
Terms for subject Environment containing programme | all forms | exact matches only
Action programme for integrated groundwater protection and managementHandlingsprogram for integreret beskyttelse og forvaltning af grundvand
Action programme for the European y ear of the environment 1987Handlingsprogram for det europæiske miljøår1987
agri-environment programmeprogram for miljøvenligt landbrug
agri-environmental programmelandbrugsmiljøhandlingsprogram
agri-environmental programmeprogram for miljøvenligt landbrug
air-quality programluftkvalitetsmåleprogram
Altener II programmeflerårigt program til fremme af vedvarende energikilder i Fællesskabet
Altener programmesærlige aktioner til fordel for udvidet anvendelse af vedvarende energikilder
Altener programmeflerårigt program til fremme af vedvarende energikilder i Fællesskabet
analysis programme No definition neededanalyseprogram
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programmedet arktiske overvågnings- og vurderingsprogram
area programmezoneprogram
Clean Air for Europe Programmeprogrammet ren luft i Europa
clean-up programmeplan for sanering
Commission work programme concerning an experimental project for gathering, coordinating and ensuring the consistency of information on the state of the environment and natural resources in the Communityarbejdsprogram for Kommissionen vedrørende et forsøgsprojekt for indsamling, koordinering og afstemning af oplysninger om miljø og naturressourcer i Fællesskabet
Community action programme in the field of civil protectionEF-handlingsprogram for civilbeskyttelse
Community action programme promoting non-governmental organisations primarily active in the field of environmental protectionEF-handlingsprogram til fremme af ikke-statslige organisationer, som først og fremmest er aktive inden for miljøbeskyttelse
Community action programme to combat environmental pollution by cadmiumHandlingsprogram for Fællesskabet til nedbringelse af miljøforureningen med cadmium
Community demonstration programme in the field of energy savings, alternative energy sources, substitutes for hydrocarbons and the liquefaction/gasification of solid fuelsFællesskabets demonstrationsprogram inden for energibesparelser, alternative energikilder, erstatning af kulbrinter og likvefaktion/forgasning af fast brændsel
Community energy efficiency labelling programme for office equipmentfællesskabsprogram for energieffektivitetsmærkning af kontorudstyr
Community programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable developmentprogram for Fællesskabets politik og virke inden for miljø og bæredygtig udvikling
Community programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable developmentProgram for Fællesskabets politik og handling inden for miljø og bæredygtig udvikling
Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the long-range transmission of air pollutants in Europeovervågning og vurdering af luftforurenende stoffers transport over store afstande i Europa
Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the long-range transmission of air pollutants in Europesamarbejdsprogram for overvågning og vurdering af transport af luftforurenende stoffer over store afstande i Europa
Cooperative Programme for the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europesamarbejdsprogram for overvågning og vurdering af transport af luftforurenende stoffer over store afstande i Europa
Cooperative programme for the monitoring and evaluation of the long-range transmission of air pollutants in Europesamarbejdsprogram for overvågning og vurdering af transport af luftforurenende stoffer over store afstande i Europa
Cooperative programme for the monitoring and evaluation of the long-range transmission of air pollutants in Europeovervågning og vurdering af luftforurenende stoffers transport over store afstande i Europa
Declaration of Principles Regarding a Multilateral Nuclear Environmental Programme in the Russian Federationprinciperklæring om det multilaterale atom- og miljøprogram i Den Russiske Føderation
Energy Star programmefællesskabsprogram for energieffektivitetsmærkning af kontorudstyr
enlargement programmetiltrædelsesprogram
enlargement programmeudvidelsesprogram
Environment Action Programmemiljøhandlingsprogram
Environment Action Programmehandlingsprogram på miljøområdet
Environmental Action Programmehandlingsprogram på miljøområdet
Environmental Action Programmemiljøhandlingsprogram
environmental programme An organized group of activities and procedures, often run by a government agency or a nonprofit organization, to protect natural or ecological resources and advocate for ecological progressmiljøprogram
environmental programmemiljøprogram
Environmental Programme for the Mediterraneanmiljøprogram for Middelhavsområdet
EU Green Light programmedet europæiske program GreenLight
Eurobaltic programme for civil protection cooperation in the Baltic and Barents regioneuro-baltisk program for civilbeskyttelsessamarbejde i Østersø- og Barents-regionen
European Auto Oil Programmedet europæiske auto-olie-program
European Climate Change Programmedet europæiske klimaændringsprogram
European Community Programme of Policy and Action in relation to the Environment and Sustainable Development "Towards sustainability"Det Europæiske Fællesskabs program for politik og handling i forbindelse med miljøet og bæredygtig udvikling "Mod en bæredygtig udvikling"
European Earth monitoring programmeUnionens jordobservations- og jordovervågningsprogram
European Earth monitoring programmeCopernicus
European Earth Observation ProgrammeUnionens jordobservations- og jordovervågningsprogram
European Earth Observation ProgrammeCopernicus
European Environmental Campuses ProgrammeProgrammet Europæisk Miljøcampus
European Programme on Climatology and Natural Hazardseuropæisk program for klimatologi og naturkatastrofer
European Programme on Engines, Fuels and Emissionseuropæisk program om emissioner, brændstoffer og motorteknologier
European Recovery Programmeeuropæisk genopbygningsprogram ERP, Marshall-planen
Fifth European Community programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable developmentDe Europæiske Fællesskabers 5. program for politik og handling i forbindelse med miljøet og bæredygtig udvikling
Framework Agreement on a Multilateral Nuclear Environmental Programme in the Russian Federationrammeaftale om et multilateralt nukleart miljøprogram i Den Russiske Føderation
Global Atmospheric Research Programdet globale atmosfæriske forskningsprogram
Governing Council of the United Nations Environment ProgrammeUNEP's styrelsesråd
Governing Council of the United Nations Environment ProgrammeFN's miljøprograms styrelsesråd
housing programme A planned system of projects, services or activities intended to support individuals or families in need of shelter, including transitional or permanent housing and safe havens for low-income, elderly or homeless populationsprogram for boligbyggeri
housing programmeprogram for boligbyggeri
Interchange of Documents between Administrations Programmeprogram for dataudveksling mellem administrationer
International Cooperative Programme for Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forestsinternationalt samarbejdsprogram for vurdering og overvågning af luftforureningens virkninger på skove
International Geosphere/Biosphere Programmedet internationale geosfære-biosfære-program
International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Programmeinternationalt program vedrørende global atmosfærekemi
Land and water use and management research programmeforskningsprogram vedrørende udnyttelse og forvaltning af jord og vand
Man and biosphere programmeprogrammet "Man and Biosphere"
measuring programmemåleprogram
measuring programme No definition neededmåleprogram
Mediterranean Environmental Technical Assistance Programmeprogram for miljøteknisk bistand i Middelhavsområdet
Mediterranean Special Action Programmefællesskabsaktion for miljøbeskyttelse i Middelhavsområdet
MEDiterranean Special Programme of ActionEF-aktion til beskyttelse af miljøet i Middelhavsområdet
MEDiterranean Special Programme of Actionfællesskabsprogram for miljøbeskyttelse i Middelhavsområdet
model waste-management programmeeksempel på affaldsforvaltning
Multiannual programme for the promotion of renewable energy sources in the Communityflerårigt program til fremme af vedvarende energikilder i Fællesskabet
Multiannual programme of technological action to promote the clean and efficient use of solid fuelsFlerårigt program for teknologiske aktioner til fremme af ren og effektiv udnyttelse af fast brændsel
Multilateral Nuclear Environmental Programme in the Russian Federationmultilateralt atom- og miljøprogram i Den Russiske Føderation
multi-year programme of workflerårigt arbejdsprogram
national conservation programmenationalt bevaringsprogram
National forest programmesnationalt skovprogram
nature conservation programme An organized group of activities and procedures, often run by a government agency or a nonprofit organization, to preserve and protect elements of the natural world such as mountains, trees, animals or riversnaturbeskyttelsesprogram
nature conservation programmenaturbeskyttelsesprogram
operational forestry programmeoperationelt skovbrugsprogram
Pacific Regional Environment ProgrammeDet regionale miljøprogram for Stillehavsområdet
pilot programme for the protection of the Amazon regionpilotprogram for beskyttelse af Amazonlandet
Planning-Programming-Budgeting System"planlægnings-, programmerings- og budgetteringssystem"
policy and action programmeprogram for Fælleskabets politik og virke
programme for agricultural landscapeprogram vedrørende kulturlandskaber
Programme for the further implementation of Agenda 21program for den fortsatte gennemførelse af Agenda 21
Programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable developmentProgram for politik og handling i forbindelse med miljøet og bæredygtig udvikling
Programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable developmentMod en bæredygtig udvikling
Protocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, on Long-term Financing of the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe EMEPprotokol til konventionen af 1979 om grænseoverskridende luftforurening over store afstande, om langsigtet finansiering af samarbejdsprogrammet for overvågning og vurdering af transport af luftforurenende stoffer over store afstande i Europa Emep
radio programmeradioudsendelse
radio programmeradioprogram
radio programme A performance or production transmitted in sound signals with electromagnetic wavesradioudsendelse
Regional action programme on the initiative of the Commission concerning the environmentRegionalt handlingsprogram på miljøområdet iværksat på Kommissionens initiativ
Regional Environmental Reconstruction Programmeregionalt miljøgenopretningsprogram
Science and technology for environmental protection programmeVidenskab og teknologi på miljøbeskyttelsesområdet1989-1992
self-help programme A series of steps or a system of services or activities designed to enable an individual to help or improve one's self without depending on the aid of othersselvhjælpsprogram
Sixth Environment Action Programmesjette miljøhandlingsprogram
Sixth Environmental Action Programmesjette miljøhandlingsprogram
South Pacific Regional Environment ProgrammeDet regionale miljøprogram for Stillehavsområdet
special action programme to clean up the coastal areassærligt handlingsprogram for rensning af kystområderne
species conservation programme An organized group of activities and procedures, often run by a government agency or a nonprofit organization, to preserve and protect living organisms designated as being at riskprogram for bevarelse af en art
species conservation programmeprogram for bevarelse af en art
Specific programme for research, technological development and demonstration on energy, environment and sustainable developmentsærprogram for forskning, teknologisk udvikling og demonstration vedrørende energi, miljø og bæredygtig udvikling
Specific programme for research, technological development and demonstration on quality of life and management of living resourcesSærprogram for forskning, teknologisk udvikling og demonstration inden for livskvalitet og forvaltning af bioressourcer
Specific Programme for the Conservation of Mediterranean Wetlandssærprogram for bevarelse af vådområderne i Middelhavsområdet
Specific programme of research and technological development, including demonstration, in the field of environment and climatesærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling samt demonstration inden for miljø og klima
Specific research and technical development programme for the European Atomic Energy Community in the field of management and storage of radioactive waste 1990-94Specifikt forsknings-og teknisk udviklingsprogram for Det Europæiske Atomenergifællesskab på området forvaltning og opbevaring af radioaktivt affald1990-1994
Specific research and technological development programme in the field of environment 1990 to 1994særprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling inden for miljø 1990-1994
structural adjustment program A program for economic reforms aimed at improving or liberalizing an economy, which is advocated and imposed by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund on poor or developing countries in exchange for new loansstrukturtilpasningsprogram
structural adjustment programstrukturtilpasningsprogram
Superfund Cleanup ProgramSuperfund-program
System-wide Medium-term Environmental Programmemellemsigtet miljøprogram for hele FN-systemet
television programmefjernsynsprogram
television programme A performance or production transmitted in audiovisual signals with electromagnetic wavesfjernsynsprogram
Tropical Forests Action Programmehandlingsplan for tropiske skove
Union Earth observation and monitoring programmeUnionens jordobservations- og jordovervågningsprogram
Union Earth observation and monitoring programmeCopernicus
United Nations Environment Assembly of the United Nations Environment ProgrammeUNEP's styrelsesråd
United Nations Environment Assembly of the United Nations Environment ProgrammeFN's miljøprograms styrelsesråd
United Nations Environment ProgrammeDe Forenede Nationers Miljøprogram
urban action program A planned, coordinated group of activities or services intended for improving urban centers in order to provide healthy and safe living conditions, efficient transport and communication, adequate public facilities and aesthetic surroundingshandlingsplan for byområder
urban action programhandlingsplan for byområder