
Terms for subject Finances containing program for | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Action programme for Community customs Customs 2000Handlingsprogram for toldvæsenet i EFTold 2000
action programme for customs and taxation in the European Union for the period 2014-2020handlingsprogram for told og beskatning i Den Europæiske Union for perioden 2014-2020
action programme for customs and taxation in the European Union for the period 2014-2020Fiscusprogrammet
action programme for customs and taxation in the European Union for the period 2014-2020handlingsprogrammet Fiscus
action programme for customs and taxation in the European Union for the period 2014-2020Fiscus
action programme for customs in the Communityhandlingsprogram for toldvæsenet i Fællesskabet
action programme for customs in the CommunityTold 2000-program
action programme for customs in the CommunityTold 2007
action programme for customs in the Communityhandlingsprogram for toldvæsenet i EF
action programme for customs in the European Union for the period 2014-2020handlingsprogram for toldvæsenet i Den Europæiske Union for perioden 2014-2020
Action Programme for SMEsarbejdsprogram til fordel for små og mellemstore virksomheder
Committee on the multiannual programme of work for cooperatives, mutual societies, associations and foundations in the CommunityUdvalget for Det Fleårige Arbejdsprogram til Fordel for Andelsselskaber, Gensidige Selskaber, Foreninger og Fonde i Fællesskabet
contributions for the financing of programmesbidrag til finansiering af programmer
Global Environment Facility of the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Environment Programme and the International Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentDen Globale Miljøfacilitet
information programme for the European citizeninformationsprogram for EU-borgerne
Management Committee implementing the multiannual programme of Community measures to intensify the priority areas and to ensure the continuity and consolidation of policy for enterprises, in particular small and medium-sized enterprisesForvaltingskomitéen for et Fleårigt Fællesskabshandlingsprogram til Styrkelse af de Prioriterede Områder og med henblik på at sikre Kontinuiteten og Konsolideringen af Erhvervspolitikken for Navnlig Små og Mellemstore Virksomheder in Fællesskabet
Multiannual programme of Community measures to intensify the priority areas and to ensure the continuity and consolidation of policy for enterprise, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises, in the CommunityFlerårigt fællesskabshandlingsprogram til styrkelse af de prioriterede områder og med henblik på at sikre kontinuiteten og konsolideringen af erhvervspolitikken for navnlig små og mellemstore virksomheder i Fællesskabet
North-South:A Program for Survival Brandt Comm.ReportNord-Syd,Et Program for Overlevelse
programme for financing of exportseksportfinansieringsprogram
programme for the promotion and development of subcontractingsærprogram til fremme og udvikling af underleverancer
Programme of financial assistance for innovatory and job-creating small and medium-sized enterprisesprogram for finansiel bistand til innovative og jobskabende SMV
programme to expand the market for milk productsprogram for udvidelse af markedet for mejeriprodukter
Single Programming Document for Community structural assistancesamlet programmeringsdokument for EF's strukturinterventioner
Special Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Developmentsærligt tiltrædelsesprogram inden for landbrug og udvikling af landdistrikter
Specific common programmes for the vocational training of customs officials, with regard to inward processing, temporary admission and transitSærlige fællesprogrammer for faglig uddannelse af toldembedsmænd vedrørende aktiv forædling,midlertidig indførsel og forsendelse
system for monitoring programmes for operations carried out by management units in the beneficiary countriesprogramovervågningssystem for de transaktioner, der gennemføres af forvaltningsenhederne i modtagerlandene
system of guarantees for the three-year programme of loansgarantiordning for det treårige bevillingsprogram
work programme for financial verificationarbejdsprogram for finansiel revision
World Bank's Special Program of Assistance for the Low-Income Debt-Distressed Countries in Sub-Saharan AfricaVerdensbankens særlige program for gældsplagede lavindkomstlande syd for Sahara
World Bank's Special Programme of Assistance for the Low-Income Debt-Distressed Countries in Sub-Saharan AfricaVerdensbankens særlige program for gældsplagede lavindkomstlande syd for Sahara