
Terms for subject Environment containing plant | all forms | exact matches only
according to twin compactor refuse handling plantaffaldsbehandlingsanlæg med to affaldskomprimatorer
activated sludge plantrenseanlæg med aktiveret slam
activated sludge plantbiologisk vandrensningsanlæg
anemophilous plantvindbestøver
anemophilous plantvindbestøvende plante
antiquated plant Old installation that do not respond to new rules for the prevention of environmental pollution and whose redevelopment requires investments for adopting technologies related to the protection of waterways, waste management, noise reduction and emission controlgammelt anlæg
antiquated plantgammelt anlæg
"Aquaprint pilot plantAquaprint pilotanlæg
aquatic plant Plants adapted for a partially or completely submerged lifevandplante
aquatic plantsvandplanter
aquatic plantsvandlevende planter
aquatic plantsakvatiske planter
biological treatment plantbiologisk rensningsanlæg
C4 plantsC4-planter
C3 plantsC3-planter
calcicole plantkalkplante
calcicolous plantkalkplante
characteristics of the incineration plantforbrændingsanlæggets karakteristika
chemical dosing plantkemikaliedoseringsanlæg
chemical plantkemisk fabrik
chemical plantkemifabrik
chemical plant Plants where basic raw materials are chemically converted into a variety of productskemifabrik
CHP plantkraftvarmeværk
CHP plantvarme- og kraftanlæg
Claus recovery plantClaus-anlæg for svovlindvinding
cleaning plant refusekulrensningstab
climbing plant A plant that lacks rigidity and grows upwards by twining, scrambling, or clinging with tendrils and suckers; wallklatreplante
climbing plant wallklatreplante mur
coal plantkulfyret kraftværk
coal plantkulkraftværk
coal power plantkulfyret kraftværk
coal power plantkulkraftværk
coal-burning power plantkulfyret kraftværk
coal-burning power plantkulkraftværk
coal-fired power plantkulfyret kraftværk
coal-fired power plantkulkraftværk
coal-fired power plant Power plant which is fuelled by coalkulfyret kraftværk
cogeneration plantvarme- og kraftanlæg
cogeneration plantkraftvarmeværk
co-incineration plantmedforbrændingsanlæg
coking plant effluentspildevand fra koksværker
coking-plant waste waterspildevand fra koksværk
combination of plant protection productskombination af plantebeskyttelsesmidler
combinations of plant protection productskombinationer af plantebeskyttelsesmidler
combined heat and power plantkraftvarmeværk
combined heat and power plantvarme- og kraftanlæg
combined power station and seawater desalination plantanlæg for kombineret kraft-og ferskvandsproduktion
Committee for the Adaptation to Scientific and Technical Progress of the Directives on Construction Plant and EquipmentUdvalget for Tilpasning til den Videnskabelige og Tekniske Udvikling af Direktiverne om Entreprenørmateriel
Committee for the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives on Noise Emission of Construction Plant and EquipmentUdvalget for tilpasning til Den Tekniske Udvikling - Støjemission fra Entreprenørmateriel
composting plantkomposteringsanlæg
condenser off-gas treatment plantgasbehandlingsanlæg for kondensatorudsugning
Council Directive 91/414/EEC of 15 July 1991 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the marketPPP-direktivet
cultivated plantdyrket plante
cultivated plant Plants specially bred or improved by cultivationdyrket plante
deep shaft process plantrensningsanlæg udstyret med en dyb skakt
dephosphatation plantdefosfateringsanlaeg
aerial deposition of dry particles particulate deposits on the above-ground parts of plantsdirekte aflejring af tørre partikler på de overjordiske plantedele
desalination plant 1. Plants for the extraction of fresh water from saltwater by the removal of salts, usually by distilling. 2. Parts of the world with severe water shortages are looking to desalination plants to solve their problems. Desalination of water is still nearly four times more expensive than obtaining water from conventional sources. However technology is improving and costs are likely to decrease slightly in the future. There is now more interest in building distillation plants beside electric installations so that the waste heat from power generation can be used to drive the desalination processafsaltningsanlæg
desalination plantafsaltningsanlæg
desalination plant operating by distillationdestillationsafsaltningsanlæg
desulphurisation plantafsvovlingsanlæg
diffused air activated sludge plantslamaktiveringsanlaeg med luftindblaesning
district heating plant Plant for heating all houses in a district; it consists of a large, efficient, centralized boiler plant or "waste" steam from a power station. The heat is distributed by means of low-pressure steam or high-temperature water to the consumersfjernvarmekraftværk
district heating plantfjernvarmeanlæg
drought-persistent plantxerofyt
drought-persistent planttørkeplante
dust arrestment plantstøvfilter
effluent treatment plantrensningsanlæg
electric power plant A stationary plant containing apparatus for large-scale conversion of some form of energy (such as hydraulic, steam, chemical, or nuclear energy) into electrical energyelkraftværk
electric power plantelkraftværk
endangered plant speciestruede plantearter
endangered plant species The plants threatened with extinction by human or natural changes in the environmenttruede plantearter
equipment for a relief flotation planttrykafspændingsflotationsanlæg
European Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power PlantDen Europæiske Teknologiplatform for "Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plant"
European Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Planteuropæisk teknologiplatform for nul-emission fra fossile brændstofkraftværker
existing plantbestående anlæg
flowering plantblomsterplanter
flowering plant Plants capable of producing conspicuous flowersblomsterplanter
flowering plantsblomsterplanter
fodder plant Plants used to feed livestockfoderplante
food plantnæringsplante
fully biological sewage treatment plantbiologisk rensningsanlæg
fume plantrøgsugningsanlæg
gas powered plantgasdrevet anlæg
gas powered plant Power station which burns gas, as opposed to a coal-fired station or nuclear power stationgasdrevet anlæg
gas scrubbing plantgasrensningsanlæg
gas scrubbing plant"vaskeri"
Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agricultureglobal handlingsplan for bevaring og bæredygtig udnyttelse af plantegenetiske ressourcer for fødevarer og jordbrug
graminaceous plantgræsplanter
graminaceous plant A very large family of plants including cereals such as wheat, maize, etc.græsplanter
graminaceous plantsgræsplanter
heating plantvarmeanlæg
heating plantvarmekraftværk
heating plant Plant for producing and supplying heatvarmekraftværk
high-risk processing plantforarbejdningsvirksomhed for højrisikostoffer
household refuse plantanlæg til husholdningsaffald
household refuse processing plantanlæg til behandling af husholdningsaffald
household refuse processing plantanlæg til behandling af dagrenovation
household-refuse processing plantanlæg til behandling af husholdningsaffald
household-refuse processing plantanlæg til behandling af dagrenovation
hydrocarbon plantskulbrinteproducerende planter
hydroelectric power planthydroelektrisk kraftværk
hydroelectric power plant Power station which operates with the free renewable source of energy provided by falling watervandkraftværk
incineration plantforbrændingsanlæg
incineration/waste heat boiler plantaffaldsforbrændingskedel med varmeudnyttelse
indicator plantindikatorplante
industrial effluent treatment plantrenseanlæg for industrispildevand
industrial plant building, Buildings where the operations related to industrial productive processes are carried outindustrianlæg
industrial plant Plants employed in industry, e.g. cotton, flax, hemp, peanuts, etc.; organismplante til industriel brug
integrated circuit-water treatment plantintegreret kredsløbs-vandbehandlingsanlæg
introduction of plant species Plants which have been translocated by human agency into lands or waters where they have not lived previously, at least during historic times. Such translocation of species always involves an element of risk if not of serious danger. Newly arrived species may be highly competitive with or otherwise adversely affect native species and communities. Some may become a nuisance through sheer overabundance. They may become liable to rapid genetic changes in their new environment. Many harmful introductions have been made by persons unqualified to anticipate the often complex ecological interaction which may ensue. On the other hand many plants introduced into modified or degraded environments may be more useful than native species in controlling erosion or in performing other positive functionsindføring af plantearter
introduction of plant speciesindføring af plantearter
iron compound filter-plantjernklaringsanlæg
land plantlandplante
large combustion plant Any sizable building which relies on machinery that converts energy released from the rapid burning of a fuel-air mixture into mechanical energystort forbrændingsanlæg
large combustion plantstort forbrændingsanlæg
low pollution textile planttekstilanlæg med lav forurening
low-risk processing plantforarbejdningsvirksomhed for lavrisikostoffer
marsh plantsumpplante
medicinal plant Plants having therapeutic propertieslægeurt
mobile soil cleaning plantmobilt jordrensningsanlæg
municipal waste water treatment plantkommunalt rensningsanlæg
new plantnyt anlæg
nominal capacity of the incineration plantforbrændingsanlæggets nominelle kapacitet
nuclear power plant A power plant in which nuclear energy is converted into heat for use in producing steam for turbines, which in turn drive generators that produce electric powerkernekraftværk
nuclear power plant disposalaffald fra atomkraftværk
obtain the consent of pollution control authorities before discharging to wastewater treatment plantsindhent forureningskontrolmyndighedernes tilladelse inden udledning til spildevandsrensningsanlæg
obtain the consent of pollution control authorities before discharging to wastewater treatment plantsS54
off-gas streams at reprocessing plantsluftformig udstrømning fra oparbejdningsanlæg
oil regeneration plantanlæg til regenerering af affaldsolie
order to plantpligt til beplantning
order to plantbeplantningspligt
organism harmful to plantsskadegørere på planter
outlet of the treatment plantrensningsanlæggets udløb
package plantkompakt anlæg
pests of plantsskadegørere på planter
pharmaceutical plantmedicinalfabrik
pickling plant Plant where scale is removed from iron and steel usually by means of immersion in a hot hydrochloric or sulphuric acid bath. Wastes include spent pickling liquor, sludges and rinse waterbejdseanlæg
pilot plant A small version of a planned industrial plant, built to gain experience in operating the final plantpilotanlæg
pilot-plant renderingdestruktion på pilotanstalt
plant biologyplantebiologi
plant biology The scientific study of the natural processes of plantsplantebiologi
plant breeding Raising a certain type of plant by crossing one variety with another to produce a new variety where the desired characteristics are strongestplanteavl
plant climatologyplanteklimatologi
plant community Any group of plants belonging to a number of different species that co-occur in the same habitat or area and interact through trophic and spatial relationships; typically characterized by reference to one or more dominant speciesplantesamfund
plant componentplantedele
plant component The constituent parts of a plantplantedele
plant coverplantedække
plant coverplantevækst
plant coverbevoksning
plant delegatevirksomhedsdelegeret
plant eaterplanteæder
plant eaterherbivor
plant eaterfytofag
plant eaterplanteædende dyr
plant-eating insectplanteædende insekt
plant ecologyplanteøkologi
plant ecology Study of the relationships between plants and their environmentplanteøkologi
plant equipment The equipment, including machinery, tools, instruments, and fixtures necessary for an industrial or manufacturing operationet anlægs udstyr
plant equipmentet anlægs udstyr
plant genetics The scientific study of the hereditary material of plants for purposes such as hybridization, improved food resources and increased productionplantegenetik
plant geneticsplantegenetik
plant geographyplantegeografi
plant health careplantebeskyttelse
plant heritage The sum of the earth's or a particular region's herb, vegetable, shrub and tree life viewed as the inheritance of the present generation, especially plant species deemed worthy of preservation and protection from extinctionplantearv
plant hormoneplantehormon
plant lifeplanteliv
plant life No definition neededplanteliv
plant materialplantemateriale
plant nutrientplantenæringsstof
plant pestskadegører på planter
plant physiologyplantefysiologi
plant physiology The study of the function and chemical reactions within the various organs of plantsplantefysiologi
plant planktonplanteplankton
plant populationplantebestand
plant population The number of plants in an areaplantebestand
plant productionplanteproduktion
plant production No definition neededplanteproduktion
plant protection Conservation of plant species that may be rare or endangered, and of other plants of particular significanceplantebeskyttelse
plant protectionplantebeskyttelse
plant protection product Any substance or mixture of substances which through physiological action protects the plants against parasites, fungi, virus, or other damaging factorsplantebeskyttelsesmiddel
plant reproduction Any of various processes, either sexual or asexual, by which a plant produces one or more individuals similar to itselfforplantning
plant reproductionreproduktion
plant reproductionforyngelse
plant resourceplanteressourcer
plant resource No definition neededplanteressourcer
plant resourcesplanteressourcer
plant selection The selection by man of particular genotypes in a plant population because they exhibit desired phenotypic charactersplanteudvælgelse
plant selectionplanteudvælgelse
plant selectionplanteforædling
plant size industryet anlægs størrelse
plant speciesplanteart
plant species Species belonging to the plant kingdomplanteart
plant species reintroduction Reintroducing wild plant species to their natural habitat. The reintroduction of species in a region requires a preliminary study to establish the reasons of their disappearance and the modifications that might have occurred in the biotopesgenudsætning af en planteart
plant species reintroductiongenudsætning af en planteart
plant species reintroductiongenindførelse af en planteart
plant textile fibrevegetabilsk tekstilfiber
plant textile fibre Natural textile fibres of vegetal originvegetabilsk tekstilfiber
plant tissue wasteVegetabilske vaevsdele
plant tradeplantehandel
plant trade Trade of plants is subjected to regulations established by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)plantehandel
plant tradehandel med planter
plant used for ash disposalslaggetransportanlæg
plants for alcohol productionalkoholproducerende planter
purification plantrensningsanlæg
purification plant Installation where impurities are removed from waste waterrensningsanlæg
refuse incineration plantanlæg til forbrænding af husholdningsaffald
refuse incineration plantaffaldsforbrændingsanlæg
regeneration of old plantsregenerering af gamle planter
regeneration of old plantsplanteregenerering
reprocessing plantanlæg til oparbejdning
residual coking-plant waterspildevand fra koksværker
resinous plantharpiksholdig plante
resinous plant Plants yielding or producing resinharpiksholdig plante
retrofitting of old plants Making changes to old industrial plants installing new equipment's and facilities for the disposal of gas emissions in the atmosphere, of waste water and waste material in soil and waterregenerering af gamle planter
Rijnmond Effluent Treatment PlantRijnmond-anlæg til behandling af affald
sand plantsandplante
saprophytic plantrådplante
saprophytic plantsaprofyt
selective breeding of plantsselektiv planteforædling
selective breeding of plants Breeding of plants having desirable charactersselektiv planteavl
separating plants in the oxygen-blown convertersafstoevningsanlaeg til oxygenkonvertere
sewage treatment plantspildevandsrensningsanlæg
sludge dewatering plantslamtørringsanlæg
sludge from sewage treatment plantsspildevandsslam
sludge treatment plantslambehandlingslinje
sludge treatment plantslambehandlingsanlæg
sludges from plant, equipment and maintenance operationsSlam fra vedligeholdelse af anlaeg og udstyr
succulent plantssukkulente planter
sulfur recovery plantsvovlindvindingsanlæg
sulphuric acid plantsvovlindvindingsanlæg
terrestrial plantlandplante
testing of plant protection products Tests performed to establish the effectiveness of pesticides under a wide variety of climatic and other environmental conditions; to assess the possible side effects on animals, plants and humans and to determine the persistence of pesticide residues in the environmentprøvning af plantebeskyttelsesmidler
testing of plant protection productsprøvning af plantebeskyttelsesmidler
textile plant Plant producing material suitable to be made into clothstekstilplante
thermal oxide reprocessing plantanlægget for termisk oxidoparbejdning af nukleart brændstof
thermal power plantvarmekraftværk
thermal power plant A power-generating plant which uses heat to produce energy. Such plants may burn fossil fuels or use nuclear energy to produce the necessary thermal energytermisk kraftværk
thermal power planttermisk kraftværk
treatment plant for composting wasteanlæg til behandling af affald ved kompostering
tropical planttropisk plante
tropical plant Plants growing in tropical areas in conditions of constant rain and high temperaturetropisk plante
urban waste water treatment plantspildevandsbehandlingsanlæg
urban waste water treatment plantrensningsanlæg til byspildevand
urban waste water treatment plantrensningsanlæg for byspildevand
urban waste water treatment plantrensningsanlæg spildevand
waste derived fuel processing plantaffaldsbehandlingsanlæg med brændstofproduktion
waste disposal plantsaffaldsbortskaffelsesanlæg
waste incineration plantaffaldsforbrændingsanlæg
waste treatment plantaffaldsbehandlingsanlæg
waste treatment plant Place where waste material is treated to make it reusable or so it may be disposed of safelyaffaldsbehandlingsanlæg
waste water from flotation plantsspildevand fra flotationsværker
waste water treatment plantspildevandsrensningsanlæg
waste water treatment plant Plant where, through physical-chemical and biological processes, organic matter, bacteria, viruses and solids are removed from residential, commercial and industrial wastewaters before they are discharged in rivers, lakes and seasspildevandsrensningsanlæg
waste water treatment plantspildevandsbehandlingsanlæg
waste water treatment plantrensningsanlæg for byspildevand
waste water treatment plantrensningsanlæg spildevand
waste water treatment using marine plantsspildevandsbehandling ved hjælp af havplanter
waste-fed heating and power plantkraftvarmeværk fyret med affald
waste-fed heating and power plant Heating and power production plant where fuel is provided from refusekraftvarmeværk fyret med affald
waste-fed heating plantaffaldsdrevet varmekraftværk
waste-fed heating plant Heating plant where fuel is provided from refuseaffaldsdrevet varmekraftværk
waste-incineration plantaffaldsforbrændingsanlæg
waste-incineration plantaffaldsforbrænding
wastes from power station and other combustion plants except 19 00 00Affald fra kraftvaerker og andre forbraendingsanlaeg med undtagelse af 19 00 00
wastes from power stations and other combustion plants except 19affald fra kraftværker og andre forbrændingsanlægmed undtagelse af 19 00 00
wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of organic plant protection products except 02 01 08 and 02 01 09, wood preserving agents except 03 02 and other biocidesaffald fra fremstilling,formulering,distribution og brug af organiske pesticiderundtagen 02 01 05
wastes from the MFSU of organic plant protection products except 02 01 08 and 02 01 09, wood preserving agents except 03 02 and other biocidesaffald fra fremstilling,formulering,distribution og brug af organiske pesticiderundtagen 02 01 05
wastes from waste management facilities, off-site waste water treatment plants and the preparation of water intended for human consumption and water for industrial useaffald fra affaldsbehandlingsanlæg,centrale spildevandsrensningsanlæg samt vandforsyningsanlæg
Wastes from waste treatment facilities, off-site waste water treatment plants and the water industryAffald fra affaldsbehandlingsanlaeg, centrale spildevandsrensningsanlaeg samt vandforsyningsanlaeg
wastes from waste treatment facilities, off-site waste water treatment plants and the water industryaffald fra affaldsbehandlingsanlæg,centrale spildevandsrensningsanlæg samt vandforsyningsanlæg
wastes from waste water treatment plants not otherwise specifiedAffald fra spildevandsrensningsanlaeg, uspecificeret
wastes from waste water treatment plants not otherwise specifiedaffald fra spildevandsrensningsanlæg,uspecificeret
water purification plant Plant where water, through physical and chemical processes, is made suitable for human consumption and other purposesvandrensningsanlæg
water purification plantvandrensningsanlæg
water treatment plantspildevandsrensningsanlæg
water treatment plantstyrings- og vandledningssystem
water-purifying plantvandrensningsanlæg
wild plant Plants growing in a natural state (not cultivated)vild plante
xerophilous planttørkeplante
xerophilous plantxerofyt