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action planhandlingsplan
Action Plan for Civilian Aspects of ESDPhandlingsplan for civil krisestyring
Action Plan for Civilian Aspects of ESDPhandlingsplan for ESFP's civile aspekter
Action Plan for ESDP support to Peace and Security in Africahandlingsplan for ESFP-støtte til fred og sikkerhed i Afrika
Action plan for the exchange between Member State administrations of national officials who are engaged in the implementation of Community legislation required to achieve the internal marketHandlingsplan for udveksling mellem medlemsstaternes forvaltninger af nationale embedsmænd, der har til opgave at gennemføre de EF-forskrifter, som er nødvendige for virkeliggørelsen af det indre marked
Action Plan for the exchange between Member State administrations of national officials who are engaged in the implementation of Community legislation required to achieve the internal markethandlingsplan for udveksling mellem medlemsstaternes forvaltninger af nationale embedsmænd, der har til opgave at gennemføre de EF-forskrifter, som er nødvendige for virkeliggørelsen af det indre marked
Action Plan for the Northern Dimension in the external and cross-border policies of the European Unionhandlingsplan for den nordlige dimension i Den Europæiske Unions politikker over for tredjelande og på tværs af grænserne
Action plan of the Council and the Commission on how best to implement the provisions of the Treaty of Amsterdam on an area of freedom, security and justiceWienhandlingsplanen
action plan on e-justicehandlingsplan vedrørende e-justice
administrative planfaglig plan
Advisory Committee on the Community plan of action in the field of radioactive wasteDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Forvaltning af Fællesskabets Handlingsplan for Radioaktivt Affald
American planhelpension
artillery fire plan tableartilleri-ildplan
ATM Master PlanATM-masterplan
Capability Development Plankapacitetsudviklingsplan
Capability Development Plan strandCDP-streng
collection planindhentningsplan
Commission for the National PlanGeneralkommissariatet for økonomisk planlægning
comprehensive disarmament plangenerel nedrustningsplan
continental planværelse med morgenmad
contingency planberedskabsplan
contingency planplan for behandling af mulige eventualiteter
co-ordinated draft plankoordineret skitseplan
Corporate Operational Planforretningsplan
Covic planCovic-plan
distribution planfordelingsseddel
draft planskitseplan
e-Europe Action Plane-Europa-handlingsplan
emergency plankatastrofeplan
emergency plannødsituationsplan
emergency planberedskabsplan
engagement planengagementsplan
ENP Action Planhandlingsplan under den europæiske naboskabspolitik
ENP Action PlanENP-handlingsplan
Environmental Technologies Action PlanETAP
EU Action Plan on combating terrorismEU's handlingsplan for bekæmpelse af terrorisme
EU Action Plan on DrugsEU's narkotikahandlingsplan
EU Action Plan on Human Rights and DemocracyEU's handlingsplan vedrørende menneskerettigheder og demokrati
EU Action Plan to Combat DrugsEU's narkotikahandlingsplan
EU Drugs Action PlanEU's narkotikahandlingsplan
EU Plan of Action on Combating TerrorismEU's handlingsplan for bekæmpelse af terrorisme
European Air Traffic Management Master PlanATM-masterplan
European Capabilities Action Planeuropæisk kapacitetshandlingsplan
European Capability Action Planeuropæisk kapacitetshandlingsplan
European Neighbourhood Policy Action PlanENP-handlingsplan
European Neighbourhood Policy Action Planhandlingsplan under den europæiske naboskabspolitik
European Plan to combat drugseuropæisk narkotikabekæmpelsesplan
European Strategic Energy Technology PlanSET-plan
European Union Action Plan on DrugsEU's narkotikahandlingsplan
European Union Action Plan to Combat DrugsEU's narkotikahandlingsplan
European Union Drugs Action PlanEU's narkotikahandlingsplan
exhibition planudstillingsplan
final planendelig plan
fire planildplan
floor planstandplan
force commitment plandeployeringsplan for en styrke
force deployment plandeployeringsplan for en styrke
full American planhelpension
furniture for a semi-open plan type establishmentmøbler til halv-åben kontorindretning
generic plangenerisk plan
indicative financing planvejledende finansieringsplan
information on the general orientation of national economic plans and programmesoplysninger om de almindelige retningslinjer for nationale økonomiske planer og programmer
initial draft planforeløbig skitseplan
Investing in research: an action plan for Europe3 %-handlingsplan
loading planlastningsplan
Mediterranean Action Planhandlingsplan for Middelhavet
Membership Action Planmedlemskabshandlingsplan
modified American planhalvpension
multi-annual European e-Justice action plan 2009-2013handlingsplan vedrørende e-justice
multiannual planflerårig plan
National Allocation Plannational tildelingsplan
national allocation plan for the allocation of greenhouse gas emission allowancesnational plan for tildeling af kvoter for drivhusgasemissioner
national allocation plan for the allocation of greenhouse gas emission allowancesnational tildelingsplan
national allocation plan for the allocation of greenhouse gas emission allowancesnational allokeringsplan
national changeover plannational overgangsplan
operation planoperationsplan
operational planoperationsplan
operational planoperativ plan
organisation planorganisationsplan
outline planskitseplan
overall regional development plansamlet regionaludviklingsplan
Plan for Democracy, Dialogue and DebatePlan for demokrati, dialog og debat
plan for landinglandsætningsplan
plan for the restoration of a sound financial situationsaneringsplan
Plan of Action on combating racism, xenophobia, antisemitism and intoleranceaktionsplan til bekæmpelse af racisme, fremmedhad, antisemitisme og intolerance
Plan to stimulate European scientific and technical cooperation and interchange 1985-88Plan til stimulering af det europæiske videnskabelige og tekniske samarbejde1985-1988
Plan to support and facilitate access to large-scale scientific facilities of European interestEF-forsøgsordning med henblik på at støtte og lette adgangen til store videnskabelige anlæg af europæisk interesse
Police Action Planpolitihandlingsplan
policy planhandlingsplan
regional and social conversion planregional og social omstillingsplan
regional conversion planregional omstillingsplan
regional development planregionaludviklingsplan
Regional Indicative Strategic Development Planregional vejledende plan for strategisk udvikling
relocation planplan om flytning af personalet til andre bygninger
rescue planplan for redningsindsats
restoration plansaneringsplan
restrictive fire planrestriktiv ildplan
seating planbordplan
seating plansiddeorden
sectoral plansektorplan
setup planindretningsplan
setup planopstillingsplan
strategic technology plan for energySET-plan
support for the peace plantilslutning til fredsplan
table planbordplan
three per cent action plan3 %-handlingsplan
Vance-Owen peace planVance-Owen-fredsplanen
Vienna action planWienhandlingsplanen
work planarbejdsplan