
Terms for subject Natural sciences containing plant | all forms | exact matches only
air plantklokkekalankoë (Bryophyllum calycinum Salisb., Kalanchoe pinnata Pers.)
air plantluftplante
ammoniac plantammoniakgummibusk (Dorema ammoniacum)
anemophilous plantvindbestoever
anemophilous plantvindblomst
anemophilous plantvindbestoevende plante
anemophilous plantsanemofile planter
anil indigo plantindigo (Indigofera, Indigofera anil, Indigofera suffruticosa)
anil indigo plantindigoplante (Indigofera, Indigofera anil, Indigofera suffruticosa)
anil indigo plantanil (Indigofera, Indigofera anil, Indigofera suffruticosa)
anise plantanis (Anisum vulgare, Pimpinella anisum)
aquatic plantvandplante (hydrophytus)
aromatic plantduftstofplante
atomic vapour "laser" isotopic separation plantanlæg til isotopisk separation med atom-damp laser
bee plantbiplante
calcifuge plantkalkskyende plante
caterpillar plantskorpionurt (Scorpiurus vermiculata)
cheese plantrundbladet katost (Malva neglecta Wallr.)
clean seed planting techniqueudplantningsteknik med ren sæd
climbing plantklatreplante
common tobacco plantvirginsk tobak (Nicotiana tabacum)
compatibility for plantsplantetolerance
copaiva plantlægekopaivatræ (Copaifera officinalis)
cotton plantbomuldsplante (Gossypium spp.)
cover plantdækplante
cushion plantpudeplante
damages by plant protection productsskader som følge af plantebeskyttelsesmidler
day-neutral plantdagslysneutral plante
decreaser plant speciesaftagende planteart
discoverer of a plant varietyder oprindeligt har fundet en sort
drug plantlægeurt
drug plantlægeplante
dye plantfarveplante
emergent aquatic plantsvandplanter
entomofile plantentomofil plant
essentially biological process for the production of plants or animalsvæsentlig biologisk fremgangsmåde til fremstilling af planter og dyr
floristic plant geographyfloristik
foliage plantbladplante
freshwater plantferskvandsplante
genetically modified higher plantgenetisk modificeret højerestående plante
grass-like plantgræslignende plante
green plantingplantning af bladbærende stokke
ground cover plantbunddækkeplante
growing plantvoksende plante
growing plantplante i vækst
gum plantgummiplante
hard fibre planttaveplante med hårde fibre
heliophilous plantlysplante
heloiphylous plantlysplante (héliophyte)
henna planthenna (Lawsonia spp.)
henna planthennabusk (Lawsonia spp.)
henna plantalkanna (Lawsonia spp.)
herbaceous cotton plantindisk bomuld (Gossypium herbaceum)
herbaceous planturteagtig plante
honey plantbiplante
ice-plantisplante (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum)
ice-plantisblomst (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum)
increaser plant speciestiltagende planteart
indigo plantindigo (Indigofera, Indigofera anil, Indigofera suffruticosa)
indigo plantindigoplante (Indigofera, Indigofera anil, Indigofera suffruticosa)
indigo plantanil (Indigofera, Indigofera anil, Indigofera suffruticosa)
injurious plantskadelig plante
ink plantgarvertræ (Rhus coriaria)
ink plantgarver sumak (Rhus coriaria)
insectivorous plantinsektædende plante
integrated plant protection programmeintegreret plantebeskyttelsesprogram
International Organisation for Biological Control of Noxious Animals and PlantsDen Internationale Organisation for Biologisk Kontrol
International Union for the Protection of New Plant VarietiesDen Internationale Union til Beskyttelse af Plantenyheder
International Union for the Protection of New Plant VarietiesDen Internationale Union for Beskyttelse af PlantenyhederUPOV
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of PlantsDen Internationale Union til Beskyttelse af Plantenyheder
japanese tarnished plant bugselleritæge (Lygus disponsi, Lygus kalmi)
leguminous fodder plantsbælgplanter
ligneous plantvedplante
ligneous planttræagtig plante
lime-loving plantkalkplante
long-day plantlangdagsplante
madia-oil plantmadie (Madia sativa)
madia-oil plantoliemadie (Madia sativa)
Management Committee COST 810 - Importance of Vesicular-Arbuscular VA Mycorrhiza in the Circulation of Matter in Soil and in Plant NutritionForvaltningsudvalget COST 810 "Betydningen af Vesikulær-Arbuskulær Mykorrhiza for Stofkredsløbet i Jorden og Planternes Næringsoptagelse"
Management Committee COST 88 - Methods of Early Detection and Identification of Plant DiseasesForvaltningsudvalget COST 88 "Metoder til Tidlig Opdagelse og Identificering af Plantesygdomme"
marsh planthelofyt (helphyti)
meadow plant buggræstæge (Leptopterna dolobrata, Lygus dolobratus, Miris dolobratae, Miris dolobratus)
meadow plant bugalmindelig græstæge (Leptopterna dolobrata, Lygus dolobratus, Miris dolobratae, Miris dolobratus)
medicinal plantlægeurt
melliferous plantbiplante
mole plantkorsvortemælk (Euphorbia lathyris)
musaceous plantshørende til pisangfamilien,hørende til bananfamilien (Musacea)
new plant characteristic resulting from genetic engineeringny planteegenskab fremkommet ved genteknik
nitrogen fixing plantkvælstofsamlende plante
oleaginous plantsolieplanter
one-follower system plantenkeltstammet plante
ornamental plant propagating materialprydplanteformeringsmateriale
packing plantpakningscenter
pepper plantpeperbusk (Piper nigrum)
phytosociology of river plantsfytosociologi vedrørende flodplanter
pigments of plantsplantepigmenter
pigments of plantsplantefarvestoffer
pioneer plantpionerplante
plant activatorplanteaktivator
plant availabilityplantetilgængelighed
plant breeding stationplanteskole
plant breeding stationplanteavlsstation
plant compatibilityplantetolerance
plant covervegetationsdække
plant diseaseplantepathologi
plant diseasephytopathologi
plant-eating insectfytofagt insekt
plant-eating insectplanteaedende insekt
plant gallgalle
plant groupingbestand af planter
plant growth typevækstkarakter
plant hormonesplantehormoner
plant husbandrykulturarbejde
plant hygieneplantehygiejne
plant lifting ploughplanteløfteplov
plant not breeding true to the varietyikke sortsægte plante
plant nutrientsplantenæringsstof
plant nutritionplanteernæring
plant nutritionplantenæring
plant nutritionnæring af planter
plant of the female parenthunlig forældreplante
plant of the initial clonal selectionlæggekartoffel af den oprindelige klonudvælgelse
plant parasitologyplanteparasitologi
plant pathologistplantepatolog
plant planktonfytoplankton
plant planktonphytoplankton
plant propagation of plant materialvegetativ formering af plantemateriale
plant protection legislationlovgivning vedr. plantebeskyttelse
plant sociologyplantesociologi
plant treatment productsplantebehandlingsmiddel
planting in doublingsudplantning i to rækker
planting in doublingsudplantning i dobbeltrækker
planting under plasticindplantning under plastfolie
pressing plantpressestation
pressing plantpresseri
range plantvildtfoderplante
residues of plant protection productsrestkoncentrationer af plantebeskyttelsesmidler
resin plantharpiksplante
rice paper plantrisplante (Aralia papyrifera, Tetrapanax papyriferum)
rubber plantgummiplante
sarsaparilla plantsarsaparil (Smilax spp.)
seed plantblomsterplante
seed plantfanerogam
seed plantfrøbærende plante
seed plantfrøplante
seed plantsspermatofytter (spermatophyta)
seed plantsfrøplanter (spermatophyta)
seed-bearing plantblomsterplante
seed-bearing plantfanerogam
seed-bearing plantfrøbærende plante
seed-bearing plantfrøplante
seed-producing plantfrøplante
shade plantsskyggeplanter (sciadophyti)
shade-loving plantskyggeplante
short-day plantkortdagsplante
skiophilous plantskyggeplante
skiophilous plantsskyggeplanter (sciadophyti)
spice plantkrydderurt
spice plantkrydderplante
square plantingkvadratisk planteplantage
Standing Committee on Plant Variety RightsDet Stående Udvalg for Sortsbeskyttelse
starch plantstivelsesholdig plante
starch plantstivelsesplante
steppe plantsteppeplante
sun plantlysplante
tannin-bearing plantgarverplante
tannin-bearing plantgarveplante
tanning plantgarveplante
tanning plantgarverplante
tarnished plant bugalmindelig engtæge (Lygus pratensis)
tender plantikke hårdfør plante
tender planturt
textile plantspindplante
true indigo plantindigoplante (Indigofera tinctoria)
tuberous plantknoldvækst
tuberous plantknoldplante
typical aberration of a planttypisk afvigelse hos en plante
typical aberration of a planten plantes typiske afvigelse
useful plantnytteplante
varnish plantlakplante
vascular plantkarplante
vine planting-machinevinplantemaskine
vine-like plantklatreplante
zone of floating leaf plantszonen med flydebladsplanter