
Terms for subject Microsoft containing planning | all forms | exact matches only
active power planAktiv strømstyringsmodel (The power plan that is currently selected in Power Options in Control Panel)
Application Planning and Design GuidePlanlægnings- og designvejledning (A supplemental document to the core application questionnaire that is intended to provide a broad overview of PerformancePoint Server)
baseline planoprindelig plan (The original project plans [up to 11 per project] used to track progress on a project. The baseline plan is a snapshot of your schedule at the time that you save the baseline and includes information about tasks, resources, and assignments)
budget plan scenariobudgetplanscenarie (A classification of budget plan lines, such as Prior year or Department request, that describes the budget that you are working with or planning for)
budget planning processbudgetplanlægningsproces (A process that identifies the budget cycle and ledger for the budget planning period and defines how the budget plans will be routed, reviewed, and approved in an organization hierarchy)
build-to-planfremstillet efter plan (Pertaining to the process of manufacturing computers according to a general specification)
capacity planningkapacitetsplanlægning (A procedure for determining the resource capacity requirements that meet the demand of future output during specific time periods)
composite plansammensat plan (A plan that is calculated by summing discrete components and which is usually associated with a span of time. This is often an annual cash bonus plan or other plan that depends on measurable past performance)
data plandataplan (A standardized service agreement between a cell phone user and a mobile operator that establishes data service details such as pricing, types of services, and bandwidth)
data plandataabonnement (A standardized service agreement between a cell phone user and a mobile operator that establishes data service details such as pricing, types of services, and bandwidth)
demand planefterspørgselsplan (The estimated future demand for a product family. A demand plan is similar to a sales forecast, but if the demand cannot be met, the sales will be less than the demand)
Develop Skills Needs - Hiring Plan - Hiring ForecastDefiner nødvendige kvalifikationer - Ansættelsesplan - Ansættelsesprognose (A template that provides a framework for the general activities, from a Human Resources departmental perspective, that are undertaken to perform an analysis of forecasted skills needs and the potential hiring and/or training plans needed to address the gap between needed skills and available skills)
floor planetageplan (A drawing that shows the layout of individual rooms or entire floors of a building including the wall structure, building core, and electrical symbols. A type of building plan)
forward planningplanlægning fremad (A method for determining a production schedule by beginning with the production start date and working forward to determine the production completion date)
HVAC planHVAC-plan (A drawing that shows the layout of heating, ventilation, and cooling ductwork. A type of building plan)
intercompany master planintern behovsplan (A master plan that is used for intercompany master scheduling)
interim planmidlertidig plan (A set of task start and finish dates that you can save at certain stages of your project. You can compare an interim plan with the baseline plan or current plan to monitor project progress or slippage. You can save up to 10 interim plans)
Marketing Campaign PlanningPlanlægning af marketingkampagne (A template that outlines the various considerations you might need in order to plan a marketing campaign in your organization. Planning a marketing campaign begins with understanding you position in the marketplace and ends with collecting data and analyzing campaign effectiveness)
Marketing Event Planning and ExecutionPlanlægning og gennemførelse af marketingarrangement (A template that outlines the main categories that you should consider when beginning to plan a marketing event. Use this template to assist you in walking through key event elements while you are in the planning stages)
master planningvaredisponering (A planning process that encompasses many manufacturing activities, such as demand management, production and resource planning, and master scheduling)
metered data plandataabonnement efter forbrug (A mobile broadband or other network or data plan that bills according to data use, such as megabytes downloaded, messages sent, or webpages viewed)
Microsoft Assessment and Planning ToolkitMicrosoft Værktøjspakke til vurdering og planlægning (A powerful inventory, assessment, and reporting tool that can run securely in small or large IT environments without requiring the installation of agent software on any computers or devices. The data and analysis provided by this toolkit can significantly simplify the planning process for migrating to Windows)
non-peak power planstrømstyringsplan uden spidsbelastning (A Configuration Manager power plan that you can configure with power settings that are applied outside peak hours or business hours)
peak power planstrømstyringsplan med spidsbelastning (A Configuration Manager power plan that you can configure with power settings that are applied during the peak hours or business hours that you specify)
PerformancePoint Planning Administration ConsolePerformancePoint-administrationskonsol til planlægning (A thin client that allows members of the global administrator role to make configurations to any computer that is running PerformancePoint Planning Server. Configurations include creating and editing applications, creating and editing model sites, adding users to PerformancePoint Planning Server applications, and adding users to or removing users from the global administrator role, the Modeler role, or the user administrator role)
PerformancePoint Planning Business ModelerPerformancePoint-forretningsplanlægningsmodel (A component of PerformancePoint Planning Server that is the primary interface for designing and managing business applications that perform complex planning, budgeting, forecasting, and consolidation)
PerformancePoint Planning ServerPerformancePoint-planlægningsserver (The Planning server component of PerformancePoint Server. It is an infrastructure that includes everything between the PerformancePoint Server client tier and the SQL Server 2005 databases and SQL Server Analysis Services cubes)
PerformancePoint Planning Server Configuration ManagerKonfigurationsstyring til PerformancePoint-planægningsserver (The administration wizard that is used for configuring Planning Server, including such tasks as adding or removing Web services and creating or provisioning a new system database)
PerformancePoint Planning servicePerformancePoint-planlægningstjeneste (The Windows service that manages and processes the work item queue in Performance Planning Server. PerformancePoint Planning Server work items can include job and cube processing, data writebacks, and audit and trace logging)
Planning Administration ConsoleAdministrationskonsol til planlægning (A thin client that allows members of the global administrator role to make configurations to any computer that is running PerformancePoint Planning Server. Configurations include creating and editing applications, creating and editing model sites, adding users to PerformancePoint Planning Server applications, and adding users to or removing users from the global administrator role, the Modeler role, or the user administrator role)
planning, budgeting, and forecastingplanlægning, budgettering og udarbejdelse af prognoser (The interrelated processes of planning business activities, developing budgets based on the plans, and forecasting future expenditures and revenues based on budgeted and actual data)
Planning Business ModelerForretningsplanlægningsmodel (A component of PerformancePoint Planning Server that is the primary interface for designing and managing business applications that perform complex planning, budgeting, forecasting, and consolidation)
Planning Process ServiceTjenesten Planlægningsproces (The Web service that supports the running of all scheduled and ad-hoc workflow processes and tasks for Planning Server applications)
Planning ServerPlanlægningsserver (The Planning server component of PerformancePoint Server. It is an infrastructure that includes everything between the PerformancePoint Server client tier and the SQL Server 2005 databases and SQL Server Analysis Services cubes)
Planning System DatabaseSystemdatabase (The database that tracks all Planning Server configurations, security, and applications)
Planning Web ServicePlanlægningswebtjeneste (The Web service that is used by Planning Business Modeler and PerformancePoint Add-in for Excel to interact with Planning Server. The Web service supports user authentication, authorization, and the storage and retrieval of information that resides in Planning Server)
Product Development PlanningPlanlægning af produktudvikling (A template that outlines a strategic approach for product development. By understanding your business position in the marketplace, establishing product infrastructure, and a knowledge of your targets and competitors, this template establishes a framework to begin product development)
production planning period templateskabelon til produktionsplanlægningsperiode (A user-defined timetable that is used to structure and display existing product requirements)
risk management planplan for risikostyring (A document defining how risk will be managed throughout the project. It can include identified risks, probabilities, contingency plans and methods for implementing them, and a strategy for allocating resources if a risk event occurs)
sales and operations planningsalgs- og driftsplanlægning (The development of tactical plans that provide management with the ability to strategically direct its businesses to achieve competitive advantage on a continuous basis by integrating customer-focused marketing plans for new and existing product with the management of the supply chain)
service plan templateskabelon for serviceaftale (An XML file used to define the elements of a service plan or a mailbox plan)
Tradeshow Planning, Execution and Wrap-UpPlanlægning, afholdelse og evaluering af udstilling (A template used to help in planning for tradeshows)