
Terms for subject Politics containing program for | all forms | in specified order only
Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budgetkommissær for finansiel programmering og budget
Committee for execution of the specific programme for research, technological development and demonstration on competitive and sustainable growth 1999-2002Udvalget for Særprogrammet for Forskning, Teknologisk Udvikling og Demonstration inden for Konkurrence og Bæredygtig Vækst 1999-2002
Committee for execution of the specific programme for research, technological development and demonstration on energy, environment and sustainable development 1999-2002Udvalget for Særprogrammet for Forskning, Teknologisk Udvikling og Demonstration vedrørende Energi, Miljø og Bæredygtig Udvikling 1999-2002
Committee for execution of the specific programme for research, technological development and demonstration on improving the human research potential and the socioeconomic knowledge base 1999-2002Udvalget for Særprogrammet for Forskning, Teknologisk Udvikling og Demonstration inden for Udvikling af det Menneskelige Forskningspotentiale og den Samfundsøkonomiske Videnbase 1999-2002
Committee for execution of the specific programme for research, technological development and demonstration on promotion of innovation and encouragement of SME participation 1999-2002Udvalget for Særprogrammet for Forskning, Teknologisk Udvikling og Demonstration inden for Fremme af Innovation og Tilskyndelse til Små og Mellemstore Virksomheders Deltagelse 1999-2002
Committee for execution of the specific programme for research, technological development and demonstration on quality of life and management of living resources 1999-2002Udvalget for Særprogrammet for Forskning, Teknologisk Udvikling og Demonstration inden for Livskvalitet og Forvaltning af Bioressourcer 1999-2002
Committee for execution of the specific programme of research, technological development and demonstration on a user-friendly information society 1999-2002Udvalget for Særprogrammet for Forskning, Teknologisk Udvikling og Demonstration inden for et Brugervenligt Informationssamfund 1999-2002
Committee for execution on the specific programme entitled "Confirming the international role of Community research" 1999-2002Udvalget for Særprogrammet til Befæstelse af EF-forskningens Internationale Rolle 1999-2002
Committee for implementation of a medium-term Community action programme on equal opportunities for men and women 1996 to 2000Udvalget for Fællesskabets Handlingsprogram på Mellemlang Sigt for Lige Muligheder for Mænd og Kvinder 1996-2000
Committee for implementation of a multiannual programme to stimulate the establishment of the Information Society in Europe 1998-2002; PromiseUdvalget for det Flerårige EF-program for at Fremme Informationssamfundet i Europa Promise, 1998-2002
Committee for implementation of the action programme for customs in the Community 1996-2002; Customs 2002Udvalget for Told 2002-programmet 1996-2002
Committee for implementation of the actions laid down in the second phase of the Community vocational training programme 2000-2006; Leonardo da VinciUdvalget for Anden Fase af Fællesskabets Handlingsprogram for Erhvervsuddannelse, Leonardo da Vinci 2000-2006
Committee for implementation of the assistance programme to encourage economic reform and recovery in the partner States in Eastern Europe and Central Asia 2000-2006; TACISUdvalget for Bistand til de Nye Uafhængige Stater og Mongoliet Tacis, 2000-2006
Committee for implementation of the programme establishing a single financing and programming instrument for cultural cooperation 2000-2004; Culture 2000Udvalget for Kultur 2000-programmet 2000-2004
Committee for implementation of the programme of Community action on preventive measures to fight violence against children, young persons and women 2000-2003; DaphneUdvalget for EF-handlingsprogram om Forebyggende Foranstaltninger til Bekæmpelse af Vold mod Børn, Unge og Kvinder Daphne, 2000-2003
Committee for implementation of the second phase of the Community action programme in the field of education 2000-2006; SocratesUdvalget for Anden Fase af Fællesskabets Handlingsprogram for Almen Uddannelse, Socrates 2000-2006
Committee for implementing the Community action programme in the field of civil protection 2000-2004; CPCUdvalget for EF-handlingsprogrammet for Civilbeskyttelse 2000-2004
Committee for the programme encouraging the development and distribution of European audiovisual works 1996-2000; MEDIA IIUdvalget for Programmet til Fremme af Udvikling og Distribution af Europæiske Audiovisuelle Produktioner MEDIA II, 1996-2000
Committee on the arrangements for application of the rules for the participation of undertakings, research centres and universities and for the dissemination of research results for the implementation of the fifth framework programme of the European Community 1999-2002Udvalget for Reglerne for Virksomheders, Forskningscentres og Universiteters Deltagelse i Forskning samt Regler for Formidling af Forskningsresultater med henblik på Gennemførelse af Det Europæiske Fællesskabets Femte Rammeprogram 1999-2002
Committee on the Community action programme on health promotion, information, education and training within the framework for action in the field of public health 1996-2000Udvalget for Fællesskabshandlingsprogrammet for Sundhedsfremme, Sundhedsoplysning, Sundhedsundervisning og Sundhedsuddannelse som led i Indsatsen inden for Folkesundhed 1996-2000
Community programme for the development of certain less-favoured regions of the Community by exploiting endogenous energy potentialfællesskabsprogram til udvikling af visse ugunstigt stillede regioner i Fællesskabet gennem udnyttelse af deres eget energipotentiel Valorenprogrammet
Community Programme for the Development of Certain Less-favoured Regions of the Community by Improving Access to Advanced Telecommunications Servicesfællesskabsprogram til udvikling af visse ugunstigt stillede regioner i Fællesskabet gennem bedre adgang til avancerede telekommunikationstjenester
disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness programme for 1996 - 1998program for forebyggelse, afhjælpning og beredskab i forbindelse med naturkatastrofer for 1996-1998
disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness programme for 1996 - 1998ECHO's ulykkesberedskabsprogram
Executive committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesEksekutivkomitéen for Programmet under FN's Flygtningehøjkommissær
Management Committee for the third multiannual programme for small and medium-sized enterprises in the European Union SMEs; 1997-2000Udvalget for det Tredje Flerårige Program for Små og Mellemstore Virksomheder SMV i Den Europæiske Union 1997-2000
Special Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Developmentsærligt tiltrædelsesprogram vedrørende landbrug og udvikling af landdistrikter
Specific Programme for Industrial Development in Portugalsærligt program for industriudvikling i Portugal
Unit for Legislative Coordination and ProgrammingEnheden for Lovgivningsmæssig Koordinering og Programmering