit udspring i territorier under dens kontrol
European Union Cooperation Programme for Non-proliferation and Disarmament in the Russian FederationEU-samarbejdsprogram for ikkespredning og nedrustning i Den Russiske Føderation
European Volunteers Programme for Developmentprogram for europæiske frivillige i udviklingssamarbejdet
exchange and work-experience programmesudvekslingsprogrammer og praktikophold
Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesEksekutivkomitéen for programmet under FN's Flygtningehøjkommissær
exercise programmeøvelsesårsprogram
Fifth programme for the exchange of officials competent for veterinary mattersFemte program for udveksling af tjenestemænd med kompetence på veterinærområdet
final programmeendeligt program
"Food for Work" programmemad for arbejde-program
"Food for Work" programme"food for work"-program
Forward Programme for the Iron and Steel Industry meeting of users, producers, metalworkers unions and iron and steel expertsPrognose for Jern- og Stålindustrien møde med forbrugere, producenter samt repræsentanter for fagforbundene og sagkyndige inden for metalindustrien
Four-year development programme relating to the environmental component of Community statisticsFireårigt udviklingsprogram vedrørende den miljømæssige del af Fællesskabets statistikker
four-year programme for the development of data processingfiraarigt udviklingsprogram for datamatik
Four-Year-Rolling Programme 2001-2004fireårige rullende program for 2001-2004
Framework Agreement between the European Community and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the general principles for the participation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Community programmesRådets afgørelse om indgåelse af en rammeaftale mellem Det Europæiske Fællesskab og Bosnien-Hercegovina om de generelle principper for Bosnien-Hercegovinas deltagelse i fællesskabsprogrammer
Framework Agreement between the European Community and Serbia and Montenegro on the general principles for the participation of Serbia and Montenegro in Community programmesrammeaftale mellem Det Europæiske Fællesskab og Serbien og Montenegro om de generelle principper for Serbien og Montenegros deltagelse i fællesskabsprogrammer
Framework Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Albania on the general principles for the participation of the Republic of Albania in Community programmesrammeaftale mellem Det Europæiske Fællesskab og Republikken Albanien om de generelle principper for Republikken Albaniens deltagelse i fællesskabsprogrammer
Framework Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Croatia on the general principles for the participation of the Republic of Croatia in Community programmesrammeaftale mellem Det Europæiske Fællesskab og Republikken Kroatien om de generelle principper for Republikken Kroatiens deltagelse i fællesskabsprogrammer
Framework programmeRammeprogram
Framework programme for priority actions in the field of statistical informationRammeprogram for prioriterede aktioner vedrørende statistiske oplysninger
framework programme for research, technological development and demonstration activitiesforskningsrammeprogrammet
GROTIUS ProgrammeGrotiusprogrammet
guests'programmeprogram for ledsagere
Göteborg ProgrammeEU-program til forebyggelse af voldelige konflikter
Göteborg ProgrammeGöteborgprogrammet
Hague ProgrammeTammerfors II
Hague ProgrammeHaagprogrammet: styrkelse af frihed, sikkerhed og retfærdighed i Den Europæiske Union
Hague ProgrammeHaagprogrammet
Hercule programmeHerculeprogrammet
Horizon 2020 - the Framework Programme for Research and InnovationHorisont 2020
in good time for programmes of artistic eventsi god tid før den planlagte afholdelse af kunstneriske begivenheder
Incentive and exchange programme for persons responsible for combating trade in human beings and the sexual exploitation of childrenStopprogrammet
Incentive and exchange programme for persons responsible for combating trade in human beings and the sexual exploitation of childrentilskyndelses- og udvekslingsprogram for personer med ansvar for bekæmpelse af menneskehandel og seksuel udnyttelse af børn
indicative programmeindikativprogram
indicative programme concerning financial and technical measures to accompany the reform of economic and social structures in the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean partnershipvejledende program om finansielle og tekniske ledsageforanstaltninger i forbindelse med reformen af de økonomiske og sociale strukturer inden for rammerne af Euro-Middelhavs-partnerskabet
indicative programme concerning financial and technical measures to accompany the reform of economic and social structures in the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean partnershipvejledende Medaprogram
information on the general orientation of national economic plans and programmesoplysninger om de almindelige retningslinjer for nationale økonomiske planer og programmer
Information programme for the European citizenInformationsprogram for borgerne i EU
Integrated programme in favour of SMEs and the craft sectorintegreret program til fordel for SMV og håndværksvirksomheder
Inter-American Programme of action of Rio de Janeiro against the illicit use and production of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and traffic thereindet interamerikanske Rio de Janeiro-program til bekæmpelse af brug og fremstilling af samt ulovlig handel med narkotika og psykotrope stoffer
International Council of Experts for the ECSC Special Programme of ConstructionDet internationale Ekspertråd for EKSF's særlige Byggeprogrammer
legislative programmelovgivningsprogrammet
legislative programmelovgivningsprogram
legislative programmingplanlægning af lovgivningsarbejdet
Management Committee for the Special Programme to Combat Hunger in the Worldudvalg for forvaltning af det særlige program til bekæmpelse af sulten i verden
Medium-term and Long-term Recovery and Rehabilitation Programme in the Sudano- Sahelian Regionprogram på mellemlang og lang sigt for genopretning og ophjælpning i Sudan og Sahel
Medium-term social action programmeSocialt handlingsprogram på mellemlang sigt
Med-Migration programmeprogram til samarbejde mellem kommunale myndigheder i Den Europæiske Union, kommunale myndigheder i tredjelande i Middelhavsområdet såvel som indvandrerorganisationer, samlet i net for indvandrerspørgsmål og støttet af disse myndigheder
Minister of State at the Department of Social Welfare with special responsibility for the integration of the taxation and social welfare codes and for customer information programmesviceminister, Socialministeriet, med særligt ansvar for harmonisering af skatte- og socialsikringslovgivningen samt brugerinformationsprogrammer
multiannual Community Programme on promoting safer use of the Internet and new online technologiesSafer Internet plus-programmet
Multiannual programme of action in the nuclear sector, relating to the safe transport of radioactive materials and to safeguards and industrial cooperation to promote certain aspects of the safety of nuclear installations in countries currently participating in the Tacis programmeFlerårigt program for aktiviteter inden for den nukleare sektor vedrørende sikkerhed i forbindelse med transport af radioaktivt materiale samt sikkerhedskontrol og vedrørende industrisamarbejde med henblik på at fremme visse sikkerhedsaspekter i kernekraftanlæggene i de lande, der på nuværende tidspunkt deltager i Tacisprogrammet
multiannual programme of actions in the nuclear sector, relating to the safe transport of radioactive materials and to safeguards and industrial cooperation to promote certain aspects of the safety of nuclear installations in countries currently participating in the TACIS programmeSureprogrammet
multiannual programme of studies, analyses, forecasts and other related work in the energy sectorEtapprogrammet
Multiannual programme of studies and technical assistance in the regional fieldFlerårigt program vedrørende undersøgelser og faglig bistand på regionalområdet
Multiannual programme of technical assistance and consultancy in the field of the environment, nuclear safety and civil protectionFlerårigt program for faglig bistand og rådgivning inden for miljø,nuklear sikkerhed og civilbeskyttelse
multiannual programme of technological actions promoting the clean and efficient use of solid fuelsCarnotprogrammet
Multiannual programme to promote the linguistic diversity of the Community in the information societyFlerårigt program til støtte af Fællesskabets sproglige mangfoldighed i informationssamfundet
Multiannual programme to promote the linguistic diversity of the Community in the information societyFlerårigt program til fremme af Fællesskabets sproglige mangfoldighed i informationssamfundet
Multiannual R & D programmes in the field of the environment 1986 to 1990Flerårige forsknings-og udviklingsprogrammer på miljøområdet
Multiannual research and development programme of the European Economic Community in the fields of basic technological research and the applications of new technologies. 1985-88; B asic Research in Industrial Technologies for EuropeFlerårigt forsknings-og udviklingsprogram for Det Europæiske Økonomiske Fællesskab vedrørende teknisk grundforskning og anvendelse af nye teknologier1985-1988
multi-annual work programmeflerårigt arbejdsprogram
Multi-Country Demobilization and Reintegration Programregionalt demobiliserings- og reintegrationsprogram
National Adaptation Programme of Actionnational tilpasningshandlingsplan
National Adaptation Programme of Actionnational handlingsplan for tilpasning
National Programme for the Security, Peace, Stability and Reconstruction of the KivusAmaniprogrammet
nuclear power programkernekraftprogram
nuclear programmeatomprogram
Oisin I: Common programme for the exchange and training of, and cooperation between, law enforcement authoritiesOisin II: tilskyndelses-, udvekslings-, uddannelses- og samarbejdsprogram for de retshåndhævende myndigheder
Oisin I: Common programme for the exchange and training of, and cooperation between, law enforcement authoritiesOisinprogrammet
Oisin I: Common programme for the exchange and training of, and cooperation between, law enforcement authoritiesOisin I: rammeprogram for udveksling og uddannelse af samt samarbejde mellem de retshåndhævende myndigheder
Oisin II programmeanden fase af tilskyndelses-, udvekslings-, uddannelses- og samarbejdsprogrammet for de retshåndhævende myndigheder i EU's medlemsstater Oisin II
Oisin II: Programme of incentives, exchanges, training and cooperation for law enforcement authoritiesOisin II: tilskyndelses-, udvekslings-, uddannelses- og samarbejdsprogram for de retshåndhævende myndigheder
Oisin II: Programme of incentives, exchanges, training and cooperation for law enforcement authoritiesOisin I: rammeprogram for udveksling og uddannelse af samt samarbejde mellem de retshåndhævende myndigheder
paper tapes and cards for the recordal of computer programmespapirbånd og kort til optagelse af computerprogrammer
paper tapes and cards for the recordal of computer programmespapirbånd og -kort til optagelse af computerprogrammer
Phare-democracy programmePHARE-program for demokratiske reformer
pocket programmeoversigtsprogram
preliminary programmeforeløbigt program
PRINCE programmePrinceprogrammet
priority work programmeprogram for det prioriterede arbejde
program bookkonferenceprogram
program stopprogramstop
Programme Committee of the Federation of Liberal PartiesLiberale Partiers Sammenslutnings Programudvalg
Programme "ECSC low-cost housing" applicable for the period 1989 to 1992Program for "EKSF sociale boliger" i tidsrummet 1989 til 1992
Programme encouraging the development and distribution of European audiovisual works Media II-Development and distributionProgram til fremme af udvikling og distribution af europæiske audiovisuelle produktionerMEDIA II-Udvikling og distribution
Programme for cooperation among local communities in the European Union, local communities in Mediterranean non-member countries and organisations involving migrants and supported by these communities, constituted in networks on the theme of migrationprogram til samarbejde mellem kommunale myndigheder i Den Europæiske Union, kommunale myndigheder i tredjelande i Middelhavsområdet såvel som indvandrerorganisationer, samlet i net for indvandrerspørgsmål og støttet af disse myndigheder
Programme for cooperation among local communities in the European Union, local communities in Mediterranean non-member countries and organisations involving migrants and supported by these communities, constituted in networks on the theme of migrationMed-Migration-programmet
Programme for technical assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent StatesProgrammet for faglig bistand til Samfundet af Uafhængige Stater
Programme for the enhancement of quality in higher education and the promotion of intercultural understanding through cooperation with third countriesErasmus Mundus-programmet
Programme for the improvement of the business environment and the promotion of the development of enterprises, and in particular small and medium-sized enterprises, in the Communityprogram for forbedring af erhvervsklimaet og fremme af udviklingen af virksomheder, især små og mellemstore virksomheder, i Fællesskabet
Programme for the improvement of the business environment and the promotion of the development of entreprises, and in particular small and medium-sized enterprises, in the CommunityProgram for forbedring af erhvervsklimaet og fremme af udviklingen af virksomheder, især små og mellemstore virksomheder, i Fællesskabet
Programme of action concerning safety, hygiene and health at workHandlingsprogram for sikkerhed,hygiejne og sundhed på arbejdspladsen
Programme of Community action on health promotion, information, education and training within the framework for action in the field of public healthFællesskabshandlingsprogram for sundhedsfremme,sundhedsoplysning,sundhedsundervisning og sundhedsuddannelse som led i indsatsen inden for folkesundhed
Programme of Community Action on the subject of the Vocational Training of Customs Officialsfællesskabshandlingsprogram for faglig uddannelse af toldembedsmænd
Programme of cooperation in the field of intellectual property rights IPR:EU-China IPR Cooperation ProgrammeSamarbejdsprogram på området intellektuel ejendomsretIPR:IPR-samarbejdsprogram mellem EU og Kina
programme of incentives and exchanges, training and cooperation for the prevention of crime Hippocratestilskyndelses-, udvekslings-, uddannelses- og samarbejdsprogram inden for forebyggelse af kriminalitet Hippokrates
Programme of training, exchanges and cooperation in the field of asylum, immigration and crossing of external bordersOdysseusprogrammet
Programme of training, exchanges and cooperation in the field of asylum, immigration and crossing of external bordersUddannelses-, udvekslings- og samarbejdsprogram vedrørende asyl, indvandring og passage af de ydre grænser
Programme of training, exchanges and cooperation in the field of identity documents SherlockSherlockprogrammet
Programme of training, exchanges and cooperation in the field of identity documents Sherlockuddannelses-, udvekslings- og samarbejdsprogram vedrørende identitetspapirer
Programme to assist economic reform and recovery in the New Independent States and MongoliaProgram for bistand til reform- og genopretningsprocessen i de nye uafhængige stater og Mongoliet
programme to promote international cooperation in the energy sector - Synergy programmeSynergyprogrammet
Programme to support cooperation between local authorities in the Community and in Mediterranean non-member countriesProgram til støtte for samarbejdet mellem lokale myndigheder i Europa og i Middelhavslande uden for EF
Programme to support cooperation between local authorities in the Community and those in Mediterranean non-member countries MNCsprogram til støtte for samarbejdet mellem lokale myndigheder i Europa og i Middelhavslande uden for EF MNC
Programme to support cooperation between local authorities in the Community and those in Mediterranean non-member countries MNCsProgram til støtte for samarbejdet mellem lokale myndigheder i Europa og i Middelhavslande uden for EFMNC
Programme to support development cooperation schemes between the universities and higher educational establishments of Europe and the Mediterranean non-member countries MNCsStøtteprogram med henblik på udviklingssamarbejde mellem universiteter og højere læreanstalter i Europa og i Middelhavslande uden for EFMNC
prospecting programmesprospekteringsvirksomhed
provisional programmeforeløbigt program
regional programme for the conversion of steel areasregionalt program for omstilling i jern- og stålområderne
Research and development programme in the field of science and technology for development 1987-91Forsknings-og udviklingsprogram på området videnskab og teknik i udviklingens tjeneste1987-1991
Research and training programme in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion 1985-89Forsknings-og undervisningsprogram inden for kontrolleret termonuklear fusion1985-1989
return programmetilbagesendelsesprogram
Scientific and Technical Research Committee CREST / Drafting of the research programme/EnergyUdvalget for videnskabelig og teknisk forskning CREST / udarbejdelse af et forskningsprogram/energi
scientific programmevidenskabeligt program
second phase of the programme of incentives, exchanges, training and cooperation for law enforcement authoritiesanden fase af tilskyndelses-, udvekslings-, uddannelses- og samarbejdsprogrammet for de retshåndhævende myndigheder i EU's medlemsstater Oisin II
second phase of the programme of incentives, exchanges, training and cooperation for persons responsible for combating trade in human beings and the sexual exploitation of children Stop IIanden fase af et tilskyndelses-, udvekslings-, uddannelses- og samarbejdsprogram for personer med ansvar for bekæmpelse af menneskehandel og seksuel udnyttelse af børn
SEM 2000 programmeSEM 2000-programmet
Seventh framework programme for research and technological developmentsyvende forskningsrammeprogram
Seventh framework programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities 2007 to 2013syvende forskningsrammeprogram
Shared Cost Action Research Programme 1985 to 1987 on Reactor SafetyForskningsprogram med omkostningsdeling vedrørende reaktorsikkerhed 1985-1987
simulator based on visual programmingsimulator, baseret på visuel programmering
single programming documentsamlet programmeringsdokument
single programming documentét enkelt programmeringsdokument
sliding programmingrullende program
social programmeselskabeligt program
social programmesocialt program
Sound and Efficient Management 2000 programmeSEM 2000-programmet
Special Action programme for Vigorous Energy EfficiencySaveprogrammet
Special Committee for the Framework Agreement between the EC and Turkey on the general principles for the participation of Turkey in Community programmesDet Særlige Udvalg for Rammeaftalen mellem EF og Tyrkiet om de Almindelige Betingelser for Tyrkiets Deltagelse i Fællesskabets Programmer
Special Community Programme to Aid Certain Highly Indebted Low-income Countries in Sub-Saharan Africasærprogram til fordel for visse fattige og stærkt gældstyngede lande i Afrika syd for Sahara
specific programme for research and technological development in the field of cooperation with third countries and international organizationssærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling herunder demonstration inden for samarbejde med tredjelande og internationale organisationer
Specific programme for research and technological development, including demonstration, in the field of cooperation with third countries and international organisationsSærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling samt demonstration inden for samarbejde med tredjelande og internationale organisationer
Specific programme for research and technological development, including demonstration, in the field of standards, measurements and testingSærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling samt demonstration inden for standardisering,måling og prøvning
Specific programme for research and technological development, including demonstration, to be implemented by the Joint Research Centre for the European Atomic Energy CommunitySærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling samt demonstration, der skal gennemføres af Det Fælles Forskningscenter for Det Europæiske Atomenergifællesskab
Specific programme for the dissemination and optimization of the results of activities in the field of research and technological development, including demonstrationSærprogram for formidling og nyttiggørelse af resultater af forskning og teknologisk udvikling samt demonstration
Specific programme for the dissemination and utilization of scientific and technological research results 1989-92Særprogram for spredning og udnyttelse af resultater af videnskabelig og teknologisk forskning1989-1992
Specific programme of research and technological development in the field of human capital and mobility 1990 to 1994Særprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling inden for området menneskelige ressourcer og mobilitet1990-1994
Specific programme of research and technological development, including demonstration, in the field of cooperation with third countries and international organizationsSærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling samt demonstration inden for samarbejde med tredjelande og internationale organisationer
Specific programme of research and technological development, including demonstration, in the field of marine science and technologySærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling samt demonstration inden for havforskning og-teknologi
Specific programme of research and technological development, including demonstration, in the field of training and mobility of researchersSærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling samt demonstration inden for forskeres uddannelse og mobilitet
Specific programme of research and technological development, including demonstration, to be implemented by the Joint Research Centre for the European Atomic Energy CommunitySærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling samt demonstration,der skal gennemføres af Det Fælles Forskningscenter for Det Europæiske Atomenergifællesskab
Specific Programme "Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security related risks"særprogrammet "Forebyggelse, beredskab og konsekvensstyring i forbindelse med terrorisme og andre sikkerhedsrelaterede risici"
Specific Programme to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at riskDaphe III-programmet
spouse programprogram for ledsagere
"Star Wars" programstjernekrigsprogram
"Star Wars" program"stjernekrigsprojekt"
Steering Committee of an Advisory Nature on the Action Programme for the European Year of Safety, Hygiene and Health at WorkStyrelsesudvalget af Rådgivende Karakter vedrørende Handlingsprogrammet for Det Europæiske Arbejdsmiljøår
steering programstyreprogram
Stockholm ProgrammeStockholmprogrammet
STOP Programmetilskyndelses- og udvekslingsprogram for personer med ansvar for bekæmpelse af menneskehandel og seksuel udnyttelse af børn
STOP ProgrammeStopprogrammet
Struder programme for Poland: Structural Development in Selected RegionsStruderprogrammet
Studynet Programme"Studynet programme",som omfatter indsamling,analyse,behandling og formidling af informationer om undersøgelser inden for området industriel konkurrenceevne
Support Programme for the E valuation of Activities in the field of ResearchStøtteprogram for europæisk forskningsevaluering
SURE programmeSureprogrammet
The Arab Trade Financing Programdet arabiske handelsfinansieringsprogram
The Hague Programme: strengthening freedom, security and justice in the European UnionTammerfors II
The Hague Programme: strengthening freedom, security and justice in the European UnionHaagprogrammet
The Hague Programme: strengthening freedom, security and justice in the European UnionHaagprogrammet: styrkelse af frihed, sikkerhed og retfærdighed i Den Europæiske Union
thematic programme on cooperation with third countries in the areas of migration and asylumtematisk program vedrørende migration og asyl
toy programsmåprogrammer
Training programme for professionals in the European audiovisual programme industry MEDIA II-TrainingUddannelsesprogram for branchefolk inden for den europæiske audiovisuelle programindustriMEDIA II-Uddannelse
UN Programme of Action on Small ArmsFN's handlingsprogram vedrørende håndvåben og lette våben
Union Earth observation and monitoring programmeeuropæisk jordovervågningsprogram
United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing CountriesUN-REDD-programmet
United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its AspectsFN's handlingsprogram vedrørende håndvåben og lette våben
Urban development network programmeprogrammet for netværk til byudvikling
urgent nuclear safety action programmeprogram for en hasteindsats vedrørende nuklear sikkerhed
work programmearbejdsprogram
Work programmearbejdsprogram
work programmearbejdsplan
Working Party on the Election ProgrammeArbejdsgruppen om Valgprogram
Working Party on the Outline for Regional Development ProgrammesArbejdsgruppe vedrørende oversigt over Regionaludviklingsprogrammer
Working Party on the ProgrammeArbejdsgruppen om Program
Working Party on the Programme of StudiesArbejdsgruppe vedrørende Undersøgelsesprogrammet
Working Party on the Social Action ProgrammeArbejdsgruppe vedrørende Det sociale Handlingsprogram